7 Optimization TutorialsΒΆ
In this section we demonstrate how to set up basic types of optimization problems. Each short tutorial contains a working example of formulating problems, defining variables and constraints and retrieving solutions.
The conic interface tutorial
Sec. 7.1 (The conic interface tutorial). Linear and conic optimization tutorial using the conic interface. Essential first reading for all users. Shows all the steps of setting up a conic or linear optimization problem, solving it and retrieving the solutions.
Further basic examples covering a variety of cones:
Sec. 7.2 (A gallery of conic examples). Exponential cone, power cone and cone combinations in various settings.
Sec. 7.3 (Geometric Programming). A basic tutorial of geometric programming (GP).
Mixed-integer optimization tutorials (MIO)
Sec. 7.4 (Integer Optimization). Shows how to declare integer variables for linear and conic problems and how to set an initial solution.
Sec. 7.5 (Disjunctive constraints). Demonstrates how to create a problem with disjunctive constraints (DJC).
Infeasibility certificates
Sec. 7.6 (Retrieving infeasibility certificates). Shows how to retrieve and analyze a primal infeasibility certificate for continuous problems.
The linear/simplex interface tutorial
Sec. 7.7 (The linear/simplex interface tutorial). Tutorial for the linear optimization toolbox, intended mainly to solve linear problems when the simplex algorithm is used, basic solution is required or warm-start is exploited.
Sec. 7.8 (The linear/simplex warm-start tutorial). Tutorial for warm-starting the simplex optimizer with the linear optimization toolbox.
For a more in-depth treatment see the following sections:
Sec. 9 (Case Studies) for more advanced and complicated optimization examples.
Sec. 9.1 (Portfolio Optimization) for examples related to portfolio optimization.
Sec. 11 (Problem Formulation and Solutions) for formal mathematical formulations of problems MOSEK can solve, dual problems and infeasibility certificates.