14.2.12 Class Domain


The Domain class defines a set of static method for creating various variable and constraint domains. A Domain object specifies a subset of \(\real^n\), which can be used to define the feasible domain of variables and expressions.

For further details on the use of these, see Model.variable and Model.constraint.

Static members

Domain.axis – Set the dimension along which the cones are created.

Domain.binary – Creates a domain of binary variables.

Domain.equalsTo – Defines the domain consisting of a fixed point.

Domain.greaterThan – Defines the domain specified by a lower bound in each dimension.

Domain.inDExpCone – Defines the dual exponential cone.

Domain.inDGeoMeanCone – Defines the domain of dual geometric mean cones.

Domain.inDPowerCone – Defines the dual power cone.

Domain.inPExpCone – Defines the primal exponential cone.

Domain.inPGeoMeanCone – Defines the domain of primal geometric mean cones.

Domain.inPPowerCone – Defines the primal power cone.

Domain.inPSDCone – Creates a domain of Positive Semidefinite matrices.

Domain.inQCone – Defines the domain of quadratic cones.

Domain.inRange – Creates a domain specified by a range in each dimension.

Domain.inRotatedQCone – Defines the domain of rotated quadratic cones.

Domain.inSVecPSDCone – Creates a domain of vectorized Positive Semidefinite matrices.

Domain.integral – Creates a domain of integral variables.

Domain.isTrilPSD – Creates a domain of Positive Semidefinite matrices.

Domain.lessThan – Defines the domain specified by an upper bound in each dimension.

Domain.sparse – Use a sparse representation.

Domain.symmetric – Impose symmetry on a given linear domain.

Domain.unbounded – Creates a domain in which variables are unbounded.

ConeDomain Domain.axis(ConeDomain c, int a)

Set the dimension along which the cones are created. If this conic domain is used for a variable or expression of dimension \(d\), then the conic constraint will be applicable to all vectors obtained by fixing the coordinates other than \(a\)-th and moving along the \(a\)-th coordinate. If \(d=2\) this can be used to define the conditions “every row of the matrix is in a cone” and “every column of a matrix is in a cone”.

The default is the last dimension \(a=d-1\).

  • c (ConeDomain) – A conic domain.

  • a (int) – The axis.



RangeDomain Domain.binary(int n)
RangeDomain Domain.binary(int m, int n)
RangeDomain Domain.binary(int[] dims)
RangeDomain Domain.binary()

Create a domain of binary variables. A binary domain can only be used when creating variables, but is not allowed in a constraint. Another way of restricting variables to be integers is the method Variable.makeInteger.

  • n (int) – Dimension size.

  • m (int) – Dimension size.

  • dims (int[]) – A list of dimension sizes.



LinearDomain Domain.equalsTo(double b)
LinearDomain Domain.equalsTo(double b, int n)
LinearDomain Domain.equalsTo(double b, int m, int n)
LinearDomain Domain.equalsTo(double b, int[] dims)
LinearDomain Domain.equalsTo(double[] a1)
LinearDomain Domain.equalsTo(double[][] a2)
LinearDomain Domain.equalsTo(double[] a1, int[] dims)
LinearDomain Domain.equalsTo(Matrix mx)

Defines the domain consisting of a fixed point.

  • b (double) – A single value. This is scalable: it means that each element in the variable or constraint is fixed to \(b\).

  • n (int) – Dimension size.

  • m (int) – Dimension size.

  • dims (int[]) – A list of dimension sizes.

  • a1 (double[]) – A one-dimensional array of bounds. The shape must match the variable or constraint with which it is used.

  • a2 (double[][]) – A two-dimensional array of bounds. The shape must match the variable or constraint with which it is used.

  • mx (Matrix) – A matrix of bound values. The shape must match the variable or constraint with which it is used.



LinearDomain Domain.greaterThan(double b)
LinearDomain Domain.greaterThan(double b, int n)
LinearDomain Domain.greaterThan(double b, int m, int n)
LinearDomain Domain.greaterThan(double b, int[] dims)
LinearDomain Domain.greaterThan(double[] a1)
LinearDomain Domain.greaterThan(double[][] a2)
LinearDomain Domain.greaterThan(double[] a1, int[] dims)
LinearDomain Domain.greaterThan(Matrix mx)

Defines the domain specified by a lower bound in each dimension.

  • b (double) – A single value. This is scalable: it means that each element in the variable or constraint is greater than or equal to \(b\).

  • n (int) – Dimension size.

  • m (int) – Dimension size.

  • dims (int[]) – A list of dimension sizes.

  • a1 (double[]) – A one-dimensional array of bounds. The shape must match the variable or constraint with which it is used.

  • a2 (double[][]) – A two-dimensional array of bounds. The shape must match the variable or constraint with which it is used.

  • mx (Matrix) – A matrix of bound values. The shape must match the variable or constraint with which it is used.



ConeDomain Domain.inDExpCone()
ConeDomain Domain.inDExpCone(int m)
ConeDomain Domain.inDExpCone(int[] dims)

Defines the domain of dual exponential cones:

\[\left\{ x\in \real^3 ~:~ x_1 \geq -x_3 e^{-1} e^{x_2/x_3},\ x_1> 0,\ x_3< 0 \right\}\]

The conic domain scales as follows. If a variable or expression constrained to an exponential cone is not a single vector but a \(d\)-dimensional variable then the conic domain is applicable to all vectors obtained by fixing the first \(d-1\) coordinates and moving along the last coordinate. If \(d=2\) it means that each row of a matrix must belong to a cone. See also Domain.axis.

If \(m\) was given the domain is a product of \(m\) such cones.

  • m (int) – The number of cones (default 1).

  • dims (int[]) – Shape of the domain.



ConeDomain Domain.inDGeoMeanCone()
ConeDomain Domain.inDGeoMeanCone(int n)
ConeDomain Domain.inDGeoMeanCone(int m, int n)
ConeDomain Domain.inDGeoMeanCone(int[] dims)

Defines the domain of dual geometric mean cones:

\[\left\{ x\in \real^n ~:~ (n-1) \left(\prod_{i=1}^{n-1} x_i\right)^{1/(n-1)} \geq |x_n|,\ x_1,\ldots,x_{n-1}\geq 0 \right\}\]

The conic domain scales as follows. If a variable or expression constrained to a cone is not a single vector but a \(d\)-dimensional variable then the conic domain is applicable to all vectors obtained by fixing the first \(d-1\) coordinates and moving along the last coordinate. If \(d=2\) it means that each row of a matrix must belong to a cone. See also Domain.axis.

If \(m\) was given the domain is a product of \(m\) such cones.

  • n (int) – The size of each cone; at least 2.

  • m (int) – The number of cones (default 1).

  • dims (int[]) – Shape of the domain.



ConeDomain Domain.inDPowerCone(double alpha)
ConeDomain Domain.inDPowerCone(double alpha, int m)
ConeDomain Domain.inDPowerCone(double alpha, int[] dims)
ConeDomain Domain.inDPowerCone(double[] alphas)
ConeDomain Domain.inDPowerCone(double[] alphas, int m)
ConeDomain Domain.inDPowerCone(double[] alphas, int[] dims)

Defines the domain of dual power cones. For a single double argument alpha it defines the set

\[\left\{ x\in \real^n ~:~ \left(\frac{x_1}{\alpha}\right)^\alpha \left(\frac{x_2}{1-\alpha}\right)^{1-\alpha} \geq \sqrt{\sum_{i=3}^n x_i^2},\ x_1,x_2\geq 0 \right\}.\]

For an array alphas of length \(n_l\), consisting of weights for the cone, it defines the set

\[\left\{ x\in\real^n~:~ \prod_{i=1}^{n_l}\left(\frac{x_i}{\beta_i}\right)^{\beta_i} \geq \sqrt{x_{n_l+1}^2+\cdots+x_n^2},\ x_1,\ldots,x_{n_l}\geq 0 \right\}.\]

where \(\beta_i\) are the weights normalized to add up to \(1\), ie. \(\beta_i=\alpha_i/(\sum_j \alpha_j)\) for \(i=1,\ldots,n_l\).

The conic domain scales as follows. If a variable or expression constrained to a power cone is not a single vector but a \(d\)-dimensional variable then the conic domain is applicable to all vectors obtained by fixing the first \(d-1\) coordinates and moving along the last coordinate. If \(d=2\) it means that each row of a matrix must belong to a cone. See also Domain.axis.

If \(m\) was given the domain is a product of \(m\) such cones.

  • alpha (double) – The exponent of the power cone. Must be between 0 and 1.

  • m (int) – The number of cones (default 1).

  • dims (int[]) – Shape of the domain.

  • alphas (double[]) – The weights of the power cone. Must be positive.



ConeDomain Domain.inPExpCone()
ConeDomain Domain.inPExpCone(int m)
ConeDomain Domain.inPExpCone(int[] dims)

Defines the domain of primal exponential cones:

\[\left\{ x\in \real^3 ~:~ x_1 \geq x_2 e^{x_3/x_2},\ x_1,x_2> 0 \right\}\]

The conic domain scales as follows. If a variable or expression constrained to an exponential cone is not a single vector but a \(d\)-dimensional variable then the conic domain is applicable to all vectors obtained by fixing the first \(d-1\) coordinates and moving along the last coordinate. If \(d=2\) it means that each row of a matrix must belong to a cone. See also Domain.axis.

If \(m\) was given the domain is a product of \(m\) such cones.

  • m (int) – The number of cones (default 1).

  • dims (int[]) – Shape of the domain.



ConeDomain Domain.inPGeoMeanCone()
ConeDomain Domain.inPGeoMeanCone(int n)
ConeDomain Domain.inPGeoMeanCone(int m, int n)
ConeDomain Domain.inPGeoMeanCone(int[] dims)

Defines the domain of primal geometric mean cones:

\[\left\{ x\in \real^n ~:~ \left(\prod_{i=1}^{n-1} x_i\right)^{1/(n-1)} \geq |x_n|,\ x_1\ldots,x_{n-1}\geq 0 \right\}\]

The conic domain scales as follows. If a variable or expression constrained to a cone is not a single vector but a \(d\)-dimensional variable then the conic domain is applicable to all vectors obtained by fixing the first \(d-1\) coordinates and moving along the last coordinate. If \(d=2\) it means that each row of a matrix must belong to a cone. See also Domain.axis.

If \(m\) was given the domain is a product of \(m\) such cones.

  • n (int) – The size of each cone; at least 2.

  • m (int) – The number of cones (default 1).

  • dims (int[]) – Shape of the domain.



ConeDomain Domain.inPPowerCone(double alpha)
ConeDomain Domain.inPPowerCone(double alpha, int m)
ConeDomain Domain.inPPowerCone(double alpha, int[] dims)
ConeDomain Domain.inPPowerCone(double[] alphas)
ConeDomain Domain.inPPowerCone(double[] alphas, int m)
ConeDomain Domain.inPPowerCone(double[] alphas, int[] dims)

Defines the domain of primal power cones. For a single double argument alpha it defines the set

\[\left\{ x\in \real^n ~:~ x_1^\alpha x_2^{1-\alpha} \geq \sqrt{\sum_{i=3}^n x_i^2},\ x_1,x_2\geq 0 \right\}.\]

For an array alphas of length \(n_l\), consisting of weights for the cone, it defines the set

\[\left\{ x\in\real^n~:~ \prod_{i=1}^{n_l}x_i^{\beta_i} \geq \sqrt{x_{n_l+1}^2+\cdots+x_n^2},\ x_1,\ldots,x_{n_l}\geq 0 \right\}.\]

where \(\beta_i\) are the weights normalized to add up to \(1\), ie. \(\beta_i=\alpha_i/(\sum_j \alpha_j)\) for \(i=1,\ldots,n_l\).

The conic domain scales as follows. If a variable or expression constrained to a power cone is not a single vector but a \(d\)-dimensional variable then the conic domain is applicable to all vectors obtained by fixing the first \(d-1\) coordinates and moving along the last coordinate. If \(d=2\) it means that each row of a matrix must belong to a cone. See also Domain.axis.

If \(m\) was given the domain is a product of \(m\) such cones.

  • alpha (double) – The exponent of the power cone. Must be between 0 and 1.

  • m (int) – The number of cones (default 1).

  • dims (int[]) – Shape of the domain.

  • alphas (double[]) – The weights of the power cone. Must be positive.



PSDDomain Domain.inPSDCone()
PSDDomain Domain.inPSDCone(int n)
PSDDomain Domain.inPSDCone(int n, int m)

When used to create a new variable in Model.variable it defines a domain of symmetric positive semidefinite matrices, that is

\[\PSD^n = \left\{ X \in \real^{n\times n} ~:~ X=X^T,\ y^TXy\geq 0,\ \mbox{for all}\ y \right\}.\]

The shape of the result is \(n\times n\). If \(m\) was given the domain is a product of \(m\) such cones, that is of shape \(m\times n\times n\).

When used to impose a constraint in Model.constraint it defines a domain

\[\left\{ X \in \real^{n\times n} ~:~ \half (X + X^T) \in \PSD^n \right\}.\]

i.e. a positive semidefinite matrix without the symmetry assumption.

  • n (int) – Dimension of the PSD matrix.

  • m (int) – Number of matrices (default 1).



ConeDomain Domain.inQCone()
ConeDomain Domain.inQCone(int n)
ConeDomain Domain.inQCone(int m, int n)
ConeDomain Domain.inQCone(int[] dims)

Defines the domain of quadratic cones:

\[\left\{ x\in \real^n ~:~ x_1^2 \geq \sum_{i=2}^n x_i^2,~ x_1 \geq 0 \right\}\]

The conic domain scales as follows. If a variable or expression constrained to a quadratic cone is not a single vector but a \(d\)-dimensional variable then the conic domain is applicable to all vectors obtained by fixing the first \(d-1\) coordinates and moving along the last coordinate. If \(d=2\) it means that each row of a matrix must belong to a cone. See also Domain.axis.

If \(m\) was given the domain is a product of \(m\) such cones.

  • n (int) – The size of each cone; at least 2.

  • m (int) – The number of cones (default 1).

  • dims (int[]) – Shape of the domain.



RangeDomain Domain.inRange(double lb, double ub)
RangeDomain Domain.inRange(double lb, double[] uba)
RangeDomain Domain.inRange(double[] lba, double ub)
RangeDomain Domain.inRange(double[] lba, double[] uba)
RangeDomain Domain.inRange(double lb, double ub, int[] dims)
RangeDomain Domain.inRange(double lb, double[] uba, int[] dims)
RangeDomain Domain.inRange(double[] lba, double ub, int[] dims)
RangeDomain Domain.inRange(double[] lba, double[] uba, int[] dims)
RangeDomain Domain.inRange(double[][] lba, double[][] uba)
RangeDomain Domain.inRange(Matrix lbm, Matrix ubm)

Creates a domain specified by a range in each dimension.

  • lb (double) – The lower bound as a common scalar value.

  • ub (double) – The upper bound as a common scalar value.

  • uba (double[]) – The upper bounds as an array.

  • uba (double[][]) – The upper bounds as an array.

  • lba (double[]) – The lower bounds as an array.

  • lba (double[][]) – The lower bounds as an array.

  • dims (int[]) – A list of dimension sizes.

  • lbm (Matrix) – The lower bounds as a Matrix object.

  • ubm (Matrix) – The upper bounds as a Matrix object.



ConeDomain Domain.inRotatedQCone()
ConeDomain Domain.inRotatedQCone(int n)
ConeDomain Domain.inRotatedQCone(int m, int n)
ConeDomain Domain.inRotatedQCone(int[] dims)

Defines the domain of rotated quadratic cones:

\[\left\{ x\in\real^n ~:~ 2x_1 x_2 \geq \sum_{i=3}^n x_i^2,~ x_1,x_2 \geq 0 \right\}\]

The conic domain scales as follows. If a variable or expression constrained to a quadratic cone is not a single vector but a \(d\)-dimensional variable then the conic domain is applicable to all vectors obtained by fixing the first \(d-1\) coordinates and moving along the last coordinate. If \(d=2\) it means that each row of a matrix must belong to a cone. See also Domain.axis.

If \(m\) was given the domain is a product of \(m\) such cones.

  • n (int) – The size of each cone; at least 3.

  • m (int) – The number of cones (default 1).

  • dims (int[]) – Shape of the domain.



ConeDomain Domain.inSVecPSDCone()
ConeDomain Domain.inSVecPSDCone(int n)
ConeDomain Domain.inSVecPSDCone(int d1, int d2)
ConeDomain Domain.inSVecPSDCone(int[] dims)

Creates a domain of vectorized Positive Semidefinite matrices:

\[\{(x_1,\ldots,x_{d(d+1)/2})\in \real^n~:~ \mathrm{sMat}(x)\in\PSD^d\} = \{\mathrm{sVec}(X)~:~X\in\PSD^d\},\]


\[\mathrm{sVec}(X) = (X_{11},\sqrt{2}X_{21},\ldots,\sqrt{2}X_{d1},X_{22},\sqrt{2}X_{32},\ldots,X_{dd}),\]


\[\begin{split}\mathrm{sMat}(x) = \left[\begin{array}{cccc}x_1 & x_2/\sqrt{2} & \cdots & x_{d}/\sqrt{2} \\ x_2/\sqrt{2} & x_{d+1} & \cdots & x_{2d-1}/\sqrt{2} \\ \cdots & \cdots & \cdots & \cdots \\ x_{d}/\sqrt{2} & x_{2d-1}/\sqrt{2} & \cdots & x_{d(d+1)/2}\end{array}\right].\end{split}\]

In other words, the domain consists of vectorizations of the lower-triangular part of a positive semidefinite matrix, with the non-diagonal elements additionally rescaled.

  • n (int) – Length of the vectorization - this must be of the form \(d*(d+1)/2\) for some positive integer \(d\).

  • d1 (int) – Size of first dimension of the domain.

  • d2 (int) – Size of second dimension of the domain.

  • dims (int[]) – Shape of the domain.



ConeDomain Domain.integral(ConeDomain c)
LinearDomain Domain.integral(LinearDomain ld)
RangeDomain Domain.integral(RangeDomain rd)

Modify a given domain restricting its elements to be integral. An integral domain can only be used when creating variables, but is not allowed in a constraint. Another way of restricting variables to be integers is the method Variable.makeInteger.

PSDDomain Domain.isTrilPSD()
PSDDomain Domain.isTrilPSD(int n)
PSDDomain Domain.isTrilPSD(int n, int m)

Creates an object representing a cone of the form

\[\left\{ X \in \real^{n\times n} ~:~ \mbox{tril}(X) \in \PSD^n \right\}.\]

i.e. the lower triangular part of \(X\) defines the symmetric matrix that is positive semidefinite. The shape of the result is \(n\times n\). If \(m\) was given the domain is a product of \(m\) such cones, that is of shape \(m\times n\times n\).

  • n (int) – Dimension of the PSD matrix.

  • m (int) – Number of matrices (default 1).



LinearDomain Domain.lessThan(double b)
LinearDomain Domain.lessThan(double b, int n)
LinearDomain Domain.lessThan(double b, int m, int n)
LinearDomain Domain.lessThan(double b, int[] dims)
LinearDomain Domain.lessThan(double[] a1)
LinearDomain Domain.lessThan(double[][] a2)
LinearDomain Domain.lessThan(double[] a1, int[] dims)
LinearDomain Domain.lessThan(Matrix mx)

Defines the domain specified by an upper bound in each dimension.

  • b (double) – A single value. This is scalable: it means that each element in the variable or constraint is less than or equal to \(b\).

  • n (int) – Dimension size.

  • m (int) – Dimension size.

  • dims (int[]) – A list of dimension sizes.

  • a1 (double[]) – A one-dimensional array of bounds. The shape must match the variable or constraint with which it is used.

  • a2 (double[][]) – A two-dimensional array of bounds. The shape must match the variable or constraint with which it is used.

  • mx (Matrix) – A matrix of bound values. The shape must match the variable or constraint with which it is used.



LinearDomain Domain.sparse(LinearDomain ld, int[] sparsity)
LinearDomain Domain.sparse(LinearDomain ld, int[][] sparsity)
RangeDomain Domain.sparse(RangeDomain rd, int[] sparsity)
RangeDomain Domain.sparse(RangeDomain rd, int[][] sparsity)

Given a linear domain, this method explicitly suggest to Fusion that a sparse representation is helpful.

  • ld (LinearDomain) – The linear sparse domain.

  • sparsity (int[]) – Sparsity pattern.

  • sparsity (int[][]) – Sparsity pattern.

  • rd (RangeDomain) – The ranged sparse domain.

SymmetricLinearDomain Domain.symmetric(LinearDomain ld)
SymmetricRangeDomain Domain.symmetric(RangeDomain rd)

Given a linear domain \(D\) whose shape is that of square matrices, this method returns a domain consisting of symmetric matrices in \(D\).

  • ld (LinearDomain) – The linear domain to be symmetrized.

  • rd (RangeDomain) – The ranged domain to be symmetrized.

LinearDomain Domain.unbounded()
LinearDomain Domain.unbounded(int n)
LinearDomain Domain.unbounded(int m, int n)
LinearDomain Domain.unbounded(int[] dims)

Creates a domain in which variables are unbounded.

  • n (int) – Dimension size.

  • m (int) – Dimension size.

  • dims (int[]) – A list of dimension sizes.

