17 List of examples

List of examples shipped in the distribution of Optimizer API for Rust:

Table 17.1 List of distributed examples




A simple problem with one affine conic constraint (ACC)


A simple problem with two affine conic constraints (ACC)


Demonstrates the MOSEK interface to BLAS/LAPACK linear algebra routines


An example of data/progress callback


A simple conic exponential problem


Implementation of a concurrent optimizer for linear and mixed-integer problems


A simple conic quadratic problem


A simple problem with disjunctive constraints (DJC)


A simple example of how to repair an infeasible problem


A simple geometric program (GP) in conic form


A Hello World example


A simple linear problem


A simple linear problem


Implements logistic regression and simple log-sum-exp (CEO)


A simple mixed-integer conic problem


A simple mixed-integer linear problem


A simple mixed-integer linear problem with an initial guess


Uses MOSEK OptServer to solve an optimization problem asynchronously


Uses MOSEK OptServer to solve an optimization problem synchronously


Demonstrates parallel optimization using a batch method in MOSEK


Shows how to set optimizer parameters and read information items


Shows how to obtain and analyze a primal infeasibility certificate


Portfolio optimization - basic Markowitz model


Portfolio optimization - efficient frontier


Portfolio optimization - market impact costs


Portfolio optimization - transaction costs


Portfolio optimization - cardinality constraints


Portfolio optimization - factor model


A simple power cone problem


A simple quadratically constrained quadratic problem


A simple quadratic problem


Demonstrate how to modify and re-optimize a linear problem


Demonstrates proper response handling


A simple semidefinite problem with one matrix variable and a quadratic cone


A simple semidefinite problem with two matrix variables


A simple semidefinite problem with an LMI using the SVEC domain.


Sensitivity analysis performed on a small linear problem


A simple I/O example: read problem from a file, solve and write solutions


Demonstrates how to examine the quality of a solution


Demonstrates solving a linear system with the basis matrix


Demonstrates solving a general linear system


Shows how to find a Cholesky factorization of a sparse matrix

Additional examples can be found on the MOSEK website and in other MOSEK publications.


Listing 17.1 acc1.rs Click here to download.
//!  Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//!  File : acc1.rs
//!  Purpose :   Tutorial example for affine conic constraints.
//!              Models the problem:
//!              maximize c^T x
//!              subject to  sum(x) = 1
//!                          gamma >= |Gx+h|_2

extern crate mosek;
extern crate itertools;
use mosek::{Task,Objsense,Streamtype,Solsta,Soltype,Boundkey};

// Define problem data
const n : i32 = 3;
const k : i64 = 2;

fn main() -> Result<(),String> {
    // Create a task
    let mut task = match Task::new() {
        Some(e) => e,
        None => return Err("Failed to create task".to_string()),
    // Attach a printer to the task
    task.put_stream_callback(Streamtype::LOG, |msg| print!("{}",msg))?;
    // Create n free variables

    let x : Vec<i32> = (0..n).collect();
    task.put_var_bound_slice_const(0, n, Boundkey::FR, 0.0, 0.0)?;

    // Set up the objective
    let c = &[2.0, 3.0, -1.0];
    task.put_c_list(x.as_slice(), c)?;

    // One linear constraint - sum(x) = 1
    task.put_a_row(0,x.as_slice(), vec![1.0; n as usize].as_slice())?;
    task.put_con_bound(0, Boundkey::FX, 1.0, 1.0)?;

    // Append empty AFE rows for affine expression storage
    task.append_afes(k + 1)?;

    // G matrix in sparse form
    let Gsubi : &[i64] = &[0, 0, 1, 1];
    let Gsubj : &[i32] = &[0, 1, 0, 2];
    let Gval           = &[1.5, 0.1, 0.3, 2.1];
    // Other data
    let h     = &[0.0, 0.1];
    let gamma = 0.03;

    // Construct F matrix in sparse form
    let Fsubi : Vec<i64> = Gsubi.iter().map(|i| *i+1).collect(); // G will be placed from row number 1 in F
    let Fsubj = Gsubj;
    let Fval  = Gval;

    // Fill in F storage
    task.put_afe_f_entry_list(Fsubi.as_slice(), Fsubj, Fval)?;
    // Fill in g storage
    task.put_afe_g(0, gamma)?;
    task.put_afe_g_slice(1, k+1, h)?;

    // Define a conic quadratic domain
    let quadDom = task.append_quadratic_cone_domain(k + 1)?;

    // Create the ACC
    task.append_acc(quadDom,    // Domain index
                    (0..k+1).collect::<Vec<i64>>().as_slice(), // Indices of AFE rows [0,...,k]
                    vec![0.0; (k+1) as usize].as_slice())?;       // Ignored

    // Solve and retrieve solution
    let _ = task.optimize()?;
    let mut xx = vec![0.0; n as usize];

    assert!(task.get_sol_sta(Soltype::ITR)? == Solsta::OPTIMAL);
    println!("Solution: {:?}",xx);

    // Demonstrate retrieving activity of ACC
    let mut activity = vec![0.0; (k+1) as usize];
    let mut doty     = vec![0.0; (k+1) as usize];

    println!("Activity of ACC:: {:?}",activity);

    // Demonstrate retrieving the dual of ACC
    println!("Dual of ACC:: {:?}",doty);


fn maxgap(a : &[f64], b : &[f64]) -> f64 {
    a.iter().zip(b.iter()).map(|(&a,&b)| (a - b).abs()).max_by(|a,b| if a < b { std::cmp::Ordering::Less } else if b < a { std::cmp::Ordering::Greater } else {std::cmp::Ordering::Equal} ).unwrap()
fn dot(a : &[f64], b : &[f64]) -> f64 {
    a.iter().zip(b.iter()).map(|(&a,&b)| (a * b)).sum()

mod tests {
    fn test() {


Listing 17.2 acc2.rs Click here to download.
//!  Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//!  File : acc2.rs
//!  Purpose :   Tutorial example for affine conic constraints.
//!              Models the problem:
//!              maximize c^T x
//!              subject to  sum(x) = 1
//!                          gamma >= |Gx+h|_2
//!              This version inputs the linear constraint as an affine conic constraint.
extern crate mosek;
extern crate itertools;
use mosek::{Task,Objsense,Streamtype,Solsta,Soltype,Boundkey};

fn main() -> Result<(),String> {
    // Define problem data
    const n : i32 = 3;
    const k : i64 = 2;

    // Create a task
    let mut task = match Task::new() {
        Some(e) => e,
        None => return Err("Failed to create task".to_string()),
    // Attach a printer to the task
    task.put_stream_callback(Streamtype::LOG, |msg| print!("{}",msg))?;
    // Create n free variables
    let x : Vec<i32> = (0..n).collect();

    task.put_var_bound_slice_const(0, n, Boundkey::FR, 0.0,0.0)?;

    // Set up the objective
    let c = &[2.0, 3.0, -1.0];
    task.put_c_list(x.as_slice(), c)?;

    // Set AFE rows representing the linear constraint
    task.put_afe_f_row(0, x.as_slice(), vec![1.0; n as usize].as_slice())?;
    task.put_afe_g(0, -1.0)?;

    // Set AFE rows representing the quadratic constraint
    task.append_afes(k + 1)?;
    task.put_afe_f_row(2,             // afeidx, row number
                    &[0i32, 1],    // varidx, column numbers
                    &[1.5, 0.1])?; // values
    task.put_afe_f_row(3,          // afeidx, row number
                    &[0i32, 2],     // varidx, column numbers
                    &[0.3, 2.1])?; // values

    let h = &[0.0, 0.1];
    let gamma = 0.03;
    task.put_afe_g(1, gamma)?;
    task.put_afe_g_slice(2, k+2, h)?;

    // Define domains
    let zero_dom = task.append_rzero_domain(1)?;
    let quad_dom = task.append_quadratic_cone_domain(k + 1)?;

    // Append affine conic constraints
    task.append_acc(zero_dom,    // Domain index
                    &[0i64],        // Indices of AFE rows
                    &[0.0])?;       // Ignored
    task.append_acc(quad_dom,    // Domain index
                   &[1i64,2,3],    // Indices of AFE rows
                   &[0.0,0.0,0.0])?; // Ignored

    // Solve and retrieve solution
    let _ = task.optimize()?;
    let mut xx = vec![0.0; n as usize];
    assert! (task.get_sol_sta(Soltype::ITR)? == Solsta::OPTIMAL);
    println!("Solution: {:?}",xx);

    // Demonstrate retrieving activity of ACC
    let mut activity = vec![0.0; 3];
    let mut doty     = vec![0.0; 3];
    println!("Activity of quadratic ACC:: {:?}",activity);

    // Demonstrate retrieving the dual of ACC
    println!("Dual of quadratic ACC:: {:?}",doty);


fn maxgap(a : &[f64], b : &[f64]) -> f64 {
    a.iter().zip(b.iter()).map(|(&a,&b)| (a - b).abs()).max_by(|a,b| if a < b { std::cmp::Ordering::Less } else if b < a { std::cmp::Ordering::Greater } else {std::cmp::Ordering::Equal} ).unwrap()
fn dot(a : &[f64], b : &[f64]) -> f64 {
    a.iter().zip(b.iter()).map(|(&a,&b)| (a * b)).sum()

mod tests {
    fn test() {


Listing 17.3 blas_lapack.rs Click here to download.
//!  Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//!  File : blas_lapack.rs
//!  Purpose: To demonstrate how to call BLAS/LAPACK routines for
//!           which MOSEK provides simplified interfaces.
extern crate mosek;

fn print_matrix(x : &[f64], r : i32, c : i32) {
    let mut k = 0usize;
    println!(" {:?}",&x[k..k+c as usize]); k += c as usize;
    for _i in 1..r  {
        println!("  {:?}",&x[k..k+c as usize]);

fn main() -> Result<(),String> {

    let n = 3i32;
    let m = 2i32;
    let k = 3i32;

    let alpha = 2.0;
    let beta  = 0.5;
    let x    = &[1.0, 1.0, 1.0];
    let mut y = vec![1.0, 2.0, 3.0];
    let mut z = vec![1.0, 1.0];
    let A    = &[1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0];
    let B    = &[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0];
    let mut C = vec![1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0];
    let mut D = vec![1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0];
    let mut Q = vec![1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0];
    let mut v = vec![0.0, 0.0, 0.0];

    let mut xy : f64 = 0.0;

    /* BLAS routines*/
    println!("n={} m={} k={}", m, n, k);
    println!("alpha={}", alpha);
    println!("beta={}", beta);

    mosek::dot(n,x,y.as_slice(),& mut xy)?;
    println!("dot results = {}\n", xy);

    print_matrix(x, 1, n);
    print_matrix(y.as_slice(), 1, n);

    mosek::axpy(n, alpha, x, y.as_mut_slice())?;
    println!("axpy results is:\n");
    print_matrix(y.as_slice(), 1, n);

    mosek::gemv(mosek::Transpose::NO, m, n, alpha, A, x, beta, z.as_mut_slice())?;
    println!("gemv results is:");
    print_matrix(z.as_slice(), 1, m);

    mosek::gemm(mosek::Transpose::NO, mosek::Transpose::NO, m, n, k, alpha, A, B, beta, C.as_mut_slice())?;
    println!("gemm results is");
    print_matrix(C.as_slice(), m, n);

    mosek::syrk(mosek::Uplo::LO, mosek::Transpose::NO, m, k, 1., A, beta, D.as_mut_slice())?;
    println!("syrk results is");
    print_matrix(D.as_slice(), m, m);

    /* LAPACK routines*/

    mosek::potrf(mosek::Uplo::LO, m, Q.as_mut_slice())?;
    println!("potrf results is");
    print_matrix(Q.as_slice(), m, m);

    mosek::syeig(mosek::Uplo::LO, m, Q.as_slice(), & mut v[0..m as usize])?;
    println!("syeig results is");
    print_matrix(v.as_slice(), 1, m);

    mosek::syevd(mosek::Uplo::LO, m, Q.as_mut_slice(), &mut v[0..m as usize])?;
    println!("syevd results is");
    print_matrix(v.as_slice(), 1, m);
    print_matrix(Q.as_slice(), m, m);


mod tests {
    fn test() {


Listing 17.4 callback.rs Click here to download.
//!  Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//!  File : callback.rs
//!  Purpose :   To demonstrate how to use the progress
//!              callback.
//!              Use this script as follows:
//!               callback psim  25fv47.mps
//!               callback dsim  25fv47.mps
//!               callback intpnt 25fv47.mps
//!              The first argument tells which optimizer to use
//!              i.e. psim is primal simplex, dsim is dual simplex
//!              and intpnt is interior-point.

extern crate mosek;

use std::env;
use mosek::{Task,Streamtype,Iparam,Optimizertype,Callbackcode,Dinfitem,Iinfitem};

const MAXTIME : f64 = 0.05;

fn callback(caller : i32, dinf : &[f64], iinf : &[i32], _linf : &[i64]) -> bool {
    let mut opttime = 0.0;
    match caller {
        Callbackcode::BEGIN_INTPNT =>
            println!("Starting interior-point optimizer"),
        Callbackcode::INTPNT => {
            let itrn  = iinf[Iinfitem::INTPNT_ITER as usize];
            let pobj  = dinf[Dinfitem::INTPNT_PRIMAL_OBJ as usize];
            let dobj  = dinf[Dinfitem::INTPNT_DUAL_OBJ as usize];
            let stime = dinf[Dinfitem::INTPNT_TIME as usize];
            opttime   = dinf[Dinfitem::OPTIMIZER_TIME as usize];

            println!("Iterations: {:-3}",itrn);
            println!("  Elapsed time: {:6.2}({:.2})",opttime, stime);
            println!("  Primal obj.: {:-18.6e}  Dual obj.: {:-18.6e}",pobj, dobj);
        Callbackcode::END_INTPNT => 
            println!("Interior-point optimizer finished."),
        Callbackcode::BEGIN_PRIMAL_SIMPLEX =>
            println!("Primal simplex optimizer started."),
        Callbackcode::UPDATE_PRIMAL_SIMPLEX => {
            let itrn  = iinf[Iinfitem::SIM_PRIMAL_ITER as usize];
            let pobj  = dinf[Dinfitem::SIM_OBJ as usize];
            let stime = dinf[Dinfitem::SIM_TIME as usize];
            opttime   = dinf[Dinfitem::OPTIMIZER_TIME as usize];
            println!("Iterations: {:-3}",itrn);
            println!("  Elapsed time: {:6.2}({:.2})",opttime, stime);
            println!("  Obj.: {:-18.6e}",pobj);
        Callbackcode::END_PRIMAL_SIMPLEX =>
            println!("Primal simplex optimizer finished."),
        Callbackcode::BEGIN_DUAL_SIMPLEX =>
            println!("Dual simplex optimizer started."),
        Callbackcode::UPDATE_DUAL_SIMPLEX => {
            let itrn  = iinf[Iinfitem::SIM_DUAL_ITER as usize];
            let pobj  = dinf[Dinfitem::SIM_OBJ as usize];
            let stime = dinf[Dinfitem::SIM_TIME as usize];
            opttime   = dinf[Dinfitem::OPTIMIZER_TIME as usize];
            println!("Iterations: {:-3}", itrn);
            println!("  Elapsed time: {:6.2}({:.2})",opttime,stime);
            println!("  Obj.: {:-18.6e}",pobj);
        Callbackcode::END_DUAL_SIMPLEX =>
            println!("Dual simplex optimizer finished."),
        Callbackcode::NEW_INT_MIO => {
            println!("New integer solution has been located.");
            // let mut xx = vec![0.0; ]
            // xx = task.get_xx(Soltype::ITG);
            // println!(xx);
            println!("Obj.: {}",dinf[Dinfitem::MIO_OBJ_INT as usize]);
        _ => {

    if opttime >= MAXTIME {
        // mosek is spending too much time. Terminate it.
    else {

enum FileOrText<'a> {
    File(& 'a str),
    Text(&'a str)

fn main() -> Result<(),String> {
    let args : Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
    if args.len() < 3 {
        println!("Syntax: callback (psim|dsim|intpnt) FILENAME");


fn callbackmain(which : &str, data : FileOrText) -> Result<(),String> {
    /* Create the optimization task. */
    let mut task = Task::new().unwrap();
    match data {
        FileOrText::Text(data)  => { task.read_ptf_string(data)? },
        FileOrText::File(fname) => { task.read_data(fname)? }


    match which {
        "psim"   => task.put_int_param(Iparam::OPTIMIZER,Optimizertype::PRIMAL_SIMPLEX)?,
        "dsim"   => task.put_int_param(Iparam::OPTIMIZER,Optimizertype::DUAL_SIMPLEX)?,
        "intpnt" => task.put_int_param(Iparam::OPTIMIZER,Optimizertype::INTPNT)?,
        s => return Err(format!("Invalid argument '{}'",s))

    /* Directs the log task stream to the 'printstr' function. */
        & mut |msg| print!("{}",msg),
                & mut callback,


mod tests {
    const DFLT_FILE : &str = "Task
    Maximize + 3 @x0 + @x1 + 5 @x2 + @x3
    @c0 [30] + 3 @x0 + @x1 + 2 @x2
    @c1 [15;+inf] + 2 @x0 + @x1 + 3 @x2 + @x3
    @c2 [-inf;25] + 2 @x1 + 3 @x3
    @x0 [0;+inf]
    @x1 [0;10]
    @x2 [0;+inf]
    @x3 [0;+inf]
    fn test() {
        super::callbackmain("psim",   super::FileOrText::Text(DFLT_FILE) ).unwrap();
        super::callbackmain("dsim",   super::FileOrText::Text(DFLT_FILE) ).unwrap();
        super::callbackmain("intpnt", super::FileOrText::Text(DFLT_FILE) ).unwrap();


Listing 17.5 ceo1.rs Click here to download.
//!   Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//!   File : ceo1.rs
//!   Description:
//!       Demonstrates how to solve a small conic exponential
//!       optimization problem using the MOSEK API.
//!       Min x1 + x2
//!       Such that
//!           x1 + x2 + x3 = 1.0
//!           |1    |   |x1|
//!           |  1  | x |x2| in K_exp
//!           |    1|   |x3|
//!           x1,x2,x3 are free
extern crate mosek;

use mosek::{Task,Boundkey,Objsense,Streamtype,Solsta,Soltype};

const INF : f64 = 0.0;

fn main() -> Result<(),String> {
    let numcon = 1;
    let numvar = 3;

    let bkc = mosek::Boundkey::FX;
    let blc = 1.0;
    let buc = 1.0;

    let bkx = vec![ Boundkey::FR,
                    Boundkey::FR ];
    let blx = vec![ -INF, -INF, -INF ];
    let bux = vec![ INF, INF, INF ];
    let c   = vec![ 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ];
    let a   = vec![ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ];
    let asub = vec![0, 1, 2];
    //let csub = new int[numvar];
    //double[] xx  = new double[numvar];

    /* Create the optimization task. */
    Task::new().expect("Failed to create task")
            &mut|msg| print!("{}",msg),
            |task| task.with_callback(
                &mut |caller| { println!("caller = {}",caller); false },
                |task| {
                    /* Append 'numcon' empty constraints.
                       The constraints will initially have no bounds. */

                      /* Append 'numvar' variables.
                         The variables will initially be fixed at zero (x=0). */

                    /* Define the linear part of the problem */
                    task.put_c_slice(0, numvar, c.as_slice())?;
                    task.put_a_row(0, asub.as_slice(), a.as_slice())?;
                    task.put_con_bound(0, bkc, blc, buc)?;
                    task.put_var_bound_slice(0, numvar, bkx.as_slice(), blx.as_slice(), bux.as_slice())?;

                    /* Add a conic constraint */
                    let afeidxs = vec![0,  1,  2  ];
                    let b       = vec![0.0,0.0,0.0];
                    let domidx  = task.append_primal_exp_cone_domain()?;


                    /* Solve the problem */
                    // Print a summary containing information
                    // about the solution for debugging purposes

                    /* Get status information about the solution */
                    let solsta = task.get_sol_sta(Soltype::ITR)?;

                    assert!(solsta == Solsta::OPTIMAL);
                    let mut xx = vec![0.0; numvar as usize];
                    task.get_xx(Soltype::ITR, & mut xx[..])?;
                    println!("Optimal primal solution");
                    for j in 0..numvar as usize {
                        println!("x[{}]: {:.4}",j,xx[j]);

mod tests {
    fn test() {


Listing 17.6 concurrent1.rs Click here to download.
//!  Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//!  File : concurrent1.rs
//!  Purpose: Demonstrates a simple implementation of a concurrent optimizer.
//!           The concurrent optimizer starts a few parallel optimizations
//!           of the same problem using different algorithms, and reports
//!           a solution when the first optimizer is ready.
//!           This example also demonstrates how to define a simple callback handler
//!           that stops the optimizer when requested.

extern crate mosek;

use mosek::{Task,Objsense,Streamtype,Solsta,Soltype};
use std::sync::{Arc,Mutex};
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::thread;
use std::env;

fn optimize(mut t : mosek::Task, stop : Arc<Mutex<bool>>) -> Option<(i32,mosek::Task)> {
    let cbstop = Arc::clone(&stop);
    if let Some(trm) = t.with_callback(
        &mut |_| cbstop.lock().and_then(|p| Ok(*p)).unwrap_or(false),
            if let Ok(trm) = task.optimize() {
                let mut st = stop.lock().unwrap();
                *st = true;
            } else {
            }) {
    else {

fn optimize_concurrent(task       : &mut mosek::Task,
                       optimizers : &[i32]) -> Vec<(usize,i32,mosek::Task)> {
    let stop = Arc::new(Mutex::new(false));
                    if let Some(mut t) = task.clone() {
                        if let Err(_) = t.put_int_param(mosek::Iparam::OPTIMIZER, ot as i32) { None }
                        else {
                            let stopopt = Arc::clone(&stop);
                            Some((i,thread::spawn(move || optimize(t,stopopt))))
                    else { None })
                    match th.join().unwrap() {
                        None => None,
                        Some((r,t)) => Some((i,r,t)) } )

fn optimize_concurrent_mio(task  : & mut mosek::Task,
                           seeds : &[i32]) -> Vec<(usize,i32,mosek::Task)> {
    let stop = Arc::new(Mutex::new(false));

        .filter_map(|(i,&seed)| {
            if let Some(mut t) = task.clone() {
                if let Err(_) = t.put_int_param(mosek::Iparam::MIO_SEED, seed) { None }
                else {
                    let stopopt = Arc::clone(&stop);
                    Some((i,thread::spawn(move || optimize(t,stopopt))))
            else { None }})
                    match th.join().unwrap() {
                        None => None,
                        Some((r,t)) => Some((i,r,t)) } )

enum FileOrText {
fn main() -> Result<(),String> {
    let mut args = env::args();
    if args.len() < 2 {
        println!("Syntax: concurrent1 FILENAME [ TIMELIMIT ]");
        return Err("Invalid argument list".to_string());
    let _ = args.next();
    let filename = args.next().unwrap();
    let timelimit = args.next();

fn concurrent1(data : FileOrText, timelimit : Option<String>) -> Result<(),String> {
    /* Create the optimization task. */
    let mut task = match Task::new() {
        Some(e) => e,
        None => return Err("Failed to create task".to_string()),

    match data {
        FileOrText::File(fname) => task.read_data(fname.as_str())?,
        FileOrText::Text(text)  => task.read_ptf_string(text.as_str())?
    if let Some(timelimit) = timelimit {
        task.put_dou_param(mosek::Dparam::OPTIMIZER_MAX_TIME, timelimit.parse().unwrap())?;

    let numintvar = task.get_num_int_var()?;

    let r = if numintvar == 0 {
        let optimizers = &[mosek::Optimizertype::CONIC,
        optimize_concurrent(& mut task, optimizers)
    else {
        let seeds = &[ 42, 13, 71749373 ];
        optimize_concurrent_mio(& mut task, seeds)

    let sense = task.get_obj_sense()?;
    // Pick the feasible result. For non-integer problems all
    // solutions should be the same if more than one is returned, but
    // for integer problems tasks may have hit the time limit and
    // returned non-optimal solutions.

    let n = r.len();

    if n == 0 {
        println!("All optimizers failed.");
    else if numintvar > 0 {
        let (ii,_,tasks) = split3vec(r);

        let pobjs : Vec<(usize,f64)> =
                match (*t).solution_def(Soltype::ITG) {
                    Ok(true) => match t.get_sol_sta(Soltype::ITG).unwrap() {
                        Solsta::PRIM_FEAS|Solsta::INTEGER_OPTIMAL => Some((k,t.get_primal_obj(Soltype::ITG).unwrap())),
                        _ => None
                    _ => None

        let &(besti,bestobj) = pobjs.iter()
                    match sense {
                        Objsense::MAXIMIZE => if o1 < o2 {Ordering::Less} else if o2 < o1 {Ordering::Greater} else {Ordering::Equal},
                        _ => if o1 > o2 {Ordering::Less} else if o2 > o1 {Ordering::Greater} else {Ordering::Equal}

                &mut |msg| print!("{}",msg),
                |t| { 

        println!("{} optimizers succeeded:",pobjs.len());
        for &(k,v) in pobjs.iter() {
            println!("Optimizer with seed #{} produced result : {:.5e}",ii[k],v);

        println!("\tBest solution is #{}: {:.5e}",ii[besti],bestobj);
    else {
        let (ii,_,tasks) = split3vec(r);

        let pobjs : Vec<(usize,f64)> =
                        match t.get_sol_sta(Soltype::BAS) {
                            Ok(Solsta::PRIM_FEAS)|Ok(Solsta::OPTIMAL) => Some((k,t.get_primal_obj(Soltype::BAS).unwrap())),
                            _ => None
                        }.or_else(|| match t.get_sol_sta(Soltype::ITR) {
                            Ok(Solsta::PRIM_FEAS)|Ok(Solsta::OPTIMAL) => Some((k,t.get_primal_obj(Soltype::ITR).unwrap())),
                            _ => None

        let &(besti,bestobj) = pobjs.iter()
                    match sense {
                        Objsense::MAXIMIZE => if o1 < o2 {Ordering::Less} else if o2 < o1 {Ordering::Greater} else {Ordering::Equal},
                        _ => if o1 > o2 {Ordering::Less} else if o2 > o1 {Ordering::Greater} else {Ordering::Equal}

                &mut|msg| print!("{}",msg),
                |t| {

        println!("{} optimizers succeeded:",pobjs.len());
        for &(k,v) in pobjs.iter() {
            println!("Optimizer with seed #{} produced result : {:.5e}",ii[k],v);

        println!("\tBest solution is #{}: {:.5e}",ii[besti],bestobj);


fn drop_except<A>(mut a : Vec<A>, idx : usize ) -> Option<A> {
    if idx >= a.len() { None }
    else {
        for _i in 0..a.len()-idx-1 { let _ = a.pop(); }

fn split3vec<A,B,C>(mut v : Vec<(A,B,C)>) -> (Vec<A>,Vec<B>,Vec<C>) {
    let mut ra = Vec::with_capacity(v.len());
    let mut rb = Vec::with_capacity(v.len());
    let mut rc = Vec::with_capacity(v.len());

    while let Some((va,vb,vc)) = v.pop() {


mod tests {
    const DFLT_FILE1 : &str = "Task
    Maximize + 2 @x0 + 3 @x1 - @x2
    @c0 [1] + @x0 + @x1 + @x2
    @C0 [QUAD(3)]
        @ac1: + 0.03
        @ac2: + 1.5 @x0 + 0.1 @x1
        @ac3: + 0.3 @x0 + 2.1 @x2 + 0.1

    const DFLT_FILE2 : &str = "Task
    Maximize + @x0 + 0.64 @x1
    @c0 [-inf;250] + 50 @x0 + 31 @x1
    @c1 [-4;+inf] + 3 @x0 - 2 @x1
    @x0 @x1
    fn test() {


Listing 17.7 cqo1.rs Click here to download.
//!  Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//!  File : cqo1.rs
//!  Purpose:   To demonstrate how to solve a small conic quadratic
//!             optimization problem using the MOSEK API.
extern crate mosek;
extern crate itertools;

const INF : f64 = 0.0;

use mosek::{Task,Streamtype,Solsta,Soltype};
use itertools::izip;

fn main() -> Result<(),String>
    let numvar  : i32 = 6;
    let numcon  : i32 = 1;

    let bkc = &[ mosek::Boundkey::FX ];
    let blc = &[ 1.0 ];
    let buc = &[ 1.0 ];

    let bkx = &[ mosek::Boundkey::LO,
    let blx = &[ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -INF, -INF, -INF ];
    let bux = &[ INF, INF, INF,  INF,  INF,  INF ];
    let c   = &[ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,  1.0,  1.0,  1.0 ];

    let asub  = &[0, 1, 2];
    let aval  = &[1.0, 1.0, 1.0];

    /* Create the optimization task. */
    let mut task = match Task::new() {
        Some(e) => e,
        None => return Err("Failed to create task".to_string()),

    task.put_stream_callback(Streamtype::LOG, |msg| print!("{}",msg))?;

    /* Append 'numcon' empty constraints.
     * The constraints will initially have no bounds. */

    /* Append 'numvar' variables.
     * The variables will initially be fixed at zero (x=0). */

    for (j,&cj,&bkj,&blj,&buj) in izip!(0..numvar,c,bkx,blx,bux) {
        /* Set the linear term c_j in the objective.*/

        /* Set the bounds on variable j.
         * blx[j] <= x_j <= bux[j] */
        task.put_var_bound( j,    /* Index of variable.*/
                            bkj,      /* Bound key.*/
                            blj,      /* Numerical value of lower bound.*/
                            buj)?;     /* Numerical value of upper bound.*/

    /* Input columns of A */
    task.put_a_row(0, asub, aval)?;

    /* Set the bounds on constraints.
     * for i=1, ...,numcon : blc[i] <= constraint i <= buc[i] */
    for (i,&bki,&bli,&bui) in izip!(0..numcon,bkc,blc,buc) {
        task.put_con_bound( i,    /* Index of constraint.*/
                            bki,      /* Bound key.*/
                            bli,      /* Numerical value of lower bound.*/
                            bui)?;     /* Numerical value of upper bound.*/

    /* Append the first cone. */
        // Create a matrix F such that F * x = [x(3),x(0),x(1),x(4),x(5),x(2)]
        task.put_afe_f_entry_list(&[0,1,2,3,4,5],                      // Rows
                                  &[3, 0, 1, 4, 5, 2],            // Columns

        // Quadratic cone (x(3),x(0),x(1)) \in QUAD_3
        let qconedom  = task.append_quadratic_cone_domain(3)?;
        task.append_acc(qconedom,                // Domain
                        &[0, 1, 2],              // Rows from F
                        &[0.0,0.0,0.0])?;        // Unused

        // Rotated quadratic cone (x(4),x(5),x(2)) \in RQUAD_3
        let rqconedom = task.append_r_quadratic_cone_domain(3)?;
        task.append_acc(rqconedom,               // Domain
                        &[3, 4, 5],              // Rows from F
                        &[0.0,0.0,0.0])?;        // Unused

    /* Run optimizer */
    let trm = task.optimize()?;

    /* Print a summary containing information
     * about the solution for debugging purposes*/
    task.solution_summary (Streamtype::MSG)?;

    let solsta = task.get_sol_sta(Soltype::ITR)?;

    match solsta
        Solsta::OPTIMAL =>
            let mut xx = vec![0.0; numvar as usize];
            task.get_xx(Soltype::ITR,    /* Request the basic solution. */
            println!("Optimal primal solution");
            for (j,xj) in izip!(0..numvar,xx) {
                println!("x[{}]: {}",j,xj);

        Solsta::DUAL_INFEAS_CER |
        Solsta::PRIM_INFEAS_CER =>
            println!("Primal or dual infeasibility certificate found.");

        Solsta::UNKNOWN => {
            /* If the solutions status is unknown, print the termination code
             * indicating why the optimizer terminated prematurely. */

            println!("The solution status is unknown.");
            println!("The optimizer terminitated with code: {}",trm);
        _ =>
            println!("Other solution status.");
} /* main */

mod tests {
    fn test() {


Listing 17.8 djc1.rs Click here to download.
//   Copyright: MOSEK ApS
//   File:      djc1.rs
//   Purpose: Demonstrates how to solve the problem with two disjunctions:
//      minimize    2x0 + x1 + 3x2 + x3
//      subject to   x0 + x1 + x2 + x3 >= -10
//                  (x0-2x1<=-1 and x2=x3=0) or (x2-3x3<=-2 and x1=x2=0)
//                  x0=2.5 or x1=2.5 or x2=2.5 or x3=2.5

extern crate mosek;

use mosek::{Task,Boundkey,Objsense,Streamtype,Solsta,Soltype};

// Since the value of infinity is ignored, we define it solely
// for symbolic purposes
const INF : f64 = 0.0;

fn main() -> Result<(),String> {
    // Create a task object
    let mut task = match Task::new() {
        Some(e) => e,
        None => return Err("Failed to create task".to_string()),

    task.put_stream_callback(Streamtype::LOG, |msg| print!("{}",msg))?;

    // Append free variables
    let numvar : i32 = 4;
    let x : Vec<i32> = (0..numvar).collect();
    task.put_var_bound_slice_const(0, numvar, Boundkey::FR, -INF, INF)?;

    // The linear part: the linear constraint
    task.put_a_row(0, x.as_slice(), vec![1.0; numvar as usize].as_slice())?;
    task.put_con_bound(0, Boundkey::LO, -10.0, -10.0)?;

    // The linear part: objective
    task.put_c_list(x.as_slice(), &[2.0, 1.0, 3.0, 1.0])?;

    // Fill in the affine expression storage F, g
    let numafe : i64 = 10;

    let fafeidx : &[i64] = &[0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
    let fvaridx : &[i32] = &[0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3];
    let fval             = &[1.0, -2.0, 1.0, -3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0];
    let g                = &[1.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -2.5, -2.5, -2.5, -2.5];

    task.put_afe_f_entry_list(fafeidx, fvaridx, fval)?;
    task.put_afe_g_slice(0, numafe, g)?;

    // Create domains
    let zero1   = task.append_rzero_domain(1)?;
    let zero2   = task.append_rzero_domain(2)?;
    let rminus1 = task.append_rminus_domain(1)?;

    // Append disjunctive constraints
    let numdjc : i64 = 2;

    // First disjunctive constraint
    task.put_djc(0,                                        // DJC index
                 &[rminus1, zero2, rminus1, zero2],        // Domains     (domidxlist)
                 &[0, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3],                      // AFE indices (afeidxlist)
                 &[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0],               // Unused
                 &[2, 2])?;                                // Term sizes  (termsizelist)

    // Second disjunctive constraint
    task.put_djc(1,                                        // DJC index
                 &[zero1, zero1, zero1, zero1],            // Domains     (domidxlist)
                 &[6, 7, 8, 9],                            // AFE indices (afeidxlist)
                 &[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0],                       // Unused
                 &[1, 1, 1, 1])?;                          // Term sizes  (termidxlist)

    // Useful for debugging
    task.write_data("djc1.ptf")?;                         // Write file in human-readable format

    // Solve the problem
    let _ = task.optimize()?;

    // Print a summary containing information
    // about the solution for debugging purposes

    // Get status information about the solution
    let sta = task.get_sol_sta(Soltype::ITG)?;

    let mut xx = vec![0.0; numvar as usize];

    println!("Optimal solution: ");
    for (i,&xi) in xx.iter().enumerate() {


mod tests {
    fn test() {


Listing 17.9 feasrepairex1.rs Click here to download.
//!  Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//!  File : feasrepairex1.rs
//!  Purpose :   To demonstrate how to use the MSK_relaxprimal function to
//!              locate the cause of an infeasibility.
//!  Syntax :     On command line
//!                  feasrepairex1 feasrepair.lp
//!               feasrepair.lp is located in mosek/<version>/tools/examples/data

extern crate mosek;

use std::env;
use mosek::{Task,Streamtype};

enum FileOrText {

fn main() -> Result<(),String> {
    let mut args = env::args();
    if args.len() < 2 {
        println!("Syntax: feasrepairex1 FILENAME");
        return Err("Invalid argument list".to_string());
    let _ = args.next();
fn feasrepairex1(filename : FileOrText) -> Result<(),String> {

    let mut task = Task::new().unwrap().with_callbacks();
    task.put_stream_callback(Streamtype::LOG, |msg| print!("{}",msg))?;

    match filename {
        FileOrText::File(fname) => task.read_data(fname.as_str())?,
        FileOrText::Text(data) => task.read_lp_string(data.as_str())?
    task.put_int_param(mosek::Iparam::LOG_FEAS_REPAIR, 3)?;

    let wc = vec![1.0; task.get_num_con()? as usize];
    let wx = vec![1.0; task.get_num_var()? as usize];

    let sum_viol = task.get_dou_inf(mosek::Dinfitem::PRIMAL_REPAIR_PENALTY_OBJ)?;

    println!("Minimized sum of violations = {}", sum_viol);

    let _ = task.optimize()?;



mod tests {
    /// Small infeasible linear problem
    const FEASREPAIR_LP : &str = "
 obj: - 10 x1 - 9 x2
 c1: + 7e-01 x1 + x2 <= 630
 c2: + 5e-01 x1 + 8.333333333e-01 x2 <= 600
 c3: + x1 + 6.6666667e-01 x2 <= 708
 c4: + 1e-01 x1 + 2.5e-01 x2 <= 135
x2 >= 650

    fn test() {


Listing 17.10 gp1.rs Click here to download.
//!   Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//!   File : gp1.rs
//!   Purpose:   Demonstrates how to solve a simple Geometric Program (GP)
//!              cast into conic form with exponential cones and log-sum-exp.
//!              Example from
//!                https://gpkit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/examples.html//maximizing-the-volume-of-a-box
extern crate mosek;

use mosek::{Task,Boundkey,Objsense,Streamtype,Soltype};

// Since the value of infinity is ignored, we define it solely
// for symbolic purposes
const INF : f64 = 0.0;

fn max_volume_box(Aw : f64,
                  Af : f64,
                  alpha : f64,
                  beta : f64,
                  gamma : f64,
                  delta : f64) -> Result<Vec<f64>,String>
    let numvar = 3i32;  // Variables in original problem
    /* Create the optimization task. */
    let mut task = match Task::new() {
        Some(e) => e,
        None => return Err("Failed to create task".to_string()),

    // Directs the log task stream to the user specified
    // method task_msg_obj.stream
    task.put_stream_callback(Streamtype::LOG, |msg| print!("{}",msg))?;

    // Add variables and constraints

    let x = 0i32;
    let y = 1i32;
    let z = 2i32;

    // Objective is the sum of three first variables
    task.put_c_slice(0, numvar, &[1.0,1.0,1.0])?;

    task.put_var_bound_slice_const(0, numvar, Boundkey::FR, -INF, INF)?;

    // s0+s1 < 1 <=> log(s0+s1) < 0
                      &[y, z, x, y, z, y],
                      &[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0])?;


        let afei = task.get_num_afe()?;
        let u1 = task.get_num_var()?;
        let u2 = u1+1;

        let afeidx = &[0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 5];
        let varidx = &[u1, u2, x, y, x, z, u1, u2];
        let fval   = &[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0];
        let gfull  = &[0.0, 0.0, (2.0/Aw).ln(), (2.0/Aw).ln(), 1.0, -1.0];


        task.put_var_bound_slice_const(u1, u1+2, Boundkey::FR, -INF, INF)?;

        // Affine expressions appearing in affine conic constraints
        // in this order:
        // u1, u2, x+y+log(2/Awall), x+z+log(2/Awall), 1.0, u1+u2-1.0
        task.put_afe_f_entry_list(afeidx, varidx, fval)?;
        task.put_afe_g_slice(afei, afei+6, gfull)?;
            let dom = task.append_primal_exp_cone_domain()?;

            // (u1, 1, x+y+log(2/Awall)) \in EXP
            task.append_acc(dom, &[0, 4, 2], &[0.0,0.0,0.0])?;

            // (u2, 1, x+z+log(2/Awall)) \in EXP
            task.append_acc(dom, &[1, 4, 3], &[0.0,0.0,0.0])?;
            let dom = task.append_rzero_domain(1)?;
            // The constraint u1+u2-1 \in \ZERO is added also as an ACC
            task.append_acc(dom, &[5], &[0.0])?;

    let _trm = task.optimize()?;
    let mut xyz = vec![0.0; 3];
    task.get_xx_slice(Soltype::ITR, 0i32, numvar, xyz.as_mut_slice())?;

    // task.write_data("gp1.ptf")?;

    Ok(xyz.iter().map(|v| v.exp()).collect())

fn main() -> Result<(),String> {
    // maximize     h*w*d
    // subjecto to  2*(h*w + h*d) <= Awall
    //              w*d <= Afloor
    //              alpha <= h/w <= beta
    //              gamma <= d/w <= delta
    // Variable substitutions:  h = exp(x), w = exp(y), d = exp(z).
    // maximize     x+y+z
    // subject      log( exp(x+y+log(2/Awall)) + exp(x+z+log(2/Awall)) ) <= 0
    //                              y+z <= log(Afloor)
    //              log( alpha ) <= x-y <= log( beta )
    //              log( gamma ) <= z-y <= log( delta )
    // Finally, the model we will implement:
    // maximize   x+y+z
    // subject to s0 > exp(x+y+log(2/Awall); (s0,1,x+y+log(2/Awall)) in PEXP
    //            s1 > exp(x+z+log(2/Awall); (s1,1,x+z+log(2/Awall)) in PEXP
    //            s0+s1 < 1
    //            y+z < log Afloor
    //            x-y in [log alpha; log beta]
    //            z-y in [log gamma; log delta]

    // (x,y,z) in pexp : x0 > x1 * exp(x2/x1)

    let Aw    = 200.0;
    let Af    = 50.0;
    let alpha = 2.0;
    let beta  = 10.0;
    let gamma = 2.0;
    let delta = 10.0;

    let hwd = max_volume_box(Aw, Af, alpha, beta, gamma, delta)?;

    println!("h={:.4} w={:.4} d={:.4}\n", hwd[0], hwd[1], hwd[2]);


mod tests {
    fn test() {


Listing 17.11 helloworld.rs Click here to download.
//!  Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//!  File : helloworld.rs
//!  The most basic example of how to get started with MOSEK.

extern crate mosek;

use mosek::{Task,Boundkey,Objsense,Soltype};

fn main() -> Result<(),String> {
    /* Create the optimization task. */
    let mut task = match Task::new() {
        Some(e) => e,
        None => return Err("Failed to create task".to_string()),

    task.append_vars(1)?;                           // 1 variable x
    task.put_c_j(0, 1.0)?;                          // c_0 = 1.0
    task.put_var_bound(0, Boundkey::RA, 2.0, 3.0)?; // 2.0 <= x <= 3.0
    task.put_obj_sense(Objsense::MINIMIZE)?;        // minimize

    task.optimize()?;                               // Optimize

    let mut x = vec![0.0; 1];
    task.get_xx(Soltype::ITR, x.as_mut_slice())?;   // Get solution
    println!("Solution x = {}", x[0]);              // Print solution
    return Result::Ok(());

mod tests {
    fn test() {


Listing 17.12 lo1.rs Click here to download.
//! Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//! File : lo1.rs
//! Purpose: To demonstrate how to solve a small linear
//!          optimization problem using the MOSEK C API,
//!          and handle the solver result and the problem
//!          solution.
//! ```
//! Maximize 3 x1 + x2 + 5 x3 + x4
//! Such that
//!     3 x1 +   x2 + 2 x3        =  39
//!     2 x1 +   x2 + 3 x3 +   x4 >= 15
//!          + 2 x2        + 3 x4 <= 25
//!     x1,x3,x4 >= 0
//!     0 <= x2 <= 10
//! ```

extern crate mosek;

use mosek::{Task,Boundkey,Objsense,Streamtype,Solsta,Soltype};

const INF : f64 = 0.0;

fn main() -> Result<(),String> {
    let numvar = 4;
    let numcon = 3;

    let c = vec![3.0, 1.0, 5.0, 1.0];

    /* Below is the sparse representation of the A
     * matrix stored by column. */
    let aptrb = vec![ 0, 2, 5, 7 ];
    let aptre = vec![ 2, 5, 7, 9 ];
    let asub  = vec![ 0, 1,
                      0, 1, 2,
                      0, 1,
                      1, 2 ];
    let aval  = vec![ 3.0, 2.0,
                      1.0, 1.0, 2.0,
                      2.0, 3.0,
                      1.0, 3.0 ];

    /* Bounds on constraints. */
    let bkc = vec![ Boundkey::FX, Boundkey::LO, Boundkey::UP ];
    let blc = vec![ 30.0,      15.0,      -INF      ];
    let buc = vec![ 30.0,      INF,       25.0      ];
    /* Bounds on variables. */
    let bkx = vec![ Boundkey::LO, Boundkey::RA, Boundkey::LO, Boundkey::LO ];
    let blx = vec![ 0.0,       0.0,       0.0,       0.0       ];
    let bux = vec![ INF,      10.0,       INF,       INF       ];

    /* Create the optimization task. */
    let mut task = match Task::new() {
        Some(e) => e,
        None => return Err("Failed to create task".to_string()),

    /* Directs the log task stream to the 'printstr' function. */
    task.put_stream_callback(Streamtype::LOG, |msg| print!("{}",msg))?;

    /* Append 'numcon' empty constraints.
     * The constraints will initially have no bounds. */
    task.append_cons(numcon as i32)?;

    /* Append 'numvar' variables.
     * The variables will initially be fixed at zero (x=0). */
    task.append_vars(numvar as i32)?;

    for j in 0..numvar
        /* Set the linear term c_j in the objective.*/
        task.put_c_j(j as i32,c[j])?;

        /* Set the bounds on variable j.
         * blx[j] <= x_j <= bux[j] */
        task.put_var_bound(j as i32,    /* Index of variable.*/
                           bkx[j],      /* Bound key.*/
                           blx[j],      /* Numerical value of lower bound.*/
                           bux[j])?;     /* Numerical value of upper bound.*/

        /* Input column j of A */
        task.put_a_col(j as i32,          /* Variable (column) index.*/
                       & asub[aptrb[j]..aptre[j]],     /* Pointer to row indexes of column j.*/
                       & aval[aptrb[j]..aptre[j]])?;    /* Pointer to Values of column j.*/

    /* Set the bounds on constraints.
     * for i=1, ...,numcon : blc[i] <= constraint i <= buc[i] */
    for i in 0..numcon {
      task.put_con_bound(i as i32,    /* Index of constraint.*/
                         bkc[i],      /* Bound key.*/
                         blc[i],      /* Numerical value of lower bound.*/
                         buc[i])?;     /* Numerical value of upper bound.*/

    /* Maximize objective function. */

    /* Run optimizer */
    let _trmcode = task.optimize()?;

    /* Print a summary containing information
     * about the solution for debugging purposes. */


    let solsta = task.get_sol_sta(Soltype::BAS)?;

    match solsta
        Solsta::OPTIMAL =>
            let mut xx = vec![0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0];
            task.get_xx(Soltype::BAS,    /* Request the basic solution. */
                        & mut xx[..])?;
            println!("Optimal primal solution");
            for j in 0..numvar as usize
                println!("x[{}]: {}",j,xx[j]);

        Solsta::DUAL_INFEAS_CER |
        Solsta::PRIM_INFEAS_CER =>
            println!("Primal or dual infeasibility certificate found.");

        Solsta::UNKNOWN =>
            /* If the solutions status is unknown, print the termination code
             * indicating why the optimizer terminated prematurely. */

            println!("The solution status is unknown.");
            println!("The optimizer terminitated with code: {}",solsta);
        _ =>
            println!("Other solution status.");


mod tests {
    fn test() {


Listing 17.13 lo2.rs Click here to download.
// Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
// File :      lo2.rs
// Purpose :   Demonstrates how to solve a small linear
//             optimization problem using the MOSEK Java API.

extern crate mosek;
extern crate itertools;

use mosek::{Task,Boundkey,Objsense,Streamtype,Solsta,Soltype};
use itertools::izip;

const INF : f64 = 0.0;

fn main() -> Result<(),String> {
    let numcon : i32 = 3;
    let numvar : i32 = 4;

    let c    = [3.0, 1.0, 5.0, 1.0];
    let asub = [0, 1, 2,
                0, 1, 2, 3,
                1, 3];
    let aval = [3.0, 1.0, 2.0,
                2.0, 1.0, 3.0, 1.0,
                2.0, 3.0];
    let aptr = [0,3,7,9];
    let bkc  = [Boundkey::FX,

    let blc = [30.0,
    let buc  = [30.0,
    let bkx  = [Boundkey::LO,
    let blx  = [0.0,
    let bux  = [INF,

    // Create a task object linked with the environment env.
    let mut task = Task::new().unwrap().with_callbacks();
    // Directs the log task stream to the user specified
    // method task_msg_obj.streamCB
    task.put_stream_callback(Streamtype::LOG, |msg| print!("{}",msg))?;

    /* Give MOSEK an estimate of the size of the input data.
    This is done to increase the speed of inputting data.
    However, it is optional. */
    /* Append 'numcon' empty constraints.
    The constraints will initially have no bounds. */

        /* Append 'numvar' variables.
    The variables will initially be fixed at zero (x=0). */

    /* Optionally add a constant term to the objective. */

    for (j,(&cj,&bkj,&blj,&buj)) in izip!(c.iter(),bkx.iter(),blx.iter(),bux.iter()).enumerate() {
        /* Set the linear term c_j in the objective.*/
        task.put_c_j(j as i32, cj)?;
        /* Set the bounds on variable j.
        blx[j] <= x_j <= bux[j] */
        task.put_var_bound(j as i32, bkj, blj, buj)?;
    /* Set the bounds on constraints.
    for i=1, ...,numcon : blc[i] <= constraint i <= buc[i] */
    for (i,(&bki,&bli,&bui,&ptrb,&ptre)) in izip!(bkc.iter(),blc.iter(),buc.iter(),aptr[..aptr.len()-1].iter(),aptr[1..].iter()).enumerate() {
        task.put_con_bound(i as i32, bki, bli, bui)?;
        /* Input row i of A */
        task.put_a_row(i as i32,                        /* Row index.*/
                       &asub[ptrb..ptre],               /* Column indexes of non-zeros in row i.*/
                       &aval[ptrb..ptre])?;              /* Non-zero Values of row i. */


    // Print a summary containing information
    //   about the solution for debugging purposes

    /* Get status information about the solution */
    let solsta = task.get_sol_sta(Soltype::BAS)?;
    let mut xx = vec![0.0; numvar as usize];
    task.get_xx(Soltype::BAS, // Basic solution.

    match solsta {
        Solsta::OPTIMAL =>
            println!("Optimal primal solution = {:?}",xx),
        Solsta::DUAL_INFEAS_CER|Solsta::PRIM_INFEAS_CER =>
            println!("Primal or dual infeasibility."),
        Solsta::UNKNOWN =>
            println!("Unknown solution status."),
        _ =>
            println!("Other solution status")



Listing 17.14 logistic.rs Click here to download.
//! Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//! File : logistic.rs
//! Purpose: Implements logistic regression with regulatization.
//!          Demonstrates using the exponential cone and log-sum-exp in Optimizer API.
//!          Plots an example for 2D datasets.

extern crate mosek;
extern crate itertools;

use mosek::{Task,TaskCB,Boundkey,Objsense,Soltype,Streamtype};
use itertools::{izip,iproduct};

const INF : f64 = 0.0;

fn softplus(task : & mut TaskCB, d : i32, n : i32, theta : i32, t : i32, X : &[f64], Y : &[bool]) -> Result<(),String> {
    let nvar = task.get_num_var()?;
    let ncon = task.get_num_con()?;
    let nafe = task.get_num_afe()?;
    task.append_vars(2*n)?;   // z1, z2
    task.append_cons(n)?;     // z1 + z2 = 1
    task.append_afes(4*n as i64)?;   //theta * X[i] - t[i], -t[i], z1[i], z2[i]
    let z1 = nvar;
    let z2 = nvar+n;
    let zcon = ncon;
    let thetaafe = nafe;
    let tafe = nafe+n   as i64;
    let z1afe = tafe+n  as i64;
    let z2afe = z1afe+n as i64;

    // Linear constraints
        let mut subi = vec![0i32; 2*n as usize];
        let mut subj = vec![0i32; 2*n as usize];
        let mut aval = vec![0.0;  2*n as usize];

        for i in 0..n {
        for ((i,&zx),si, sj, av) in izip!(iproduct!(0..n,&[z1,z2]),
                                          aval.iter_mut()) {
            *si = zcon+i;
            *sj = zx+i as i32;
            *av = 1.0;

        task.put_aij_list(subi.as_slice(), subj.as_slice(), aval.as_slice())?;
        task.put_con_bound_slice_const(zcon, zcon+n, Boundkey::FX, 1.0, 1.0)?;
        task.put_var_bound_slice_const(nvar, nvar+2*n, Boundkey::FR, -INF, INF)?;
    // Affine conic expressions
    let mut afeidx = vec![0i64; (d*n+4*n) as usize];
    let mut varidx = vec![0i32; (d*n+4*n) as usize];
    let mut fval   = vec![0.0;  (d*n+4*n) as usize];

    // Thetas
    let mut k : usize = 0;
    for ((i,j),afei,vari) in izip!(iproduct!(0..n,0..d),
                                   & mut afeidx[k..k+(n*d) as usize],
                                   & mut varidx[k..k+(n*d) as usize]) {
        *afei = thetaafe + i as i64;
        *vari = theta    + j;

    for ((&yi,_j),&xij,fv) in izip!(iproduct!(Y,0..d), X, & mut fval[k..k+(n*d) as usize]) {
        *fv = (if yi {-1.0} else {1.0}) * xij;
    k += (n*d) as usize;

    for fv in fval[k..k+(2*n) as usize].iter_mut() { *fv = -1.0; }
    for (i,afei,vari) in izip!(0..n,
                               &mut afeidx[k..k+(2*n) as usize].iter_mut().step_by(2),
                               &mut varidx[k..k+(2*n) as usize].iter_mut().step_by(2)) {
        *afei = thetaafe+i as i64; *vari = t+i;
    for (i,afei,vari) in izip!(0..n,
                               &mut afeidx[k+1..k+(2*n) as usize].iter_mut().step_by(2),
                               &mut varidx[k+1..k+(2*n) as usize].iter_mut().step_by(2)) {
        *afei = tafe+i as i64; *vari = t+i;
    k += (n*2) as usize;

    for fv in fval[k..k+(2*n) as usize].iter_mut() { *fv = 1.0; }
    for (i,afei,vari) in izip!(0..n,
                               &mut afeidx[k..k+(2*n) as usize].iter_mut().step_by(2),
                               &mut varidx[k..k+(2*n) as usize].iter_mut().step_by(2)) {
        *afei = z1afe+i as i64; *vari = z1+i;
    for (i,afei,vari) in izip!(0..n,
                               &mut afeidx[k+1..k+(2*n) as usize].iter_mut().step_by(2),
                               &mut varidx[k+1..k+(2*n) as usize].iter_mut().step_by(2)) {
        *afei = z2afe+i as i64; *vari = z2+i;

    // Add the expressions
    task.put_afe_f_entry_list(afeidx.as_slice(), varidx.as_slice(), fval.as_slice())?;

        // Add a single row with the constant expression "1.0"
        let oneafe = task.get_num_afe()?;
        task.put_afe_g(oneafe, 1.0)?;

        // Add an exponential cone domain
        let dom = task.append_primal_exp_cone_domain()?;

        // Conic constraints
        let zeros = &[0.0,0.0,0.0];
        let mut acci = task.get_num_acc()?;
        for i in 0..n as i64 {
            task.append_acc(dom, &[z1afe+i, oneafe, thetaafe+i], zeros)?;
            task.append_acc(dom, &[z2afe+i, oneafe, tafe+i],     zeros)?;

            acci += 2;


  // Model logistic regression (regularized with full 2-norm of theta)
  // X - n x d matrix of data points
  // y - length n vector classifying training points
  // lamb - regularization parameter
fn logistic_regression(X : &[f64],
                       Y : &[bool],
                       lamb : f64) -> Result<Vec<f64>,String> {
    let n = Y.len() as i32;
    let d = (X.len()/Y.len()) as i32;  // num samples, dimension

    /* Create the optimization task. */
    let mut task = match Task::new() {
        Some(e) => e,
        None => return Err("Failed to create task".to_string()),
    task.put_stream_callback(Streamtype::LOG, |msg| print!("{}",msg))?;

    // Variables [r; theta; t]
    let nvar : i32 = 1+d+n;
    task.put_var_bound_slice_const(0, nvar, Boundkey::FR, -INF, INF)?;
    let (r,theta,t) = (0i32,1i32,1+d);
    for j in 0..d { task.put_var_name(theta+j,format!("theta[{}]",j).as_str())?; }
    for j in 0..n { task.put_var_name(t+j,format!("t[{}]",j).as_str())?; }

    // Objective lambda*r + sum(t)
    task.put_c_j(r, lamb)?;
    for i in 0..n { task.put_c_j(t+i, 1.0)?; }

    // Softplus function constraints
    softplus(& mut task, d, n, theta, t, X, Y)?;

    // Regularization
    // Append a sequence of linear expressions (r, theta) to F
    let numafe = task.get_num_afe()?;
    task.append_afes(1+d as i64)?;
    task.put_afe_f_entry(numafe, r, 1.0)?;
    for i in 0..d {
        task.put_afe_f_entry(numafe + i as i64 + 1, theta + i, 1.0)?;

    // Add the constraint
        let dom = task.append_quadratic_cone_domain((1+d) as i64)?;
                            vec![0.0; 1+d as usize].as_slice())?;
    // Solution

    let mut xx = vec![0.0; d as usize];
    task.get_xx_slice(Soltype::ITR, theta, theta+d as i32,xx.as_mut_slice())?;

fn main() -> Result<(),String> {
    // Test: detect and approximate a circle using degree 2 polynomials
    let n : i32 = 30;
    let d : i32 = 2;
    let (X,Y) = {
        let mut Y = vec![false;(n*n) as usize];
        let mut x1 = vec![0.0;(n*n) as usize];
        let mut x2 = vec![0.0;(n*n) as usize];
        let step = 2.0/((n-1) as f64);
        for (x1i,x2i,yi,(z1,z2)) in izip!(x1.iter_mut(),x2.iter_mut(),Y.iter_mut(),
                                          iproduct!((0..30).map(|i| -1.0 + (i as f64) * step),
                                                    (0..30).map(|i| -1.0 + (i as f64) * step))) {
            *x1i = z1; *x2i = z2; *yi = z1*z1+z2*z2 >= 0.69;

        let X : Vec<f64> = iproduct!(izip!(x1,x2),iproduct!(0..d+1,0..d+1)).filter_map(|((p0,p1),(a,b))| if a+b <= d {Some(f64::powi(p0,a)*f64::powi(p1,b))} else {None}).collect();


    let theta = logistic_regression( X.as_slice(), Y.as_slice(), 0.1)?;

    println!("theta = {:?}",theta);

    return Result::Ok(());

mod tests {
    fn test() {


Listing 17.15 mico1.rs Click here to download.
//!   Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//!   File : mico1.rs
//!   Purpose :   Demonstrates how to solve a small mixed
//!               integer conic optimization problem.
//!               minimize    x^2 + y^2
//!               subject to  x >= e^y + 3.8
//!                           x, y - integer
extern crate mosek;
use mosek::{Task,Boundkey,Objsense,Streamtype,Soltype,Variabletype};

fn main() -> Result<(),String> {
    /* Create the optimization task. */
    let mut task = match Task::new() {
        Some(t) => t,
        None => return Err("Failed to create task".to_string()),
    let infinity = 0.0; // for symbolic use, value is irrelevant

    task.put_stream_callback(Streamtype::LOG, |msg| print!("{}",msg))?;

    task.put_var_bound_slice_const(0, 6, Boundkey::FR, -infinity, infinity)?;

    // Integrality constraints
                           vec![Variabletype::TYPE_INT, Variabletype::TYPE_INT].as_slice())?;

    // Set up the three auxiliary linear constraints
    task.put_con_bound_slice(0, 3, 
                             vec![Boundkey::FX, Boundkey::FX, Boundkey::FX].as_slice(),
                             vec![-3.8, 1.0, 0.0].as_slice(),
                             vec![-3.8, 1.0, 0.0].as_slice())?;

    // Objective
    task.put_c_j(0, 1.0)?;

    // Conic part of the problem
    for i in 0..6 {
        task.put_afe_f_entry(i as i64, i as i32, 1.0)?;
        let domidx = task.append_quadratic_cone_domain(3)?;
        let domidx = task.append_primal_exp_cone_domain()?;
    // Optimize the task
    let _trm = task.optimize()?;

    let mut xx = vec![0.0; 2];
    task.get_xx_slice(Soltype::ITG, 1, 3, xx.as_mut_slice())?;
    println!("x = {}  y = {}",xx[0],xx[1]);

mod tests {
    fn test() {


Listing 17.16 milo1.rs Click here to download.
//!   Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//!   File : milo1.rs
//!   Purpose :   Demonstrates how to solve a small mixed
//!               integer linear optimization problem using the MOSEK Java API.
extern crate mosek;

use mosek::{Task,Boundkey,Objsense,Streamtype,Solsta,Prosta,Soltype,Variabletype,Dparam};

fn main() -> Result<(),String> {
    let numcon : i32 = 2;
    let numvar : i32 = 2;

    let infinity = 0.0; // only for symbolic purposes, value never used

    let bkc = vec![Boundkey::UP, Boundkey::LO];
    let blc = vec![ -infinity,         -4.0 ];
    let buc = vec![ 250.0,             infinity ];

    let bkx = vec![ Boundkey::LO, Boundkey::LO  ];
    let blx = vec![ 0.0,               0.0 ];
    let bux = vec![ infinity,          infinity ];

    let c   = vec![1.0, 0.64];

    let asub = vec![0,   1,
                    0,    1];
    let aval = vec![50.0, 3.0, 31.0, -2.0];

    let ptrb : Vec<usize> = vec![ 0, 2 ];
    let ptre : Vec<usize> = vec![ 2, 4 ];

    /* Create the optimization task. */
    Task::new().expect("Failed to create task")
            &mut |msg| print!("{}",msg),
            |task| task.with_itg_sol_callback(
                &mut |xx| { println!("Found a new solution = {:?}",xx); false },
                |task| {
                    /* Append 'numcon' empty constraints.
                    The constraints will initially have no bounds. */

                    /* Append 'numvar' variables.
                    The variables will initially be fixed at zero (x=0). */

                    for ((((j,cj),bk),bl),bu) in (0..numvar).zip(c.iter()).zip(bkx.iter()).zip(blx.iter()).zip(bux.iter()) {
                        /* Set the linear term c_j in the objective.*/
                        task.put_c_j(j, *cj)?;
                        /* Set the bounds on variable j.
                           blx[j] <= x_j <= bux[j] */
                        task.put_var_bound(j, *bk, *bl, *bu)?;
                        /* Input column j of A */
                        task.put_a_col(j,                     /* Variable (column) index.*/
                                       &asub[ptrb[j as usize]..ptre[j as usize]],               /* Row index of non-zeros in column j.*/
                                       &aval[ptrb[j as usize]..ptre[j as usize]])?;              /* Non-zero Values of column j. */
                    // Set the bounds on constraints.
                    // for i=1, ...,numcon : blc[i] <= constraint i <= buc[i] 
                    for (((i,bk),bl),bu) in (0..numcon).zip(bkc.iter()).zip(blc.iter()).zip(buc.iter()) {
                        task.put_con_bound(i, *bk, *bl, *bu)?;

                    /* Specify integer variables. */
                    for j in 0..numvar {
                        task.put_var_type(j, Variabletype::TYPE_INT)?;
                    /* Set max solution time */
                    task.put_dou_param(Dparam::MIO_MAX_TIME, 60.0)?;

                    /* A maximization problem */
                    /* Solve the problem */

                    let _trm = task.optimize()?;

                    // Print a summary containing information
                    //   about the solution for debugging purposes

                    let mut xx = vec![0.0; numvar as usize];
                    task.get_xx(Soltype::ITG, xx.as_mut_slice())?;

                    /* Get status information about the solution */

                    match task.get_sol_sta(Soltype::ITG)? {
                        Solsta::INTEGER_OPTIMAL => {
                            println!("Optimal solution");
                            for (j,xj) in (0..numvar).zip(xx.iter()) {
                                println!("x[{}]: {}", j,xj);
                        Solsta::PRIM_FEAS => {
                            println!("Feasible solution");
                            for (j,xj) in (0..numvar).zip(xx.iter()) {
                                println!("x[{}]: {}", j,xj);
                        Solsta::UNKNOWN => {
                          match task.get_pro_sta(Soltype::ITG)? {
                              Prosta::PRIM_INFEAS_OR_UNBOUNDED => {
                                  println!("Problem status Infeasible or unbounded");
                              Prosta::PRIM_INFEAS => {
                                  println!("Problem status Infeasible.");
                              Prosta::UNKNOWN => {
                                  println!("Problem status unknown.");
                              _ => {
                                  println!("Other problem status.");
                        _ => {
                            println!("Other solution status");

mod tests {
    fn test() {


Listing 17.17 mioinitsol.rs Click here to download.
//!   Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//!   File : mioinitsol.rs
//!   Purpose :   Demonstrates how to solve a MIP with a start guess.

extern crate mosek;

use mosek::{Task,Boundkey,Variabletype,Objsense,Streamtype,Soltype};

const INF : f64 = 0.0;

fn main() -> Result<(),String> {
    let numvar : i32 = 4;
    let numcon : i32 = 1;

    let c = &[ 7.0, 10.0, 1.0, 5.0 ];

    let bkc = &[Boundkey::UP];
    let blc = &[ -INF ];
    let buc = &[2.5];
    let bkx = &[Boundkey::LO,
                Boundkey::LO ];
    let blx = &[0.0,
                0.0 ];
    let bux = &[INF,

    let ptrb    = &[0i64, 1, 2, 3];
    let ptre    = &[1i64, 2, 3, 4];
    let aval    = &[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0];
    let asub    = &[0i32,   0,   0,   0  ];
    let intsub  = &[0i32, 1, 2];
    let inttype = &[Variabletype::TYPE_INT,
                    Variabletype::TYPE_INT ];

    let mut task = Task::new().unwrap().with_callbacks();
    task.put_stream_callback(Streamtype::LOG, |msg| print!("{}",msg))?;

    task.input_data(numcon, numvar,
                    c, 0.0,
                    ptrb, ptre,
                    asub, aval,
                    bkc, blc, buc,
                    bkx, blx, bux)?;

    task.put_var_type_list(intsub, inttype)?;

    /* A maximization problem */

    // Assign values to integer variables
    // We only set that slice of xx
    task.put_xx_slice(Soltype::ITG, 0, 3, &[1.0,1.0,0.0])?;

    // Request constructing the solution from integer variable values
    task.put_int_param(mosek::Iparam::MIO_CONSTRUCT_SOL, mosek::Onoffkey::ON)?;

    // solve
    let _ = task.optimize()?;

    // Read and print solution
    let mut xx = vec![0.0; numvar as usize];
    task.get_xx(mosek::Soltype::ITG, xx.as_mut_slice())?;
    println!("Optimal solution:");
    for (i,xi) in xx.iter().enumerate() {
        println!("x[{}] = {}",i,*xi);

    // Was the initial solution used?
    let constr = task.get_int_inf(mosek::Iinfitem::MIO_CONSTRUCT_SOLUTION)?;
    let constr_val = task.get_dou_inf(mosek::Dinfitem::MIO_CONSTRUCT_SOLUTION_OBJ)?;
    println!("Construct solution utilization: {}", constr);
    println!("Construct solution objective: {}",  constr_val);

mod tests {
    fn test() {


Listing 17.18 opt_server_async.rs Click here to download.
//!   Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//!   File : opt_server_async.rs
//!   Purpose :   Demonstrates how to use MOSEK OptServer
//!               to solve optimization problem asynchronously

extern crate mosek;

use mosek::{Task,Streamtype,Sparam};
use std::env;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::thread::sleep;

enum FileOrText {
fn main() {
    let mut args = env::args();
    if args.len() < 3 {
        println!("Missing argument, syntax is:");
        println!("  opt_server_async inputfile http[s]://HOSTNAME:PORT numpolls [certfile]");
        panic!("Missing arguments");
    let _ = args.next();
fn opt_server_async(inputfile : FileOrText, addr : String, numpolls : usize, cert : Option<String>) -> Result<(),String> {
    // Path to certificate, if any

    let token = {
                &mut |msg| print!("{}",msg),
                |task| {
                    match inputfile {
                        FileOrText::File(ref filename) => task.read_data(filename.as_str()).unwrap(),
                        FileOrText::Text(ref data)     => task.read_ptf_string(data.as_str()).unwrap()
                    if let Some(ref cert) = cert {
                }).expect("Failed to submit async optimization")

    println!("Task token = '{}'", token);

    println!("Setting log stream...");
        & mut |msg| print!("{}",msg),
        |task| task.with_callback(
            &mut|caller| { println!("caller = {}",caller); false },
            |task| {
                println!("Reading input file '{:?}'...",inputfile);
                match inputfile {
                    FileOrText::File(ref filename) => task.read_data(filename.as_str()).unwrap(),
                    FileOrText::Text(ref data)     => task.read_ptf_string(data.as_str()).unwrap()
                if let Some(ref cert) = cert {

                println!("Starting polling loop...");
                for i in 0..numpolls {

                    println!("\tpoll {}...", i);

                    let mut trm  : i32 = 0;
                    let mut resp : i32 = 0;

                    let respavailable = task.async_poll(addr.as_str(),
                                                        & mut resp,
                                                        & mut trm)?;

                    if respavailable {
                        println!("solution available!");

                                              & mut resp,
                                              & mut trm)?;

                        task.solution_summary (Streamtype::LOG)?;
                        return Ok(());

                println!("max num polls reached, stopping host.");
                task.async_stop (addr.as_str(), "", token.as_str())?;
                Err("Max num polls".to_string())

mod tests {
    const DFLT_FILE : &str = "Task
    Maximize + 2 @x0 + 3 @x1 - @x2
    @c0 [1] + @x0 + @x1 + @x2
    @C0 [QUAD(3)]
        @ac1: + 0.03
        @ac2: + 1.5 @x0 + 0.1 @x1
        @ac3: + 0.3 @x0 + 2.1 @x2 + 0.1
    fn test() {


Listing 17.19 opt_server_sync.rs Click here to download.
//!   Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//!   File : opt_server_sync.rs
//!   Purpose :   Demonstrates how to use MOSEK OptServer
//!               to solve optimization problem synchronously
extern crate mosek;

use mosek::{Task,Streamtype,Sparam};
use std::env;

enum FileOrText {
fn main() -> Result<(),String> {
    let mut args = env::args();
    if args.len() < 3 {
        println!("Missing argument, syntax is:");
        println!("  opt_server_sync inputfile http[s]://HOSTNAME:PORT [certfile]");
        return Err("Missing arguments".to_string())
    let _ = args.next();

fn opt_server_sync(inputfile : FileOrText, addr : String, cert : Option<String>) -> Result<(),String> {
    let mut task = Task::new().unwrap().with_callbacks();
    task.put_stream_callback(Streamtype::LOG, |msg| print!("{}",msg))?;

    // Load some data into the task
    match inputfile {
        FileOrText::File(filename) => task.read_data(filename.as_str())?,
        FileOrText::Text(data) => task.read_ptf_string(data.as_str())?

    // Set OptServer URL

    // Path to certificate, if any
    if let Some(cert) = cert {
        task.put_str_param(Sparam::REMOTE_TLS_CERT_PATH, cert.as_str())?;

    // Optimize remotely, no access token
    let _trm = task.optimize()?;



mod tests {
    const DFLT_FILE : &str = "Task
    Maximize + 2 @x0 + 3 @x1 - @x2
    @c0 [1] + @x0 + @x1 + @x2
    @C0 [QUAD(3)]
        @ac1: + 0.03
        @ac2: + 1.5 @x0 + 0.1 @x1
        @ac3: + 0.3 @x0 + 2.1 @x2 + 0.1
    fn test() {


Listing 17.20 parallel.rs Click here to download.
//!   Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//!   File : parallel.rs
//!   Purpose: Demonstrates parallel optimization using optimizebatch()
extern crate mosek;
extern crate itertools;

use mosek::{Task};
use std::env;
use itertools::{izip};

/// Example of how to use env.optimize_batch().
/// Optimizes tasks whose names were read from command line.
enum FileOrText {
fn main() -> Result<(),String> {
    let mut args = env::args();
    if args.len() < 3 {
        println!("Syntax: parallel FILENAME FILENAME [ FILENAME ... ]");
        Err("Invalid argument list".to_string())
    else {
        let _ = args.next();
        parallel(args.map(|s| FileOrText::File(s)).collect())
fn parallel(files : Vec<FileOrText>) -> Result<(),String> {
    // Create an example list of tasks to optimize
    let mut tasks : Vec<(String,Task)> = files.iter().filter_map(|fname| {
        let mut t = Task::new().unwrap();
        match fname {
            FileOrText::File(fname) => {
                if let Err(_) = t.read_data(fname.as_str()) { None }
                else {
                    t.put_int_param(mosek::Iparam::NUM_THREADS, 2).unwrap();
            FileOrText::Text(data) => {
                if let Err(_) = t.read_ptf_string(data.as_str()) { None }
                else {
                    t.put_int_param(mosek::Iparam::NUM_THREADS, 2).unwrap();

    let mut res = vec![0i32; tasks.len()];
    let mut trm = vec![0i32; tasks.len()];
        let taskrs : Vec<& mut Task> = tasks.iter_mut().map(|(_a,b)| b).collect();

        // Size of thread pool available for all tasks
        let threadpoolsize : i32 = 6;

        // Optimize all the given tasks in parallel
        mosek::optimize_batch(false,          // No race
                              -1.0,           // No time limit
                              taskrs.as_slice(),          // Array of tasks to optimize

    for (resi,trmi,(fname,ti)) in izip!(res,trm,tasks.iter()) {
        println!("Task  {}  res {}   trm {}   obj_val  {}  time {}",

mod tests {

    const DFLT_FILE1 : &str = "Task
    Maximize + 2 @x0 + 3 @x1 - @x2
    @c0 [1] + @x0 + @x1 + @x2
    @C0 [QUAD(3)]
        @ac1: + 0.03
        @ac2: + 1.5 @x0 + 0.1 @x1
        @ac3: + 0.3 @x0 + 2.1 @x2 + 0.1

    const DFLT_FILE2 : &str = "Task
    Maximize + @x0 + 0.64 @x1
    @c0 [-inf;250] + 50 @x0 + 31 @x1
    @c1 [-4;+inf] + 3 @x0 - 2 @x1
    @x0 @x1
    fn test() {


Listing 17.21 parameters.rs Click here to download.
//   Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//   File :      parameters.rs
//   Purpose :   Demonstrates a very simple example about how to get/set
//               parameters with MOSEK Julia API

extern crate mosek;

use mosek::{Task,Iparam,Dparam,Dinfitem,Iinfitem,Optimizertype,Basindtype};

fn main() -> Result<(),String> {
    let mut task = Task::new().unwrap();
    println!("Test MOSEK parameter get/set functions");

    // Set log level (integer parameter)
    task.put_int_param(Iparam::LOG, 1)?;
    // Select interior-point optimizer... (integer parameter)
    task.put_int_param(Iparam::OPTIMIZER, Optimizertype::INTPNT)?;
    // ... without basis identification (integer parameter)
    // Set relative gap tolerance (double parameter)
    task.put_dou_param(Dparam::INTPNT_CO_TOL_REL_GAP, 1.0e-7)?;

    // The same using explicit string names
    task.put_param("MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_CO_TOL_REL_GAP", "1.0e-7")?;
    task.put_na_dou_param("MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_CO_TOL_REL_GAP",  1.0e-7 )?;

    // Incorrect value

    if let Err(_) = task.put_dou_param(Dparam::INTPNT_CO_TOL_REL_GAP, -1.0) {
        println!("Wrong parameter value");

    let param = task.get_dou_param(Dparam::INTPNT_CO_TOL_REL_GAP)?;
    println!("Current value for parameter intpnt_co_tol_rel_gap = $param");

    // Define and solve an optimization problem here
    // optimize(task,)
    // After optimization:

    println!("Get MOSEK information items");

    let tm = task.get_dou_inf(Dinfitem::OPTIMIZER_TIME)?;
    let iter = task.get_int_inf(Iinfitem::INTPNT_ITER)?;

    println!("Time: {}",tm);
    println!("Iterations: {}",iter);


Listing 17.22 pinfeas.rs Click here to download.
//!  File : pinfeas.rs
//!  Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//!  Purpose: Demonstrates how to fetch a primal infeasibility certificate
//!           for a linear problem

extern crate mosek;
use mosek::{Streamtype,Boundkey,Soltype,Prosta};

const INF : f64 = 0.0;

fn test_problem() -> Result<mosek::Task,String> {
    let mut task = mosek::Task::new().unwrap();
    task.put_con_bound_slice(0, 7,
                             &[-INF, -INF, -INF, 1100.0, 200.0, 500.0, 500.0],
                             &[200.0, 1000.0, 1000.0, 1100.0, 200.0, 500.0, 500.0])?;
    task.put_var_bound_slice_const(0, 7, Boundkey::UP, 0.0, INF)?;

// Analyzes and prints infeasibility contributing elements
// sl - dual values for lower bounds
// su - dual values for upper bounds
// eps - tolerance for when a nunzero dual value is significant
fn analyze_certificate(sl : &[f64], su : &[f64], eps : f64) {
    for (i,(&sli,&sui)) in sl.iter().zip(su.iter()).enumerate() {
        if sli > eps {
            println!("#{}, lower,  dual = {:e}\n", i, sli);
        if sui > eps {
            println!("#{}, upper,  dual = {:e}\n", i, sui);

fn main() -> Result<(),String> {
    // In this example we set up a simple problem
    // One could use any task or a task read from a file
    let mut task = test_problem()?.with_callbacks();

    let n = task.get_num_var()?;
    let m = task.get_num_con()?;

    // Useful for debugging
    task.write_data("pinfeas.ptf")?; // Write file in human-readable format
    // Attach a log stream printer to the task
    task.put_stream_callback(Streamtype::LOG, |msg| print!("{}",msg))?;

    // Perform the optimization.

    // Check problem status, we use the interior point solution
    if task.get_pro_sta(Soltype::ITR)? == Prosta::PRIM_INFEAS {
        // Set the tolerance at which we consider a dual value as essential
        let eps = 1e-7;

        println!("Variable bounds important for infeasibility: ");
        let mut slx = vec![0.0; n as usize]; task.get_slx(Soltype::ITR, slx.as_mut_slice())?;
        let mut sux = vec![0.0; n as usize]; task.get_sux(Soltype::ITR, sux.as_mut_slice())?;
        analyze_certificate(slx.as_slice(), sux.as_slice(), eps);

        println!("Constraint bounds important for infeasibility: ");
        let mut slc = vec![0.0; m as usize]; task.get_slc(Soltype::ITR, slc.as_mut_slice())?;
        let mut suc = vec![0.0; m as usize]; task.get_suc(Soltype::ITR, suc.as_mut_slice())?;
        analyze_certificate(slc.as_mut_slice(), suc.as_mut_slice(), eps);
    else {
        println!("The problem is not primal infeasible, no certificate to show");

mod tests {
    fn test() {


Listing 17.23 portfolio_1_basic.rs Click here to download.
//! File : portfolio_1_basic.rs
//! Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//! Description :  Implements a basic portfolio optimization model.
//! More details can be found at <https://docs.mosek.com/latest/capi/case-portfolio.html#doc-optimizer-case-portfolio>

extern crate mosek;
extern crate itertools;
use mosek::{Task,Objsense,Streamtype,Soltype,Solsta};
use itertools::{iproduct};

/// Solve basic Markowitz portfolio problem: Maximize expected return
/// while bounded the estimated risk.
/// ```
/// Maximize mu'x
/// Subject to
///    budget : sum(x) = sum(x0)+w
///    risk:    gamma^2 >= || G'x ||^2
///    x >= 0
/// ```
/// # Arguments
/// - `n` number of assets
/// - `gamma` risk bound (bound on the standard deviation)
/// - `mu` vector of expected returns
/// - `GT` Covariance matrix factor
/// - `x0` vector if initial investment
/// - `w` initial uninvested wealth
fn portfolio(n     : i32,     // number of assets
             gamma : f64, // risk bound: maximum stddev
             mu    : &[f64], // vector of expected returns
             GT    : &[f64], // covariance matrix factor
             x0    : &[f64], // initial investment
             w     : f64)     // initial wealth
             -> Result<(Vec<f64>,f64),String> {

    let k = (GT.len() / n as usize) as i32;
    /* Create the optimization task. */
    let mut task = match Task::new() {
        Some(e) => e,
        None => return Err("Failed to create task".to_string()),
    task.put_stream_callback(Streamtype::LOG, |msg| print!("{}",msg))?;

    /* Total budget */
    let total_budget = w + x0.iter().sum::<f64>();

    /* Constraints. */
    /* Variables. */

    let x : Vec<i32> = (0i32..n).collect();

    /* Total budget constraint - set bounds l^c = u^c */
    task.put_con_bound(0i32, mosek::Boundkey::FX, total_budget, total_budget)?;


    /* x variables. */
    for (j,xj) in x.iter().enumerate() {
        /* Coefficients in the first row of A */
        task.put_aij(0, *xj, 1.0)?;
        /* No short-selling - x^l = 0, x^u = inf */
        task.put_var_bound(*xj, mosek::Boundkey::LO, 0.0, 0.0)?;
        task.put_var_name(*xj, format!("x[{}]",j+1).as_str())?;

    // risk bound
        let acci = task.get_num_acc()?;
        let afei = task.get_num_afe()?;

        task.append_afes(k as i64 + 1)?;
        let dom = task.append_quadratic_cone_domain(k as i64+1)?;
                            vec![0.0; k as usize + 1].as_slice())?;

        for ((i,j),v) in iproduct!(0..n,0..n).zip(GT).filter(|(_,v)| **v != 0.0) {
            task.put_afe_f_entry(afei + i as i64 + 1, j as i32, *v)?;

    /* Dump the problem to a human readable OPF file. */
    // task.write_data("portfolio_1_basic.ptf")?;

    let _trm = task.optimize()?;

    // Check if the interior point solution is an optimal point
    if task.get_sol_sta(Soltype::ITR)? != Solsta::OPTIMAL {
        // See https://docs.mosek.com/latest/rustapi/accessing-solution.html about handling solution statuses.
        eprintln!("Solution not optimal!");

    /* Display the solution summary for quick inspection of results. */


    /* Read the x variables one by one and compute expected return. */
    /* Can also be obtained as value of the objective. */
    let mut level = vec![0.0;n as usize];

    let expret = task.get_primal_obj(Soltype::ITR)?;


fn main() -> Result<(),String> {
    let n    = 8i32;
    let w    = 59.0;
    let mu   = &[0.07197349, 0.15518171, 0.17535435, 0.0898094 , 0.42895777, 0.39291844, 0.32170722, 0.18378628];
    let x0   = &[8.0, 5.0, 3.0, 5.0, 2.0, 9.0, 3.0, 6.0];
    let gamma  = 36.0;
    let GT     = &[ 0.30758, 0.12146, 0.11341, 0.11327, 0.17625, 0.11973, 0.10435, 0.10638,
                    0.     , 0.25042, 0.09946, 0.09164, 0.06692, 0.08706, 0.09173, 0.08506,
                    0.     , 0.     , 0.19914, 0.05867, 0.06453, 0.07367, 0.06468, 0.01914,
                    0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.20876, 0.04933, 0.03651, 0.09381, 0.07742,
                    0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.36096, 0.12574, 0.10157, 0.0571 ,
                    0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.21552, 0.05663, 0.06187,
                    0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.22514, 0.03327,
                    0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.2202 ];

    let (level,expret) = portfolio(n,gamma,mu,GT,x0,w)?;

    println!("Solution x = {:?}",level);
    println!("Expected return {:.4e} for gamma = {:.4e}", expret, gamma);


mod tests {
    fn test() {


Listing 17.24 portfolio_2_frontier.rs Click here to download.
//! File : portfolio_2_frontier.rs
//! Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//! Description :  Implements a basic portfolio optimization model.
//!                Determines points on the efficient frontier.

extern crate mosek;
extern crate itertools;
use mosek::{Task,Objsense,Solsta,Soltype};
use itertools::{iproduct};

/// Solve basic Markowitz portfolio problem for different risk bounds
/// to produce a list of points on the efficient frontier.
/// ```
/// Maximize mu'x - alpha * s
/// Subject to
///    budget : sum(x) = sum(x0)+w
///    risk:    s >= || G'x ||
///    x >= 0
/// ```
/// # Arguments
/// - `n` number of assets
/// - `alphas` list of risk bound (bound on the standard deviation)
/// - `mu` vector of expected returns
/// - `GT` Covariance matrix factor
/// - `x0` vector if initial investment
/// - `w` initial uninvested wealth
fn portfolio(n : i32,
             mu : &[f64],
             GT : &[f64],
             x0  : &[f64],
             alphas : &[f64],
             w : f64) -> Result<Vec<(f64,f64)>,String> {
    let k = (GT.len() / n as usize) as i32;
    /* Create the optimization task. */
    let mut task = match Task::new() {
        Some(t) => t,
        None => return Err("Failed to create task".to_string()),
    //task.put_stream_callback(Streamtype::LOG, |msg| print!("{}",msg))?;


    /* Objective */

    let x : Vec<i32> = (0i32..n).collect();
    let s = n;

    /* Total budget */
    let total_budget = w + x0.iter().sum::<f64>();

    /* Total budget constraint - set bounds l^c = u^c */
    task.put_con_bound(0i32, mosek::Boundkey::FX, total_budget, total_budget)?;

    /* x variables. */
    for (j,xj) in x.iter().enumerate() {
        /* Coefficients in the first row of A */
        task.put_aij(0, *xj, 1.0)?;
        /* No short-selling - x^l = 0, x^u = inf */
        task.put_var_bound(*xj, mosek::Boundkey::LO, 0.0, 0.0)?;
        task.put_var_name(*xj, format!("x[{}]",j+1).as_str())?;
    task.put_var_name(s, "s")?;
    task.put_var_bound(s, mosek::Boundkey::FR, 0.0, 0.0)?;

    // risk bound
    // (s,0.5,GT * x) in Q_r
        let acci = task.get_num_acc()?;
        let afei = task.get_num_afe()?;

        task.append_afes(k as i64 + 2)?;
        let dom = task.append_r_quadratic_cone_domain(k as i64+2)?;
                            vec![0.0; k as usize + 2].as_slice())?;

        for ((i,j),v) in iproduct!(0..n,0..n).zip(GT).filter(|(_,v)| **v != 0.0) {
            task.put_afe_f_entry(afei + i as i64 + 2, j as i32, *v)?;

    let frontier : Vec<(f64,f64)> = alphas.iter().filter_map(|alpha| {
        /* Sets the objective function coefficient for s. */
        if      let Err(_) = task.put_c_j(s, - *alpha) { None }
        else if let Err(_) = task.optimize() { None }
        else if let Err(_) = task.write_data(format!("portfolio_2_frontier-{}.ptf",alpha).as_str()) { None }
        else if let Ok(solsta) = task.get_sol_sta(Soltype::ITR) {
            // See https://docs.mosek.com/latest/rustapi/accessing-solution.html about handling solution statuses.
            match solsta {
                Solsta::OPTIMAL => {
                    let mut xx = vec![0.0; n as usize+1];
                    if let Err(_) = task.get_xx(Soltype::ITR,xx.as_mut_slice()) { None }
                    else {
                        Some((*alpha,mu.iter().zip(xx.iter()).map(|(m,x)| m * x).sum::<f64>()))
                _ => None
        else {


fn main() -> Result<(),String> {
    let n : i32 = 8;
    let w  = 1.0;
    let mu = &[0.07197, 0.15518, 0.17535, 0.08981, 0.42896, 0.39292, 0.32171, 0.18379];
    let x0 = &[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
    let GT = &[ 0.30758, 0.12146, 0.11341, 0.11327, 0.17625, 0.11973, 0.10435, 0.10638,
                0.     , 0.25042, 0.09946, 0.09164, 0.06692, 0.08706, 0.09173, 0.08506,
                0.     , 0.     , 0.19914, 0.05867, 0.06453, 0.07367, 0.06468, 0.01914,
                0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.20876, 0.04933, 0.03651, 0.09381, 0.07742,
                0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.36096, 0.12574, 0.10157, 0.0571 ,
                0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.21552, 0.05663, 0.06187,
                0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.22514, 0.03327,
                0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.2202 ];
    let alphas = &[0.0, 0.01, 0.1, 0.25, 0.30, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 10.0];

    println!("{:10}   {:10}","alpha","exp.ret.");
    for (alpha,expret) in portfolio(n,
                                    w)? {
        println!("{:10.3e} : {:10.e}",alpha,expret);


mod tests {
    fn test() {


Listing 17.25 portfolio_3_impact.rs Click here to download.
//! File : portfolio_3_impact.rs
//! Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//! Description :  Implements a basic portfolio optimization model with transaction costs of order x^(3/2).
//! More details can be found at <https://docs.mosek.com/latest/capi/case-portfolio.html#doc-optimizer-case-portfolio>

extern crate mosek;
extern crate itertools;
use mosek::{Task,Objsense,Streamtype,Solsta,Soltype,Boundkey};
use itertools::{izip,iproduct};

const INF : f64 = 0.0;

/// Solve portfolio with market impact terms.
/// ```
/// Maximize mu'x
/// Subject to
///    budget : sum(x)+m'c = sum(x0)+w
///    risk   : (gamma,G'x) in Q^{k+1}
///    MI     : (c_j,1,|x_j-x0_j|) in P^3(2/3,1/3), j = 1..
///    x >= 0
/// ```
/// Where
/// - m_i is the transaction cost associated with asset i
/// - gamma is the bound on the standard deviation if the portfolio
/// - mu_i is the expected return on asset i
/// - w is the initial wealth held in cash
/// - x0_i is the initial investment in asset i
/// - G'G is the covariance matrix for assets
/// The MI constraint is not convex due tot he |.| term, so we relax it:
/// ```
///    MI     : (c_j,1,z_j) in P^3(2/3,1/3), j = 1..
///             z_j >= |x_j-x0_j|
///             implemented as
///                z_j >= x_j-x0_j
///                z_j >= x0_j-x_j
/// ```
/// # Arguments
/// - `n` number of assets
/// - `mu` vector of expected returns
/// - `m` vector of market impact estimates
/// - `GT` factored covariance matrix
/// - `x0` vector if initial investment
/// - `gamma` bound on risk
/// - `w` initial uninvested wealth
/// # Returns
/// Returns `(solution,objval)`
/// - `solution` is the primal investment solution vector
/// - `objval` is the solution expected return
pub fn portfolio(n : i32,
                 mu : &[f64],
                 m  : &[f64],
                 GT : &[f64],
                 x0  : &[f64],
                 gamma : f64,
                 w : f64) -> Result<(Vec<f64>,f64),String> {

    let k = (GT.len() / n as usize) as i32;
    /* Create the optimization task. */
    let mut task = match Task::new() {
        Some(e) => e,
        None => return Err("Failed to create task".to_string()),
    task.put_stream_callback(Streamtype::LOG, |msg| print!("{}",msg))?;


    let allvars : Vec<i32> = (0i32..3*n).collect();
    let var_x = &allvars[0..n as usize];
    let var_c = &allvars[n as usize..2*n as usize];
    let var_xc = &allvars[0..2*n as usize];
    let var_z = &allvars[2*n as usize..3*n as usize];

    for (i,j) in var_x.iter().enumerate() {
        task.put_var_bound(*j,mosek::Boundkey::LO, 0.0, 0.0)?;
        task.put_var_name(*j,format!("x[{}]",i+1).as_str())?; }
    for (i,j) in var_c.iter().enumerate() {
        task.put_var_bound(*j,mosek::Boundkey::FR, 0.0, 0.0)?;
    for (i,j) in var_z.iter().enumerate() {
        task.put_var_bound(*j,mosek::Boundkey::FR, 0.0, 0.0)?;

    for i in var_x {
        task.put_c_j(*i,mu[*i as usize])?;

    let con_budget = 0i32;

    // budget
    let wealth = w + x0.iter().sum::<f64>();
                   (0..n).map(|_| 1.0).chain(m.iter().map(|v| *v)).collect::<Vec<f64>>().as_slice())?;
    task.put_con_bound(con_budget,mosek::Boundkey::FX, wealth,wealth)?;

    // |x-x0| <= z
        let coni = task.get_num_con()?;
        task.append_cons(2 * n)?;
        for i in 0..n {
            task.put_con_name(coni+i,   format!("zabs1[{}]",1 + i).as_str())?;
            task.put_con_name(coni+n+i, format!("zabs2[{}]",1 + i).as_str())?;
        let ones      = vec![1.0; n as usize];
        let minusones = vec![-1.0; n as usize];
        let con_abs1 : Vec<i32> = (coni..coni+n).collect();
        let con_abs2 : Vec<i32> = (coni+n..coni+2*n).collect();
        task.put_aij_list(con_abs1.as_slice(), var_x, minusones.as_slice())?;
        task.put_aij_list(con_abs1.as_slice(), var_z, ones.as_slice())?;
        task.put_con_bound_slice(coni,coni+n, vec![Boundkey::LO; n as usize].as_slice(), x0.iter().map(|&v| -v).collect::<Vec<f64>>().as_slice(), vec![INF; n as usize].as_slice())?;
        task.put_aij_list(con_abs2.as_slice(), var_x, ones.as_slice())?;
        task.put_aij_list(con_abs2.as_slice(), var_z, ones.as_slice())?;
        task.put_con_bound_slice(coni+n,coni+n*2, vec![Boundkey::LO; n as usize].as_slice(), x0, vec![INF; n as usize].as_slice())?;

    // GT
        let acci = task.get_num_acc()?;
        let afei = task.get_num_afe()?;

        task.append_afes(k as i64 + 1)?;
        let dom = task.append_quadratic_cone_domain(k as i64+1)?;
                            vec![0.0; k as usize + 1].as_slice())?;

        for ((i,j),v) in iproduct!(0..n,0..n).zip(GT).filter(|(_,v)| **v != 0.0) {
            task.put_afe_f_entry(afei + i as i64 + 1, j as i32, *v)?;
    // MI
        let mut acci = task.get_num_acc()?;
        let mut afei = task.get_num_afe()?;
        let afe0 = afei;
        task.append_afes(n as i64 * 2+1)?;
        let dom = task.append_primal_power_cone_domain(3,&[2.0, 1.0])?;
        afei += 1;

        for (i,&cj,&zj,&x0j) in izip!(0..n,var_c,var_z,x0) {
            task.put_afe_g(afei+1, - x0j)?;
                            &[0.0, 0.0, 0.0])?;
            afei += 2;
            acci += 1;

    let _ = task.optimize()?;
    /* Display the solution summary for quick inspection of results. */

    if ! task.solution_def(Soltype::ITR)? {
        return Err("No solultion defined".to_string());

    // See https://docs.mosek.com/latest/rustapi/accessing-solution.html about handling solution statuses.
    let solsta = task.get_sol_sta(Soltype::ITR)?;
    if solsta != Solsta::OPTIMAL {
        return Err("Unexpected solution status".to_string());

    let mut level = vec![0.0;n as usize];
    let obj = task.get_primal_obj(Soltype::ITR)?;


fn main() -> Result<(),String> {
    let n : i32 = 8;
    let w = 1.0;
    let mu = &[0.07197, 0.15518, 0.17535, 0.08981, 0.42896, 0.39292, 0.32171, 0.18379];
    let x0 = &[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
    let GT = &[0.30758, 0.12146, 0.11341, 0.11327, 0.17625, 0.11973, 0.10435, 0.10638,
               0.     , 0.25042, 0.09946, 0.09164, 0.06692, 0.08706, 0.09173, 0.08506,
               0.     , 0.     , 0.19914, 0.05867, 0.06453, 0.07367, 0.06468, 0.01914,
               0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.20876, 0.04933, 0.03651, 0.09381, 0.07742,
               0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.36096, 0.12574, 0.10157, 0.0571 ,
               0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.21552, 0.05663, 0.06187,
               0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.22514, 0.03327,
               0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.2202 ];
    let gamma = 0.36;
    let m = vec![0.01; n as usize];

    let (level,obj) = portfolio(n,

    println!("Solution x = {:?}",level);
    println!("Objective value x = {:?}",obj);


mod tests {
    fn test() {


Listing 17.26 portfolio_4_transcost.rs Click here to download.
//!  File : portfolio_4_transcost.rs
//!  Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//!  Description :  Implements a basic portfolio optimization model
//!                 with fixed setup costs and transaction costs
//!                 as a mixed-integer problem.

extern crate mosek;
use mosek::{Task,Objsense,Streamtype,Soltype,Variabletype,Boundkey,Solsta};
extern crate itertools;
use itertools::{iproduct};

const INF : f64 = 0.0;

/// Optimize expected return on an investment with transaction cost.
/// ```
/// Maximize mu'x
/// Such That
///   budget: sum(x) + f'y + g'z = w0+sum(x0)
///   risk:   gamma > || G'x ||
///   ACC:    z_j > |x0_j-x_j|
///   DJC:    [ y_j == 0 AND x0_j == x_j ] OR y_j == 1
///           // z_j < U_j y_j, y in {0,1}
///           y free
///           x > 0
/// Where f_i is the fixed cost of a transaction in asset i,
///       g_i is the cost per unit of a transaction in asset i
/// ```
/// # Arguments
/// - `n` number of assets
/// - `mu` vector of expected returns
/// - `f` vector of fixed transaction costs
/// - 'g' vector of continuous proportional transaction costs
/// - `GT` Covariance matrix factor
/// - `x0` vector if initial investment
/// - `gamma` risk bound (bound on the standard deviation)
/// - `w` initial uninvested wealth
fn portfolio(n : i32,
             mu : &[f64],
             f  : &[f64],
             g  : &[f64],
             GT : &[f64],
             x0  : &[f64],
             gamma : f64,
             w : f64) -> Result<(Vec<f64>,f64),String> {
    /* Create the optimization task. */
    let mut task = match Task::new() {
        Some(e) => e,
        None => return Err("Failed to create task".to_string()),

    let k = (GT.len() / n as usize) as i32;
    task.put_stream_callback(Streamtype::LOG, |msg| print!("{}",msg))?;

    /* Compute total wealth */
    let w0 = w + x0.iter().sum::<f64>();


    for i in 0i32..n {
        task.put_var_name(i,    format!("x[{}]",i+1).as_str())?;
        task.put_var_name(i+n,  format!("y[{}]",i+1).as_str())?;
        task.put_var_type(i+n, Variabletype::TYPE_INT)?;

    let all_vars : Vec<i32> = (0i32..3*n).collect();
    let x = &all_vars[0..n as usize];
    let y = &all_vars[n as usize..2*n as usize];
    let z = &all_vars[2*n as usize..3*n as usize];

    task.put_var_bound_slice_const(0i32,n,  mosek::Boundkey::LO, 0.0,0.0)?;
    task.put_var_bound_slice_const(n,2*n,   mosek::Boundkey::RA, 0.0,1.0)?;
    task.put_var_bound_slice_const(2*n,3*n, mosek::Boundkey::FR, 0.0,0.0)?;

    /* Constraints. */
        let zeros = vec![0i32; n as usize];
        let fones = vec![1.0; n as usize];
        task.put_aij_list(zeros.as_slice(), x, fones.as_slice())?;
        task.put_aij_list(zeros.as_slice(), y, f)?;
        task.put_aij_list(zeros.as_slice(), z, g)?;

    // objective
    for (xi,mui) in x.iter().zip(mu.iter()) {
        task.put_c_j(*xi, *mui)?;

    // risk bound
        let acci = task.get_num_acc()?;
        let afei = task.get_num_afe()?;

        task.append_afes(k as i64 + 1)?;
        let dom = task.append_quadratic_cone_domain(k as i64+1)?;
                            vec![0.0; k as usize + 1].as_slice())?;

        for ((i,j),v) in iproduct!(0..n,0..n).zip(GT).filter(|(_,v)| **v != 0.0) {
            task.put_afe_f_entry(afei + i as i64 + 1, j as i32, *v)?;

    // |x-x0| <= z
        let coni = task.get_num_con()?;
        task.append_cons(2 * n)?;
        for i in 0..n {
            task.put_con_name(coni+i,   format!("zabs1[{}]",1 + i).as_str())?;
            task.put_con_name(coni+n+i, format!("zabs2[{}]",1 + i).as_str())?;
        let ones      = vec![1.0; n as usize];
        let minusones = vec![-1.0; n as usize];
        let con_abs1 : Vec<i32> = (coni..coni+n).collect();
        let con_abs2 : Vec<i32> = (coni+n..coni+2*n).collect();
        task.put_aij_list(con_abs1.as_slice(), x, minusones.as_slice())?;
        task.put_aij_list(con_abs1.as_slice(), z, ones.as_slice())?;
        task.put_con_bound_slice(coni,coni+n, vec![Boundkey::LO; n as usize].as_slice(), x0.iter().map(|&v| -v).collect::<Vec<f64>>().as_slice(), vec![INF; n as usize].as_slice())?;
        task.put_aij_list(con_abs2.as_slice(), x, ones.as_slice())?;
        task.put_aij_list(con_abs2.as_slice(), z, ones.as_slice())?;
        task.put_con_bound_slice(coni+n,coni+n*2, vec![Boundkey::LO; n as usize].as_slice(), x0, vec![INF; n as usize].as_slice())?;

    // Switch
        let coni = task.get_num_con()?;
        for i in 0..n {
            task.put_con_name(coni + i, format!("switch[{}]",i+1).as_str())?;

        let conlist : Vec<i32> = (coni..coni+n).collect();
        task.put_aij_list(conlist.as_slice(), z, vec![1.0; n as usize].as_slice())?;
        task.put_aij_list(conlist.as_slice(), y, vec![-w0; n as usize].as_slice())?;

        task.put_con_bound_slice_const(coni,coni+n, Boundkey::UP, 0.0,0.0)?;

    let _ = task.optimize()?;

    /* Display the solution summary for quick inspection of results. */

    // Check if the integer solution is an optimal point
    if task.get_sol_sta(Soltype::ITG)? != Solsta::INTEGER_OPTIMAL {
        // See https://docs.mosek.com/latest/rustapi/accessing-solution.html about handling solution statuses.
        eprintln!("Solution not optimal!");

    let mut xx = vec![0.0;n as usize];
    task.get_xx_slice(Soltype::ITG, 0,n, xx.as_mut_slice())?;
    let expret = xx[0..n as usize].iter().zip(mu.iter()).map(|(a,b)| a*b).sum::<f64>();


fn main() -> Result<(),String> {
    let n = 8i32;
    let w = 1.0;
    let mu = &[0.07197, 0.15518, 0.17535, 0.08981, 0.42896, 0.39292, 0.32171, 0.18379];
    let x0 = &[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
    let GT = &[ 0.30758, 0.12146, 0.11341, 0.11327, 0.17625, 0.11973, 0.10435, 0.10638,
                0.     , 0.25042, 0.09946, 0.09164, 0.06692, 0.08706, 0.09173, 0.08506,
                0.     , 0.     , 0.19914, 0.05867, 0.06453, 0.07367, 0.06468, 0.01914,
                0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.20876, 0.04933, 0.03651, 0.09381, 0.07742,
                0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.36096, 0.12574, 0.10157, 0.0571 ,
                0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.21552, 0.05663, 0.06187,
                0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.22514, 0.03327,
                0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.2202 ];
    let f = vec![0.01; n as usize];
    let g = vec![0.001; n as usize];
    let gamma = 0.36;

    let (level,expret) = portfolio(n,

    println!("Expected return {:.4e} for gamma {:.4e}\n", expret, gamma);
    println!("Solution vector = {:?}\n", level);

mod tests {
    fn test() {


Listing 17.27 portfolio_5_card.rs Click here to download.
//!  File : portfolio_5_card.rs
//!  Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//!  Description :  Implements a basic portfolio optimization model
//!                 with cardinality constraints on number of assets traded.

extern crate mosek;
use mosek::{Task,Objsense,Soltype,Variabletype,Boundkey,Solsta};
extern crate itertools;
use itertools::{izip,iproduct};

const INF : f64 = 0.0;

/// Solve the Markowitz portfolio problem with cardinality constraints.
/// ```
/// Maximize mu'x
/// Such That
///   budget:      𝐞'x = w0+sum(x0)
///   risk:        γ^2 > ||G'x||^2
///   cardinality: 𝐞'y < p
///                [ y_j == 0 AND x0_j == x_j ] OR y_j == 1
///                y ∈ R^n
///                y ∈ R+^n
/// ```
/// Where
/// - `y_j` ∈ `{0,1}` is an indicator of whether we change the
///   investment in asset j, that is if `y_j=0`, then we do not change
///   investment in assert `j`.
/// # Arguments
/// - `n` number of assets
/// - `mu` vector of expected returns
/// - `GT` Covariance matrix factor
/// - `x0` vector if initial investment
/// - `gamma` risk bound (bound on the standard deviation)
/// - `w` initial uninvested wealth
/// - `p` maximum number of assets to invest in
fn portfolio(n     : i32,
             mu    : &[f64],
             GT    : &[f64],
             x0    : &[f64],
             gamma : f64,
             p     : i32,
             w     : f64) -> Result<(Vec<f64>,f64),String> {

    /* Create the optimization task. */
    let mut task = match Task::new() {
        Some(e) => e,
        None => return Err("Failed to create task".to_string()),

    let k = (GT.len() / n as usize) as i32;
    // task.put_stream_callback(Streamtype::LOG, |msg| print!("{}",msg))?;

    /* Compute total wealth */
    let w0 = w + x0.iter().sum::<f64>();


    let all_vars : Vec<i32> = (0..3*n).collect();
    let x = &all_vars[0..n as usize];
    let y = &all_vars[n as usize..2*n as usize];
    let z = &all_vars[2*n as usize..3*n as usize];

    task.put_var_bound_slice_const(2*n,3*n, mosek::Boundkey::FR, -INF,INF)?;

    for (i,xj,yj,zj) in izip!(0..n,x,y,z) {
        task.put_var_type(*yj, Variabletype::TYPE_INT)?;

    // objective
    for (j,mui) in x.iter().zip(mu.iter()) {
        task.put_c_j(*j, *mui)?;

    let n_ones = vec![1.0; n as usize];
    // budget constraint
        let coni = task.get_num_con()?;

    // |x-x0| <= z
        let coni = task.get_num_con()?;
        task.append_cons(2 * n)?;
        for i in 0..n {
            task.put_con_name(coni+i,   format!("zabs1[{}]",1 + i).as_str())?;
            task.put_con_name(coni+n+i, format!("zabs2[{}]",1 + i).as_str())?;
        let ones      = vec![1.0; n as usize];
        let minusones = vec![-1.0; n as usize];
        let con_abs1 : Vec<i32> = (coni..coni+n).collect();
        let con_abs2 : Vec<i32> = (coni+n..coni+2*n).collect();
        task.put_aij_list(con_abs1.as_slice(), x, minusones.as_slice())?;
        task.put_aij_list(con_abs1.as_slice(), z, ones.as_slice())?;
        task.put_con_bound_slice(coni,coni+n, vec![Boundkey::LO; n as usize].as_slice(), x0.iter().map(|&v| -v).collect::<Vec<f64>>().as_slice(), vec![INF; n as usize].as_slice())?;
        task.put_aij_list(con_abs2.as_slice(), x, ones.as_slice())?;
        task.put_aij_list(con_abs2.as_slice(), z, ones.as_slice())?;
        task.put_con_bound_slice(coni+n,coni+n*2, vec![Boundkey::LO; n as usize].as_slice(), x0, vec![INF; n as usize].as_slice())?;

    // cardinality constraint
        let coni = task.get_num_con()?;
        task.put_a_row(coni, y, n_ones.as_slice())?;
        task.put_con_bound(coni,mosek::Boundkey::UP,p as f64,p as f64)?;

    // (gamma,G'x) in Q
        let afei = task.get_num_afe()?;
        let acci = task.get_num_acc()?;

        task.append_afes(k as i64+1)?;
        let dom = task.append_quadratic_cone_domain(k as i64+1)?;
                            vec![0.0; k as usize + 1].as_slice())?;

        for ((i,j),v) in iproduct!(0..n,0..n).zip(GT).filter(|(_,v)| **v != 0.0) {
            task.put_afe_f_entry(afei + i as i64 + 1, j as i32, *v)?;

    // Switch
        let coni = task.get_num_con()?;
        for i in 0..n {
            task.put_con_name(coni + i, format!("switch[{}]",i+1).as_str())?;

        let conlist : Vec<i32> = (coni..coni+n).collect();
        task.put_aij_list(conlist.as_slice(), z, vec![1.0; n as usize].as_slice())?;
        task.put_aij_list(conlist.as_slice(), y, vec![-w0; n as usize].as_slice())?;

        task.put_con_bound_slice_const(coni,coni+n, Boundkey::UP, 0.0,0.0)?;

    let _ = task.optimize()?;

    // Check if the integer solution is an optimal point
    if task.get_sol_sta(Soltype::ITG)? != Solsta::INTEGER_OPTIMAL {
        // See https://docs.mosek.com/latest/rustapi/accessing-solution.html about handling solution statuses.
        eprintln!("Solution not optimal!");

    let mut xx = vec![0.0;n as usize];
    task.get_xx_slice(Soltype::ITG, 0,n,xx.as_mut_slice())?;
    Ok((xx[0..n as usize].to_vec(),task.get_primal_obj(Soltype::ITG)?))

fn main() -> Result<(),String> {
    let n : i32 = 8;
    let w = 1.0;
    let mu = &[0.07197, 0.15518, 0.17535, 0.08981, 0.42896, 0.39292, 0.32171, 0.18379];
        let x0 = &[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
        let GT = &[ 0.30758, 0.12146, 0.11341, 0.11327, 0.17625, 0.11973, 0.10435, 0.10638,
                    0.     , 0.25042, 0.09946, 0.09164, 0.06692, 0.08706, 0.09173, 0.08506,
                    0.     , 0.     , 0.19914, 0.05867, 0.06453, 0.07367, 0.06468, 0.01914,
                    0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.20876, 0.04933, 0.03651, 0.09381, 0.07742,
                    0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.36096, 0.12574, 0.10157, 0.0571 ,
                    0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.21552, 0.05663, 0.06187,
                    0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.22514, 0.03327,
                    0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.2202 ];
    let gamma  = 0.25;

    for K in 1..n+1 {
        let (x,expret) = portfolio(n,
        println!("Bound {}: x = {:?}", K,x);
        println!("  Return: {:.5e}\n", expret);

mod tests {
    fn test() {


Listing 17.28 portfolio_6_factor.rs Click here to download.
//! Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//! File : portfolio_6_factor.rs
//! Purpose :   Implements a portfolio optimization model using factor model.

extern crate mosek;
extern crate itertools;
use mosek::{Task,Boundkey,Objsense,Streamtype,Soltype,Transpose,Solsta};
use itertools::{iproduct};
use std::convert::TryInto;

const INF : f64 = 0.0;

fn portfolio(w      : f64,
             mu     : &[f64],
             x0     : &[f64],
             gammas : &[f64],
             theta  : &[f64],
             GT     : &Matrix) -> Result<Vec<(f64,f64)>,String> {

    let mut task = match Task::new() {
        Some(e) => e,
        None => return Err("Failed to create task".to_string()),
    task.put_stream_callback(Streamtype::LOG, |msg| print!("{}",msg))?;

    let (kx,nx) = GT.size();
    if mu.len() != nx { panic!("Mismatching data"); }

    let k : i32 = kx.try_into().unwrap();
    let n : i32 = nx.try_into().unwrap();
    let total_budget : f64 = w + x0.iter().sum::<f64>();

    //Offset of variables into the API variable.
    let numvar = n;
    let voff_x : i32 = 0;

    // Constraint offset
    let coff_bud : i32 = 0;

    // Holding variable x of length n
    // No other auxiliary variables are needed in this formulation

    // Setting up variable x 
    for j in 0..n {
    task.put_var_bound_slice_const(voff_x,voff_x+n, Boundkey::LO,0.0, INF)?;

    // One linear constraint: total budget
    task.put_con_name(coff_bud, "budget")?;

    /* Coefficients in the first row of A */
    for j in 0..n {
        task.put_aij(coff_bud,voff_x + j, 1.0)?;
    task.put_con_bound(coff_bud, Boundkey::FX, total_budget, total_budget)?;

    // Input (gamma, G_factor_T x, diag(sqrt(theta))*x) in the AFE (affine expression) storage
    // We need k+n+1 rows and we fill them in in three parts
    task.append_afes((k+n) as i64 + 1)?;
    // 1. The first affine expression = gamma, will be specified later
    // 2. The next k expressions comprise G_factor_T*x, we add them row by row
    //    transposing the matrix G_factor on the fly
    task.put_afe_f_row_list((1..1+k as i64).collect::<Vec<i64>>().as_slice(), // f row idxs
                            vec![n; k as usize].as_slice(), // row lengths
                            (0..GT.len() as i64).step_by(n as usize).collect::<Vec<i64>>().as_slice(), // row ptr
                            iproduct!(0..k,0..n).map(|(_,b)| b).collect::<Vec<i32>>().as_slice(), // varidx, 0..n repeated k times
    // 3. The remaining n rows contain sqrt(theta) on the diagonal
    for (i,thetai) in (0..n).zip(theta.iter()) {
        task.put_afe_f_entry(i as i64 + 1 + k as i64, voff_x + i, thetai.sqrt())?;

    // Input the affine conic constraint (gamma, GT*x) \in QCone
    // Add the quadratic domain of dimension k+1
    let qdom = task.append_quadratic_cone_domain(k as i64+ 1)?;
    // Add the constraint
    task.append_acc_seq(qdom, 0, vec![0.0; k as usize+1].as_slice())?;
    task.put_acc_name(0, "risk")?;

    // Objective: maximize expected return mu^T x
    for (j,&muj) in (0..n).zip(mu.iter()) {
        task.put_c_j(voff_x + j, muj)?;

    Ok(gammas.iter().filter_map(|&gamma| {
        // Specify gamma in ACC
        task.put_afe_g(0, gamma).ok()?;
        /* Display solution summary for quick inspection of results */
        let _ = task.solution_summary(Streamtype::LOG);
        let _ = task.write_data(format!("portfolio_6_factor-{}.ptf",gamma).as_str());

        // Check if the interior point solution is an optimal point
        if task.get_sol_sta(Soltype::ITR).ok()? != Solsta::OPTIMAL {
            // See https://docs.mosek.com/latest/rustapi/accessing-solution.html about handling solution statuses.
            eprintln!("Solution not optimal!");

        /* Read the results */
        let mut xx = vec![0.0; n as usize];
        task.get_xx_slice(Soltype::ITR, voff_x, voff_x + n, xx.as_mut_slice()).ok()?;
        Some((gamma,xx.iter().zip(mu.iter()).map(|(&xj,&muj)| xj*muj).sum::<f64>()))

fn main() -> Result<(),String> {
    // Since the value infinity is never used, we define
    // 'infinity' for symbolic purposes only
    let n : i32      = 8;
    let w  = 1.0;
    let mu = &[0.07197, 0.15518, 0.17535, 0.08981, 0.42896, 0.39292, 0.32171, 0.18379];
    let x0 = &[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
    // Factor exposure matrix, n x 2
    let B = Matrix::new_by_row(n as usize, 2,
                               [ 0.4256,  0.1869,
                                 0.2413,  0.3877,
                                 0.2235,  0.3697,
                                 0.1503,  0.4612,
                                 1.5325, -0.2633,
                                 1.2741, -0.2613,
                                 0.6939,  0.2372,
                                 0.5425,  0.2116 ].to_vec()).unwrap();

    // Factor covariance matrix, 2x2
    let S_F = Matrix::new_by_row(2,2,
                                 [ 0.0620, 0.0577,
                                   0.0577, 0.0908 ].to_vec()).unwrap();

    // Specific risk components
    let theta : &[f64] = &[0.0720, 0.0508, 0.0377, 0.0394, 0.0663, 0.0224, 0.0417, 0.0459];
    let S_sqrt_theta = Matrix::diag_matrix(theta.iter().map(|&v| v.sqrt()).collect());
    let P = S_F.cholesky().unwrap();
    let BP = B.mul(&P).unwrap();

    //let GT  = BP.concat_h(&S_theta.sqrt_element().unwrap()).unwrap().transpose();
    let GT  = BP.concat_h(&S_sqrt_theta).unwrap().transpose();
    let gammas = &[0.24, 0.28, 0.32, 0.36, 0.4, 0.44, 0.48];

    for (gamma,expret) in portfolio(w,
                                    &GT)? {
        println!("Expected return {:.4e} for gamma {:.2}", expret, gamma);

// Matrix with data stored in colunn format
pub enum MatrixOrder {

pub struct Matrix {
    fmt  : MatrixOrder,
    dimi : usize,
    dimj : usize,
    data : Vec<f64>

impl Matrix {
    pub fn new(fmt : MatrixOrder, dimi : usize, dimj : usize, data : Vec<f64>) -> Option<Matrix> {
        if dimi*dimj == data.len() {
        else {

    pub fn new_by_col(dimi : usize, dimj : usize, data : Vec<f64>) -> Option<Matrix> {
    pub fn new_by_row(dimi : usize, dimj : usize, data : Vec<f64>) -> Option<Matrix> {

    pub fn size(&self) -> (usize,usize) { (self.dimi,self.dimj) }
    pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.data.len() }
    pub fn diag_matrix(data : Vec<f64>) -> Matrix {
        let mut rdata = vec![0.0; data.len()*data.len()];
        for (r,&v) in rdata.iter_mut().step_by(data.len()+1).zip(data.iter()) { *r = v; }
    pub fn transpose(&self) -> Matrix {
        Matrix {
            fmt : match self.fmt { MatrixOrder::ByRow => MatrixOrder::ByCol, MatrixOrder::ByCol => MatrixOrder::ByRow },
            dimi : self.dimj,
            dimj : self.dimi,
            data : self.data.as_slice().to_vec()

    pub fn data_by_row(&self) -> Vec<f64> {
        match self.fmt {
            MatrixOrder::ByRow => self.data.clone(),
            MatrixOrder::ByCol => iproduct!(0..self.dimi,0..self.dimj).map(|(i,j)| unsafe { *self.data.get_unchecked(self.dimi*j+i) }).collect()

    pub fn data_by_col(&self) -> Vec<f64> {
        match self.fmt {
            MatrixOrder::ByCol => self.data.clone(),
            MatrixOrder::ByRow => iproduct!(0..self.dimj,0..self.dimi).map(|(j,i)| unsafe { *self.data.get_unchecked(self.dimj*i+j) }).collect()

    pub fn data_by_row_to(&self,r : &mut[f64]) {
        match self.fmt {
            MatrixOrder::ByRow => { r.clone_from_slice(self.data.as_slice()); },
            MatrixOrder::ByCol => {
                if r.len() != self.data.len() { panic!("Incorrect result array length"); }
                for (r,(i,j)) in r.iter_mut().zip(iproduct!(0..self.dimi,0..self.dimj)) {
                    *r = unsafe { *self.data.get_unchecked(self.dimi*j+i) }

    pub fn data_by_col_to(&self,r : &mut[f64]) {
        match self.fmt {
            MatrixOrder::ByCol => { r.clone_from_slice(self.data.as_slice()); },
            MatrixOrder::ByRow => {
                for (r,(j,i)) in r.iter_mut().zip(iproduct!(0..self.dimj,0..self.dimi)) {
                    *r = unsafe { *self.data.get_unchecked(self.dimj*i+j) };

    pub fn cholesky(&self) -> Option<Matrix> {
        if self.dimi != self.dimj { None }
        else {
            let mut resdata = self.data_by_col();
            // zero data in the non-tril part
            for ((j,i),d) in iproduct!(0..self.dimj,0..self.dimi).zip(resdata.iter_mut()) { if i < j {*d = 0.0}; }
            if let Ok(_) = mosek::potrf(mosek::Uplo::LO,
                                        resdata.as_mut_slice()) {
            else { None }

    pub fn mul(&self,other : &Matrix) -> Option<Matrix> {
        if self.dimj != other.dimi { None }
        else {
            let mut resdata = vec![0.0; self.dimi * other.dimj];
            if let Ok(_) = mosek::gemm(match self.fmt { MatrixOrder::ByCol => Transpose::NO, MatrixOrder::ByRow => Transpose::YES },
                                       match other.fmt { MatrixOrder::ByCol => Transpose::NO, MatrixOrder::ByRow => Transpose::YES },
                                       resdata.as_mut_slice()) {
            else {

    pub fn concat_h(&self, other : & Matrix) -> Option<Matrix> {
        if self.dimi != other.dimi {
        else {
            let mut resdata = vec![0.0; self.data.len() + other.data.len()];

            self.data_by_col_to(& mut resdata[..self.len()]);
            other.data_by_col_to(& mut resdata[self.len()..]);


mod tests {
    fn test() {


Listing 17.29 pow1.rs Click here to download.
//!  Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//!  File : pow1.rs
//!  Purpose: Demonstrates how to solve the problem
//!    maximize x^0.2*y^0.8 + z^0.4 - x
//!          st x + y + 0.5z = 2
//!             x,y,z >= 0

extern crate mosek;
use mosek::*;

const INF : f64 = 0.0;

fn main()  -> Result<(),String> {
    let numcon : i32 = 1;
    let numvar : i32 = 5;

    // Since the value infinity is never used, we define
    // 'infinity' symbolic purposes only

    let cval = vec![ 1.0, 1.0, -1.0 ];
    let csub = vec![ 3,   4,    0 ];

    let aval = vec![ 1.0, 1.0, 0.5 ];
    let asub = vec![ 0, 1, 2 ];

    /* Create the optimization task. */
    let mut task = match Task::new() {
        Some(e) => e,
        None => return Err("Failed to create task".to_string()),
    // Directs the log task stream to the user specified
    // method msgclass.streamCB
    task.put_stream_callback(Streamtype::LOG, |msg| print!("{}",msg))?;

    /* Append 'numcon' empty constraints.
    The constraints will initially have no bounds. */

    /* Append 'numvar' variables.
    The variables will initially be fixed at zero (x=0). */

    /* Set up the linear part of the problem */
    task.put_c_list(&csub, &cval)?;
    task.put_a_row(0, &asub, &aval)?;
    task.put_con_bound(0, Boundkey::FX, 2.0, 2.0)?;

    task.put_var_bound_slice_const(0, numvar, Boundkey::FR, -INF, INF)?;

    /* Add a conic constraint */
    let pc1 = task.append_primal_power_cone_domain(3, &[0.2, 0.8])?;
    let pc2 = task.append_primal_power_cone_domain(3, &[4.0, 6.0])?;

    // Create data structures F,g so that
    //   F * x + g = (x(0), x(1), x(3), x(2), 1.0, x(4))
    task.put_afe_f_entry_list(&[0, 1, 2, 3, 5],         // Rows
                              &[0, 1, 3, 2, 4],         // Columns
                              &[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])?;
    task.put_afe_g(4, 1.0)?;

    // Append the two conic constraints
    task.append_acc(pc1,                  // Domain
                    &[0, 1, 2],           // Rows from F
                    &[0.0,0.0,0.0])?;     // Unused
    task.append_acc(pc2,                  // Domain
                    &[3, 4, 5],           // Rows from F
                    &[0.0,0.0,0.0])?;     // Unused


    // Print a summary containing information
    // about the solution for debugging purposes
    /* Get status information about the solution */
    let solsta = task.get_sol_sta(Soltype::ITR)?;

    assert!(solsta == Solsta::OPTIMAL);

    let mut xx = vec![0.0; numvar as usize];

    println!("Optimal primal solution");
    for (j,&xj) in xx[0..3].iter().enumerate() {
        println!("x[{}]: {}",j+1,xj);


mod tests {
    fn test() {


Listing 17.30 qcqo1.rs Click here to download.
//! Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//! File : qcqo1.rs
//! Purpose :   Demonstrate how to solve a quadratic
//!             optimization problem using the MOSEK API.
//!             minimize  x0^2 + 0.1 x1^2 +  x2^2 - x0 x2 - x1
//!             s.t
//!                       1 <=  x0 + x1 + x2 - x0^2 - x1^2 - 0.1 x2^2 + 0.2 x0 x2
//!                       x >= 0

extern crate mosek;
extern crate itertools;
use mosek::{Task,Boundkey,Objsense,Streamtype,Solsta,Soltype};
use itertools::izip;

const INF : f64 = 0.0;

fn main() -> Result<(),String> {
    const NUMCON : i32 = 1;   /* Number of constraints.             */
    const NUMVAR : i32 = 3;   /* Number of variables.               */

    let c = [0.0, -1.0, 0.0];

    let bkc  = [Boundkey::LO];
    let blc = [1.0];
    let buc = [INF];

    let bkx = [Boundkey::LO,
               Boundkey::LO ];
    let blx = [0.0,
               0.0 ];
    let bux = [INF,
               INF ];

    let asub = [ &[0i32], &[0i32], &[0i32] ];
    let aval = [ &[1.0], &[1.0], &[1.0] ];

    let mut task = Task::new().unwrap().with_callbacks();
    task.put_stream_callback(Streamtype::LOG, |msg| print!("{}",msg))?;

    // Give MOSEK an estimate of the size of the input data.
    // This is done to increase the speed of inputting data.
    // However, it is optional.
    // Append 'numcon' empty constraints.
    // The constraints will initially have no bounds.

    // Append 'numvar' variables.
    // The variables will initially be fixed at zero (x=0).

    for (j,cj,bkj,blj,buj) in izip!(0..NUMVAR,c,bkx,blx,bux) {
        // Set the linear term c_j in the objective.
        task.put_c_j(j, cj)?;
        // Set the bounds on variable j.
        // blx[j] <= x_j <= bux[j]
        task.put_var_bound(j, bkj, blj, buj)?;

    for (j,asubj,avalj) in izip!(0..NUMVAR, asub, aval) {
        /* Input column j of A */
        task.put_a_col(j,                     /* Variable (column) index.*/
                       asubj,               /* Row index of non-zeros in column j.*/
                       avalj)?;              /* Non-zero Values of column j. */
    // Set the bounds on constraints.
    // for i=1, ...,numcon : blc[i] <= constraint i <= buc[i] 
    for (i,bki,bli,bui) in izip!(0..NUMCON,bkc,blc,buc) {
        task.put_con_bound(i, bki, bli, bui)?;

        // The lower triangular part of the Q
        // matrix in the objective is specified.
        let qosubi = &[ 0,   1,   2,    2 ];
        let qosubj = &[ 0,   1,   0,    2 ];
        let qoval  = &[ 2.0, 0.2, -1.0, 2.0 ];
        // Input the Q for the objective.

        task.put_q_obj(qosubi, qosubj, qoval)?;

    // The lower triangular part of the Q^0
    // matrix in the first constraint is specified.
    // This corresponds to adding the term
    // x0^2 - x1^2 - 0.1 x2^2 + 0.2 x0 x2

      let qsubi = &[0,   1,    2,   2  ];
      let qsubj = &[0,   1,    2,   0  ];
      let qval =  &[-2.0, -2.0, -0.2, 0.2];

      /* put Q^0 in constraint with index 0. */



    /* Solve the problem */

    let _trm = task.optimize()?;

    // Print a summary containing information
    //   about the solution for debugging purposes

    /* Get status information about the solution */
    let solsta = task.get_sol_sta(Soltype::ITR)?;

    let mut xx = vec![0.0; NUMVAR as usize];
    task.get_xx(Soltype::ITR, // Interior solution.

    match solsta {
        Solsta::OPTIMAL => {
            println!("Optimal primal solution");
            for (j,xj) in izip!(0..NUMVAR,xx) {
                println!("x[{}]: {}",j,xj);
        Solsta::PRIM_INFEAS_CER =>
          println!("Primal or dual infeasibility.\n"),
        Solsta::UNKNOWN =>
            println!("Unknown solution status.\n"),
        _ =>
            println!("Other solution status")
} /* Main */

mod tests {
    fn test() {


Listing 17.31 qo1.rs Click here to download.
//!  Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//!  File : qo1.rs
//!  Purpose: To demonstrate how to solve a quadratic optimization
//!           problem using the MOSEK API.
extern crate mosek;
use mosek::{Task,Boundkey,Streamtype,Solsta,Soltype};

const INF : f64 = 0.0;

const NUMCON : usize = 1;   /* Number of constraints.             */
const NUMVAR : usize = 3;   /* Number of variables.               */

fn main() -> Result<(),String> {
    let c = vec![ 0.0,-1.0,0.0 ];

    let bkc = vec![ mosek::Boundkey::LO ];
    let blc = vec![ 1.0 ];
    let buc = vec![ INF ];

    let bkx = vec![ Boundkey::LO,
                    Boundkey::LO ];
    let blx = vec![ 0.0,
                    0.0 ];
    let bux = vec![ INF,
                    INF ];

    let aptrb = vec![ 0,   1,   2 ];
    let aptre = vec![ 1,   2,   3 ];
    let asub  = vec![ 0,   0,   0 ];
    let aval  = vec![ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ];

    let qsubi = vec![ 0,  1,   2,  2 ];
    let qsubj = vec![ 0,  1,   0,  2 ];
    let qval  = vec![ 2.0,0.2,-1.0,2.0 ];

    /* Create the optimization task. */
    let mut task = match Task::new() {
        Some(e) => e,
        None => return Err("Failed to create task".to_string()),

    task.put_stream_callback(Streamtype::LOG, |msg| print!("{}",msg))?;

    //r = MSK_linkfunctotaskstream(task,MSK_STREAM_LOG,NULL,printstr);

    task.append_cons(NUMCON as i32)?;

    /* Append 'NUMVAR' variables.
     * The variables will initially be fixed at zero (x=0). */
    task.append_vars(NUMVAR as i32)?;

    /* Optionally add a constant term to the objective. */

    for j in 0..NUMVAR
        /* Set the linear term c_j in the objective.*/
        task.put_c_j(j as i32,c[j])?;

        /* Set the bounds on variable j.
         * blx[j] <= x_j <= bux[j] */
        task.put_var_bound(j as i32, /* Index of variable.*/
                           bkx[j],   /* Bound key.*/
                           blx[j],   /* Numerical value of lower bound.*/
                           bux[j])?;  /* Numerical value of upper bound.*/
        /* Input column j of A */
        task.put_a_col(j as i32,                  /* Variable (column) index.*/
                       &asub[aptrb[j]..aptre[j]],  /* Pointer to row indexes of column j.*/
                       &aval[aptrb[j]..aptre[j]])?; /* Pointer to Values of column j.*/
    /* Set the bounds on constraints.
     * for i=1, ...,NUMCON : blc[i] <= constraint i <= buc[i] */
    for i in 0..NUMCON
        task.put_con_bound(i as i32,    /* Index of constraint.*/
                           bkc[i],      /* Bound key.*/
                           blc[i],      /* Numerical value of lower bound.*/
                           buc[i])?;     /* Numerical value of upper bound.*/
         * The lower triangular part of the Q
         * matrix in the objective is specified.

        /* Input the Q for the objective. */


    let _trmcode = task.optimize()?;

    /* Run optimizer */
    /* Print a summary containing information
    about the solution for debugging purposes*/

    let solsta = task.get_sol_sta(Soltype::ITR)?;

    match solsta
        Solsta::OPTIMAL =>
            let mut xx = vec![0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
            task.get_xx(Soltype::ITR,    /* Request the interior solution. */
                        & mut xx[..])?;

            println!("Optimal primal solution");
            for j in 0..NUMVAR
                println!("x[{}]: {}",j,xx[j]);

        Solsta::DUAL_INFEAS_CER |
        Solsta::PRIM_INFEAS_CER =>
            println!("Primal or dual infeasibility certificate found.");
        Solsta::UNKNOWN =>
            println!("The status of the solution could not be determined.");

        _ =>
            println!("Other solution status.");
    return Ok(());
} /* main */

mod tests {
    fn test() {


Listing 17.32 reoptimization.rs Click here to download.
//!   Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//!   Purpose :   Demonstrates how to solve a  linear
//!               optimization problem using the MOSEK API
//!               and modify and re-optimize the problem.

extern crate mosek;
extern crate itertools;
use mosek::{Task,Boundkey,Objsense,Soltype};
use itertools::izip;

const INF : f64 = 0.0;

fn main() -> Result<(),String> {

    let numcon = 3;
    let numvar = 3;
    let c = &[1.5, 2.5, 3.0 ];
    let bkc = &[ Boundkey::UP,
                 Boundkey::UP ];
    let blc = &[ -INF,
                 -INF ];
    let buc = &[ 100000.0,
                 60000.0 ];
    let bkx = &[ Boundkey::LO,
    let blx = &[ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ];
    let bux = &[ INF,
                 INF ];

    let asub = &[
        &[ 0i32, 1, 2 ],
        &[ 0i32, 1, 2 ],
        &[ 0i32, 1, 2 ] ];

    let aval = &[
        &[ 2.0, 3.0, 2.0 ],
        &[ 4.0, 2.0, 3.0 ],
        &[ 3.0, 3.0, 2.0 ] ];

    let mut task = Task::new().unwrap();
    /* Append the constraints. */

    /* Append the variables. */

    /* Put C. */
    for (j,&cj) in (0..numvar).zip(c.iter()) {
    /* Put constraint bounds. */
    for (i,&bki,&bli,&bui) in izip!(0..numcon,bkc,blc,buc) {
        task.put_con_bound(i, bki, bli, bui)?;

    /* Put variable bounds. */
    for (j,&bki,&bli,&bui) in izip!(0..numvar,bkx,blx,bux) {
        task.put_var_bound(j, bki, bli, bui)?;

    /* Put A. */
    if numcon > 0 {
        for (j,&asubj,&avalj) in izip!(0..numvar,asub,aval) {

    /* A maximization problem */
    /* Solve the problem */
    let _trm = task.optimize()?;

    let mut xx = vec![0.0; task.get_num_var()? as usize];
    task.get_xx(Soltype::BAS, // Request the basic solution.

    for (j,xj) in xx.iter().enumerate() {
        println!("x[{}]: {}",j,xj);

    /****************** Make a change to the A matrix ******************/
    task.put_aij(0, 0, 3.0)?;
    let _trm = task.optimize()?;
    task.get_xx(Soltype::BAS, // Request the basic solution.

    for (j,xj) in xx.iter().enumerate() {
        println!("x[{}]: {}",j,xj);

    /***************** Add a new variable ******************************/
    /* Get index of new variable. */

    let varidx = task.get_num_var()?;

    /* Append a new variable x_3 to the problem */
    let numvar = numvar + 1;

    /* Set bounds on new varaible */
    task.put_var_bound(varidx, Boundkey::LO, 0.0, INF)?;

    /* Change objective */
    task.put_c_j(varidx, 1.0)?;

    /* Put new values in the A matrix */
    let acolsub = &[0i32, 2];
    let acolval = &[4.0, 1.0];

    task.put_a_col(varidx, /* column index */

    /* Change optimizer to simplex free and reoptimize */
    task.put_int_param(mosek::Iparam::OPTIMIZER, mosek::Optimizertype::FREE_SIMPLEX)?;
    let _trm = task.optimize()?;

    let mut xx = vec![0.0; task.get_num_var()? as usize];
    task.get_xx(Soltype::BAS, xx.as_mut_slice())?;

    for (j,xj) in (0..numvar).zip(xx.iter()) {
        println!("x[{}]: {}",j,xj);

    /********************** Add a new constraint ***************************/
    /* Get index of new constraint. */
    let conidx = task.get_num_con()?;

    /* Append a new constraint */
    let numcon = numcon + 1;

    /* Set bounds on new constraint */

    /* Put new values in the A matrix */
    let arowsub = &[0i32,   1,   2,   3  ];
    let arowval = &[1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0 ];

    task.put_a_row(conidx, /* row index */

    let _trm = task.optimize()?;

    task.get_xx(Soltype::BAS, // Request the basic solution.

    for (j,xj) in (0..numvar).zip(xx.iter()) {
        println!("x[{}]: {}",j,xj);

    /********************** Change constraint bounds ********************/
    let newbkc = &[Boundkey::UP,
    let newblc = &[-INF,
    let newbuc = &[ 80000.0, 40000.0, 50000.0, 22000.0 ];

    task.put_con_bound_slice(0, numcon, newbkc, newblc, newbuc)?;

    let _ = task.optimize()?;

    task.get_xx(Soltype::BAS, // Request the basic solution.

    for (j,xj) in (0..numvar).zip(xx.iter()) {
        println!("x[{}]: {}",j,xj);


mod tests {
    fn test() {


Listing 17.33 response.rs Click here to download.
//!  Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//!  File : response.rs
//!  Purpose :   This example demonstrates proper response handling
//!              for problems solved with the interior-point optimizers.
extern crate mosek;

use mosek::{Task,Streamtype,Solsta,Soltype};
use std::env;

const CQO1_PTF : &str = "Task 'CQO1 EXAMPLE'
Objective obj
    Minimize + x4 + x5 + x6
    c1 [1] + x1 + x2 + 2 x3
    k1 [QUAD(3)]
        x1 [0;+inf]
        x2 [0;+inf]
    k2 [RQUAD(3)]
        x3 [0;+inf]

fn main() -> Result<(),String> {
    let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();

    let mut task = Task::new().unwrap().with_callbacks();
    if args.len() < 2 {
    else {

    // Perform optimization.
    let trm = task.optimize()?;

    // Handle solution status. We expect Optimal
    let solsta = task.get_sol_sta(Soltype::ITR)?;

    match solsta {
        Solsta::OPTIMAL => {
            // Fetch and print the solution
            println!("An optimal interior point solution is located.");
            let numvar = task.get_num_var()?;
            let mut xx = vec![0.0; numvar as usize];
            task.get_xx(Soltype::ITR, xx.as_mut_slice())?;
            println!("xx = {:?}",xx)
        Solsta::DUAL_INFEAS_CER =>
          println!("Dual infeasibility certificate found."),
        Solsta::PRIM_INFEAS_CER =>
          println!("Primal infeasibility certificate found."),
        Solsta::UNKNOWN => {
          // The solutions status is unknown. The termination code
          // indicates why the optimizer terminated prematurely.
          println!("The solution status is unknown.");
          let (symname,desc) = mosek::get_code_desc(trm)?;
          println!("   Termination code: {} {}\n", symname, desc)
        _ =>
          println!("Unexpected solution status {}\n",solsta)

mod tests {
    fn test() {


Listing 17.34 sdo1.rs Click here to download.
//!  Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//!  File : sdo1.rs
//!  Purpose:   Solves the following small semidefinite optimization problem
//!             using the MOSEK API.
//!    minimize    Tr [2, 1, 0; 1, 2, 1; 0, 1, 2]*X + x0
//!    subject to  Tr [1, 0, 0; 0, 1, 0; 0, 0, 1]*X + x0           = 1
//!                Tr [1, 1, 1; 1, 1, 1; 1, 1, 1]*X      + x1 + x2 = 0.5
//!                (x0,x1,x2) \in Q,  X \in PSD

extern crate mosek;

use mosek::{Task,Streamtype,Solsta,Soltype};

const INF : f64 = 0.0;

const NUMCON    : usize = 2;   /* Number of constraints.              */
const NUMVAR    : usize = 3;   /* Number of conic quadratic variables */

fn main() -> Result<(),String>
    let dimbarvar = vec![3];         /* Dimension of semidefinite cone */

    let bkc = &[ mosek::Boundkey::FX, mosek::Boundkey::FX ];
    let blc = &[ 1.0, 0.5 ];
    let buc = &[ 1.0, 0.5 ];

    let barc_i = &[0, 1, 1, 2, 2];
    let barc_j = &[0, 0, 1, 1, 2];
    let barc_v = &[2.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0];

    let aptrb = &[0, 1];
    let aptre = &[1, 3];
    let asub  = &[0, 1, 2]; /* column subscripts of A */
    let aval  = &[1.0, 1.0, 1.0];

    let bara_i = &[0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2];
    let bara_j = &[0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2];
    let bara_v = &[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0];

    let falpha = 1.0;

    /* Create the optimization task. */
    let mut task = match Task::new() {
        Some(e) => e,
        None => return Err("Failed to create task".to_string()),

    task.put_stream_callback(Streamtype::LOG, |msg| print!("{}",msg))?;

    /* Append 'NUMCON' empty constraints.
     * The constraints will initially have no bounds. */
    task.append_cons(NUMCON as i32)?;

    /* Append 'NUMVAR' variables.
     * The variables will initially be fixed at zero (x=0). */
    task.append_vars(NUMVAR as i32)?;

    /* Append 'NUMBARVAR' semidefinite variables. */

    /* Optionally add a constant term to the objective. */

    /* Set the linear term c_j in the objective.*/

    for j in 0..NUMVAR {
        task.put_var_bound(j as i32,

    /* Set the linear term barc_j in the objective.*/
    let c_symmat_idx = task.append_sparse_sym_mat(dimbarvar[0],
    task.put_barc_j(0, &[c_symmat_idx], &[falpha])?;

    for i in 0..NUMCON
        /* Input A row by row */
        task.put_a_row(i as i32,
                       & asub[aptrb[i]..aptre[i]],
                       & aval[aptrb[i]..aptre[i]])?;

        /* Set the bounds on constraints.
         * for i=1, ...,NUMCON : blc[i] <= constraint i <= buc[i] */
        task.put_con_bound(i as i32,    /* Index of constraint.*/
                           bkc[i],      /* Bound key.*/
                           blc[i],      /* Numerical value of lower bound.*/
                           buc[i])?;     /* Numerical value of upper bound.*/

        /* Append the conic quadratic cone */
        let afei = task.get_num_afe()?;
        let dom = task.append_quadratic_cone_domain(3)?;

    /* Add the first row of barA */
    let a_symmat_idx1 =
                                   & bara_i[..3],
                                   & bara_j[..3],
                                   & bara_v[..3])?;

    task.put_bara_ij(0, 0, &[a_symmat_idx1][..], &[falpha][..])?;

    /* Add the second row of barA */
    let a_symmat_idx2 =
                                   & bara_i[3..9],
                                   & bara_j[3..9],
                                   & bara_v[3..9])?;
    task.put_bara_ij(1, 0, &[a_symmat_idx2][..], &[falpha][..])?;

    let _trmcode = task.optimize()?;

    /* Print a summary containing information
     * about the solution for debugging purposes*/
    task.solution_summary (Streamtype::MSG)?;

    let solsta = task.get_sol_sta(Soltype::ITR)?;

    match solsta
        Solsta::OPTIMAL =>
            let mut xx = vec![0.0,0.0,0.0];
            task.get_xx(Soltype::ITR,    /* Request the basic solution. */
                        & mut xx[..])?;
            let mut barx = vec![0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0];
            task.get_barx_j(Soltype::ITR,    /* Request the interior solution. */
                            & mut barx[..])?;
            println!("Optimal primal solution");
            for j in 0..NUMVAR as usize
                println!("x[{}]: {}",j,xx[j]);
            let n = dimbarvar[0] as usize;
            for j in 0..n
                for i in j..n
                    println!("barx[{},{}]: {}",i,j,barx[j*n+i-j*(j+1)/2]);

        Solsta::DUAL_INFEAS_CER       |
        Solsta::PRIM_INFEAS_CER       =>
            println!("Primal or dual infeasibility certificate found.");

        Solsta::UNKNOWN =>
            /* If the solutions status is unknown, print the termination code
             * indicating why the optimizer terminated prematurely. */

            println!("The solution status is unknown.");
            println!("The optimizer terminitated with code: {}",solsta);
        _ =>
            println!("Other solution status.");
} /* main */

mod tests {
    fn test() {


Listing 17.35 sdo2.rs Click here to download.
//!  Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//!  File : sdo2.rs
//!  Purpose :   Solves the semidefinite problem with two symmetric variables:
//!                 min   <C1,X1> + <C2,X2>
//!                 st.   <A1,X1> + <A2,X2> = b
//!                             (X2)_{1,2} <= k
//!                 where X1, X2 are symmetric positive semidefinite,
//!                 C1, C2, A1, A2 are assumed to be constant symmetric matrices,
//!                 and b, k are constants.

extern crate mosek;

use mosek::{Task,Streamtype,Solsta,Soltype};

fn main() -> Result<(),String> {

    /* Input data */
    let  numcon : i32       = 2;              /* Number of constraints. */
    let  dimbarvar : &[i32] = &[3, 4];         /* Dimension of semidefinite variables */

    /* Objective coefficients concatenated */
    let Cj : &[i32] = &[ 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 ];   /* Which symmetric variable (j) */
    let Ck : &[i32] = &[ 0, 2, 0, 1, 1, 2 ];   /* Which entry (k,l)->v */
    let Cl : &[i32] = &[ 0, 2, 0, 0, 1, 2 ];
    let Cv : &[f64] = &[ 1.0, 6.0, 1.0, -3.0, 2.0, 1.0 ];

    /* Equality constraints coefficients concatenated */
    let Ai : &[i32] = &[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ];   /* Which constraint (i = 0) */
    let Aj : &[i32] = &[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 ];   /* Which symmetric variable (j) */
    let Ak : &[i32] = &[ 0, 2, 2, 1, 1, 3 ];   /* Which entry (k,l)->v */
    let Al : &[i32] = &[ 0, 0, 2, 0, 1, 3 ];
    let Av : &[f64] = &[ 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, -1.0, -3.0 ];

    /* The second constraint - one-term inequality */
    let A2i : &[i32] = &[ 1 ];                        /* Which constraint (i = 1) */
    let A2j : &[i32] = &[ 1 ];                        /* Which symmetric variable (j = 1) */
    let A2k : &[i32] = &[ 1 ];                        /* Which entry A(1,0) = A(0,1) = 0.5 */
    let A2l : &[i32] = &[ 0 ];
    let A2v : &[f64] = &[ 0.5 ];

    let bkc = &[ mosek::Boundkey::FX,
                 mosek::Boundkey::UP ];
    let blc = &[ 23.0,  0.0 ];
    let buc = &[ 23.0, -3.0 ];

    /* Create the optimization task. */
    let mut task = match Task::new() {
        Some(e) => e,
        None => return Err("Failed to create task".to_string()),
    task.put_stream_callback(Streamtype::LOG, |msg| print!("{}",msg))?;

    /* Append numcon empty constraints.
    The constraints will initially have no bounds. */

    /* Append numbarvar semidefinite variables. */

    /* Set objective (6 nonzeros).*/
    task.put_barc_block_triplet(Cj, Ck, Cl, Cv)?;

    /* Set the equality constraint (6 nonzeros).*/
    task.put_bara_block_triplet(Ai, Aj, Ak, Al, Av)?;

    /* Set the inequality constraint (1 nonzero).*/
    task.put_bara_block_triplet(A2i, A2j, A2k, A2l, A2v)?;

    /* Set constraint bounds */
    task.put_con_bound_slice(0, 2, bkc, blc, buc)?;

    /* Run optimizer */

    //mosek.solsta[] solsta = new mosek.solsta[1];
    let solsta = task.get_sol_sta (Soltype::ITR)?;

    match solsta {
        Solsta::OPTIMAL => {
            /* Retrieve the soution for all symmetric variables */
            println!("Solution (lower triangular part vectorized):");
            for (i,dimbarvari) in dimbarvar.iter().enumerate() {
                //let dim = dimbarvar[i] * (dimbarvar[i] + 1) / 2;
                let dim = dimbarvari * (dimbarvari+1)/2;
                //double[] barx = new double[dim];
                let mut barx : Vec<f64> = vec![0.0; dim as usize];
                task.get_barx_j(Soltype::ITR, i as i32, barx.as_mut_slice())?;

                println!("X{}: {:?}",i+1,barx);
                // for (int j = 0; j < dim; ++j)
                //     System.out.print(barx[j] + " ");
                // System.out.println();
        Solsta::DUAL_INFEAS_CER|Solsta::PRIM_INFEAS_CER =>
            println!("Primal or dual infeasibility certificate found."),
        Solsta::UNKNOWN =>
            println!("The status of the solution could not be determined."),
        _ => println!("Other solution status.")

mod tests {
    fn test() {


Listing 17.36 sdo_lmi.rs Click here to download.
//!   Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//!   File : sdo_lmi.rs
//!   Purpose :   To solve a problem with an LMI and an affine conic constrained problem with a PSD term
//!                 minimize    Tr [1, 0; 0, 1]*X + x(1) + x(2) + 1
//!                 subject to  Tr [0, 1; 1, 0]*X - x(1) - x(2) >= 0
//!                             x(1) [0, 1; 1, 3] + x(2) [3, 1; 1, 0] - [1, 0; 0, 1] >> 0
//!                             X >> 0

extern crate mosek;

use mosek::{Task,Boundkey,Objsense,Streamtype,Solsta,Soltype};

const INF : f64 = 0.0;

fn main() -> Result<(),String> {
    let numafe : i64 = 4;  /* Number of affine expressions.              */
    let numvar : i32 = 2;  /* Number of scalar variables */
    let dimbarvar = &[2];         /* Dimension of semidefinite cone */
    let lenbarvar = &[2 * (2 + 1) / 2]; /* Number of scalar SD variables  */

    let barc_j  = &[0, 0];
    let barc_k  = &[0, 1];
    let barc_l  = &[0, 1];
    let barc_v  = &[1.0, 1.0];

    let afeidx  = &[0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3];
    let varidx  = &[0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0];
    let f_val  = &[-1.0, -1.0, 3.0, 2.0f64.sqrt(), 2.0f64.sqrt(), 3.0];
    let g       = &[0.0, -1.0, 0.0, -1.0];

    let barf_i = &[0, 0];
    let barf_j = &[0, 0];
    let barf_k = &[0, 1];
    let barf_l = &[0, 0];
    let barf_v = &[0.0, 1.0];

    let mut task = Task::new().unwrap().with_callbacks();
    task.put_stream_callback(Streamtype::LOG, |msg| print!("{}",msg))?;

    /* Append 'NUMAFE' empty affine expressions. */

    /* Append 'NUMVAR' variables.
    The variables will initially be fixed at zero (x=0). */

    /* Append 'NUMBARVAR' semidefinite variables. */

    /* Optionally add a constant term to the objective. */

      /* Set the linear term c_j in the objective.*/
    task.put_c_j(0, 1.0)?;
    task.put_c_j(1, 1.0)?;

    task.put_var_bound_slice_const(0,numvar, Boundkey::FR, -INF,INF)?;

    /* Set the linear term barc_j in the objective.*/
    task.put_barc_block_triplet(barc_j, barc_k, barc_l, barc_v)?;

    /* Set up the affine conic constraints */

    /* Construct the affine expressions */
    /* F matrix */
    task.put_afe_f_entry_list(afeidx, varidx, f_val)?;
    /* g vector */
    task.put_afe_g_slice(0, 4, g)?;

    /* barF block triplets */
    task.put_afe_barf_block_triplet(barf_i, barf_j, barf_k, barf_l, barf_v)?;

    /* Append R+ domain and the corresponding ACC */
        let dom = task.append_rplus_domain(1)?;
        task.append_acc(dom, &[0], &[0.0])?;

    /* Append SVEC_PSD domain and the corresponding ACC */
        let dom = task.append_svec_psd_cone_domain(3)?;
        task.append_acc(dom, &[1,2,3], &[0.0,0.0,0.0])?;

    /* Run optimizer */
    let _ = task.optimize()?;

    /* Print a summary containing information
    about the solution for debugging purposes*/
    task.solution_summary (mosek::Streamtype::MSG)?;

    let solsta = task.get_sol_sta(mosek::Soltype::ITR)?;

    match solsta {
        Solsta::OPTIMAL => {
            let mut xx = vec![0.0; numvar as usize];
            let mut barx = vec![0.0; lenbarvar[0]];
            task.get_barx_j(Soltype::ITR, 0, barx.as_mut_slice())?;    /* Request the interior solution. */
            println!("Optimal primal solution");
            println!("  x = {:?}",xx);
            println!("  barx = {:?}",barx);
        Solsta::DUAL_INFEAS_CER|Solsta::PRIM_INFEAS_CER =>
          println!("Primal or dual infeasibility certificate found."),
        Solsta::UNKNOWN =>
          println!("The status of the solution could not be determined."),
        _ =>
          println!("Other solution status.")

mod tests {
    fn test() {


Listing 17.37 sensitivity.rs Click here to download.
//!   Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//!   File : sensitivity.rs
//!   Purpose :   To demonstrate how to perform sensitivity
//!               analysis from the API on a small problem:
//!               minimize
//!               obj: +1 x11 + 2 x12 + 5 x23 + 2 x24 + 1 x31 + 2 x33 + 1 x34
//!               st
//!               c1:   +  x11 +   x12                                           <= 400
//!               c2:                  +   x23 +   x24                           <= 1200
//!               c3:                                  +   x31 +   x33 +   x34   <= 1000
//!               c4:   +  x11                         +   x31                   = 800
//!               c5:          +   x12                                           = 100
//!               c6:                  +   x23                 +   x33           = 500
//!               c7:                          +   x24                 +   x34   = 500
//!               The example uses basis type sensitivity analysis.

extern crate mosek;
use mosek::{Task,Boundkey,Streamtype,Mark,Objsense};

const INFINITY : f64 = 0.0;

fn main() -> Result<(),String> {
    let bkc = vec![
        Boundkey::UP, Boundkey::UP,
        Boundkey::UP, Boundkey::FX,
        Boundkey::FX, Boundkey::FX,
        Boundkey::FX ];
    let bkx = vec![
        Boundkey::LO, Boundkey::LO,
        Boundkey::LO, Boundkey::LO,
        Boundkey::LO, Boundkey::LO,
        Boundkey::LO ];

    let ptr = [0i64, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14];
    let sub = [0i32, 3, 0, 4, 1, 5, 1, 6, 2, 3, 2, 5, 2, 6];
    let blc = [ -INFINITY, -INFINITY, -INFINITY, 800.0, 100.0, 500.0, 500.0 ];

    let buc = [400.0, 1200.0, 1000.0, 800.0, 100.0, 500.0, 500.0];
    let c   = [1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0];
    let blx = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
    let bux = [INFINITY, INFINITY,
               INFINITY, INFINITY,
               INFINITY, INFINITY,
    let val = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
               1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0];

    let numcon = 7;  /* Number of constraints.             */
    let numvar = 7;  /* Number of variables.               */

    /* Create the optimization task. */
    let mut task = match Task::new() {
        Some(t) => t,
        None => return Err("Failed to create task".to_string()),

    /* Directs the log task stream to the 'printstr' function. */
    task.put_stream_callback(Streamtype::LOG, |msg| print!("{}",msg))?;

    task.input_data(numcon as i32, numvar as i32,
                    &ptr[0..numvar as usize],
                    &ptr[1..numvar as usize+1],

    /* A maximization problem */


    /* Analyze upper bound on c1 and the equality constraint on c4 */
    let mut subi  = vec![0i32, 3i32];
    let mut marki = vec![Mark::UP, Mark::UP];

    /* Analyze lower bound on the variables x12 and x31 */
    let mut subj  = vec![1i32, 4];
    let mut markj = vec![Mark::LO, Mark::LO];

    let mut leftpricei  = vec![0.0; 2];
    let mut rightpricei = vec![0.0; 2];
    let mut leftrangei  = vec![0.0; 2];
    let mut rightrangei = vec![0.0; 2];
    let mut leftpricej  = vec![0.0; 2];
    let mut rightpricej = vec![0.0; 2];
    let mut leftrangej  = vec![0.0; 2];
    let mut rightrangej = vec![0.0; 2];

    println!("Results from sensitivity analysis on bounds:");

    println!("For constraints:");
    for i in 0..2 {
        println!("leftprice = {:.5e}, rightprice = {:.5e}, leftrange = {:.5e}, rightrange = {:.5e}",
                 leftpricei[i], rightpricei[i], leftrangei[i], rightrangei[i]);
    println!("For variables:\n");
    for i in 0..2 {
        println!("leftprice = {:.5e}, rightprice = {:.5e}, leftrange = {:.5e}, rightrange = {:.5e}",
                 leftpricej[i], rightpricej[i], leftrangej[i], rightrangej[i]);

    let mut leftprice  = vec![0.0; 2];
    let mut rightprice = vec![0.0; 2];
    let mut leftrange  = vec![0.0; 2];
    let mut rightrange = vec![0.0; 2];
    let subc = [2i32, 5i32];


    println!("Results from sensitivity analysis on objective coefficients:");

    for i in 0..2 {
        println!("leftprice = {:.5e}, rightprice = {:.5e}, leftrange = {:.5e}, rightrange = {:.5e}",
                 leftprice[i], rightprice[i], leftrange[i], rightrange[i]);

    return Result::Ok(());

mod tests {
    fn test() {


Listing 17.38 simple.rs Click here to download.
//!   Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//!   File : simple.rs
//!   Purpose :   Demonstrates a very simple example using MOSEK by
//!               reading a problem file, solving the problem and
//!               writing the problem+solution to a file.

extern crate mosek;
use mosek::{Task,Streamtype,Iparam,Onoffkey};
use std::env;

enum FileOrText {
fn main() -> Result<(),String> {
    let mut args = env::args();
    if args.len() < 2 {
        println!("Syntax: simple FILENAME [ OUTFILE ]");
        return Err("Invalid argument list".to_string())
    let _ = args.next();

fn simple(filename : FileOrText, outfile : Option<String>) -> Result<(),String> {
    let mut task = Task::new().unwrap().with_callbacks();
    task.put_stream_callback(Streamtype::LOG, |msg| print!("{}",msg))?;

    // We assume that a problem file was given as the first command
    // line argument (received in `args')
    match filename {
        FileOrText::File(fname) => {
        FileOrText::Text(data) => {
    // Solve the problem
    let _ = task.optimize()?;

    // Print a summary of the solution

    // If an output file was specified, save problem to file
    if let Some(outfile) = outfile {
        // If using OPF format, these parameters will specify what to include in output
        task.put_int_param(Iparam::OPF_WRITE_SOLUTIONS,  Onoffkey::ON)?;
        task.put_int_param(Iparam::OPF_WRITE_PROBLEM,    Onoffkey::ON)?;
        task.put_int_param(Iparam::OPF_WRITE_HINTS,      Onoffkey::OFF)?;
        task.put_int_param(Iparam::OPF_WRITE_PARAMETERS, Onoffkey::OFF)?;

        task.put_int_param(Iparam::PTF_WRITE_SOLUTIONS,  Onoffkey::ON)?;


mod tests {

    const DFLT_FILE : &str = "Task
    Maximize + 2 @x0 + 3 @x1 - @x2
    @c0 [1] + @x0 + @x1 + @x2
    @C0 [QUAD(3)]
        @ac1: + 0.03
        @ac2: + 1.5 @x0 + 0.1 @x1
        @ac3: + 0.3 @x0 + 2.1 @x2 + 0.1

    fn test() {


Listing 17.39 solutionquality.rs Click here to download.
//!  Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//!  File : solutionquality.rs
//!  Purpose :   To demonstrate how to examine the quality of a solution.

extern crate mosek;

use mosek::{Task,Streamtype,Solsta,Soltype};
use std::env;

enum FileOrText {

fn main() -> Result<(),String> {
    let mut args = env::args();
    if args.len() < 2 {
        println!("Syntax: solutionquality FILENAME");
        return Err("Invalid argument list".to_string())
    let _ = args.next();
    let filename = args.next().unwrap();

fn solutionquality(filename : FileOrText) -> Result<(),String> {
    let mut task = Task::new().unwrap().with_callbacks();
    task.put_stream_callback(Streamtype::LOG, |msg| print!("{}",msg))?;
    // We assume that a problem file was given as the first command
    // line argument (received in `args')
    match filename {
        FileOrText::File(filename) => task.read_data (filename.as_str())?,
        FileOrText::Text(data) => task.read_ptf_string(data.as_str())?

    // Solve the problem
    let _ = task.optimize()?;


    let solsta = task.get_sol_sta(Soltype::BAS)?;

    let mut pobj        : f64 = 0.0;
    let mut pviolcon    : f64 = 0.0;
    let mut pviolvar    : f64 = 0.0;
    let mut pviolbarvar : f64 = 0.0;
    let mut pviolcones  : f64 = 0.0;
    let mut pviolitg    : f64 = 0.0;
    let mut dobj        : f64 = 0.0;
    let mut dviolcon    : f64 = 0.0;
    let mut dviolvar    : f64 = 0.0;
    let mut dviolbarvar : f64 = 0.0;
    let mut dviolcones  : f64 = 0.0;

                           & mut pobj, & mut pviolcon, & mut pviolvar, & mut pviolbarvar, & mut pviolcones, & mut pviolitg,
                           & mut dobj, & mut dviolcon, & mut dviolvar, & mut dviolbarvar, & mut dviolcones)?;
    match solsta {
        Solsta::OPTIMAL => {
            let abs_obj_gap = (dobj-pobj).abs();
            let rel_obj_gap = abs_obj_gap / (1.0 + f64::min(pobj.abs(), dobj.abs()));
            let max_primal_viol = f64::max(pviolcon, pviolvar);
            let max_primal_viol = f64::max(max_primal_viol  , pviolbarvar);
            let max_primal_viol = f64::max(max_primal_viol  , pviolcones);

            let max_dual_viol   = f64::max(dviolcon, dviolvar);
            let max_dual_viol   = f64::max(max_dual_viol, dviolbarvar);
            let max_dual_viol   = f64::max(max_dual_viol, dviolcones);

            // Assume the application needs the solution to be within
            //    1e-6 ofoptimality in an absolute sense. Another approach
            //   would be looking at the relative objective gap

            println!("Customized solution information.");
            println!("  Absolute objective gap: {:.3e}", abs_obj_gap);
            println!("  Relative objective gap: {:.3e}", rel_obj_gap);
            println!("  Max primal violation  : {:.3e}", max_primal_viol);
            println!("  Max dual violation    : {:.3e}", max_dual_viol);

            let mut accepted = true;

            if rel_obj_gap > 1e-6 {
                println!("Warning: The relative objective gap is LARGE.");
                accepted = false;

            // We will accept a primal infeasibility of 1e-8 and
            // dual infeasibility of 1e-6. These number should chosen problem
            // dependent.
            if max_primal_viol > 1e-8 {
                println!("Warning: Primal violation is too LARGE");
                accepted = false;

            if max_dual_viol > 1e-6 {
                println!("Warning: Dual violation is too LARGE.");
                accepted = false;

            if accepted {
                let numvar = task.get_num_var()?;
                println!("Optimal primal solution");
                let mut xx = vec![0.0; numvar as usize];
                for (j,&xj) in (0..numvar).zip(xx.iter()) {
                    println!("x[{}]: {}",j,xj);
            } else {
                // print etailed information about the solution
                task.analyze_solution(Streamtype::LOG, Soltype::BAS)?;
        Solsta::DUAL_INFEAS_CER => println!("Primal or dual infeasibility certificate found."),
        Solsta::UNKNOWN => println!("The status of the solution is unknown."),
        _ => println!("Other solution status"),

mod tests {

    const DFLT_FILE : &str = "Task
    Maximize + 3 @x0 + @x1 + 5 @x2 + @x3
    @c0 [30] + 3 @x0 + @x1 + 2 @x2
    @c1 [15;+inf] + 2 @x0 + @x1 + 3 @x2 + @x3
    @c2 [-inf;25] + 2 @x1 + 3 @x3
    @x0 [0;+inf]
    @x1 [0;10]
    @x2 [0;+inf]
    @x3 [0;+inf]

    fn test() {


Listing 17.40 solvebasis.rs Click here to download.
//!  Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//!  File : solvebasis.rs

extern crate mosek;

use mosek::{Task,Boundkey,Objsense,Streamtype};

/// Demonstrate the usage of solve_with_basis on the problem:
/// ```
/// maximize  x0 + x1
/// st.
///         x0 + 2.0 x1 <= 2
///         x0  +    x1 <= 6
///         x0 >= 0, x1>= 0
/// ```
/// The problem has the slack variables `xc0`, `xc1` on the
/// constraints and the variabels `x0` and `x1`.
/// ```
/// maximize  x0 + x1
/// st.
///     x0 + 2.0 x1 -xc1       = 2
///     x0  +    x1       -xc2 = 6
///     x0 >= 0, x1>= 0,
///     xc1 <=  0 , xc2 <= 0
/// ```
fn solve() -> Result<(),String> {
    let mut task = match Task::new() {
        Some(e) => e,
        None => return Err("Failed to create task".to_string()),
    task.put_stream_callback(Streamtype::LOG, |msg| print!("{}",msg))?;


    let numcon : i32 = 2;
    let numvar : i32 = 2;

    let mut w1  = vec![2.0, 6.0];
    let mut w2  = vec![1.0, 0.0];

    task.input_data(numcon, numvar,
                    &[1.0, 1.0], // c
                    0.0, // cfix
                    &[0,2], // ptrb
                    &[2,3], // ptre
                      0,1],  // sub
                    &[1.0, 1.0,
                      2.0, 1.0], // val
                      Boundkey::UP], // bkc
                    &[0.0,0.0], // blc
                    &[2.0,6.0], // buc
                      Boundkey::LO], // bkx
                    &[0.0, 0.0], // blx
                    &[0.0,0.0])?; // bux;


    let _ = task.optimize()?;

    let mut basis = vec![0i32; numcon as usize];

    // List basis variables corresponding to columns of B
    let mut varsub = vec![0i32, 1];

    for i in 0..numcon {
        if basis[varsub[i as usize] as usize] < numcon {
            println!("Basis variable no {} is xc{}",i,basis[varsub[i as usize] as usize]);
        else {
            println!("Basis variable no {} is x{}",i,basis[i as usize]-numcon);

            // solve Bx = w1
            // varsub contains index of non-zeros in b.
            //  On return b contains the solution x and
            // varsub the index of the non-zeros in x.
                let nz = task.solve_with_basis(false, 2, varsub.as_mut_slice(), w1.as_mut_slice())?;
                println!("nz = {}",nz);
                println!("Solution to Bx = {:?}",w1);

                for vsubi in &varsub[0..nz as usize] {
                    if basis[*vsubi as usize] < numcon {
                        println!("xc {} = {}",basis[*vsubi as usize],w1[*vsubi as usize]);
                    else {
                        println!("x{} = {}",basis[*vsubi as usize] - numcon,w1[*vsubi as usize])

            // Solve B^Tx = w2
                varsub[0] = 1;
                let nz = task.solve_with_basis(true,1,varsub.as_mut_slice(),w2.as_mut_slice())?;
                println!("nz = {}",nz);

                println!("Solution to B^Tx = {:?}",w2);

                for vsubi in &varsub[0..nz as usize] {
                    if basis[*vsubi as usize] < numcon {
                        print!("xc{} = {}",basis[*vsubi as usize],w2[*vsubi as usize]);
                    else {
                        print!("x{} = {}",basis[*vsubi as usize] - numcon,w2[*vsubi as usize]);

fn main() -> Result<(),String> {

mod tests {
    fn test() {


Listing 17.41 solvelinear.rs Click here to download.
//!   Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//!   File : solvelinear.rs
//!   Purpose :   To demonstrate the usage of MSK_solvewithbasis
//!               when solving the linear system:
//!               1.0  x1             = b1
//!               -1.0  x0  +  1.0  x1 = b2
//!               with two different right hand sides
//!               b = (1.0, -2.0)
//!               and
//!               b = (7.0, 0.0)

extern crate mosek;

use mosek::{Task,Boundkey,Streamtype,Soltype,Stakey};

const INF : f64 = 0.0;

fn setup(task : & mut mosek::Task,
         aval : &[f64],
         asub : &[i32],
         ptrb : &[i64],
         ptre : &[i64],
         numvar : i32) -> Result<Vec<i32>,String> {

    // mosek.stakey[] skx = new mosek.stakey [numvar];
    // mosek.stakey[] skc = new mosek.stakey [numvar];

    // for (int i = 0; i < numvar ; ++i) {
    //   skx[i] = mosek.stakey.bas;
    //   skc[i] = mosek.stakey.fix;
    // }




    /* Define a basic solution by specifying
       status keys for variables & constraints. */

    task.put_skc_slice(Soltype::BAS, 0, numvar, vec![Stakey::FIX; numvar as usize].as_slice())?;
    task.put_skx_slice(Soltype::BAS, 0, numvar, vec![Stakey::BAS; numvar as usize].as_slice())?;

    let mut basis = vec![0; numvar as usize];

fn main() -> Result<(),String> {
    let numcon : i32 = 2;
    let numvar : i32 = 2;

    let aval = &[ -1.0 ,
                   1.0, 1.0 ];
    let asub = &[ 1,
                  0,   1   ];
    let ptrb = &[0, 1];
    let ptre = &[1, 3];

    // int[]       bsub  = new int[numvar];
    // double[]    b     = new double[numvar];
    // int[]       basis = new int[numvar];

    let mut task = Task::new().unwrap();

    // Put A matrix and factor A.  Call this function only once for a
    // given task.

    let basis = setup(& mut task,

    let mut task = task.with_callbacks();
    task.put_stream_callback(Streamtype::LOG, |msg| print!("{}",msg))?;
    /* now solve rhs */
    let mut b    = vec![0.0; numvar as usize];
    let mut bsub = vec![0;   numvar as usize];

    b[0]    = 1.0; b[1]    = -2.0;
    bsub[0] = 0;   bsub[1] = 1;
    let nz = task.solve_with_basis(false, 2, bsub.as_mut_slice(), b.as_mut_slice())?;
    println!("\nSolution to Bx = b:\n");

    // Print solution and show correspondents to original variables in
    // the problem
    for &bsubi in bsub[..nz as usize].iter() {
        if basis[bsubi as usize] < numcon {
            println!("This should never happen");
        else {
            println!("x{} = {}",basis[bsubi as usize] - numcon, b[bsubi as usize]);

    b[0]    = 7.0;
    bsub[0] = 0;
    let nz = task.solve_with_basis(false, 1, bsub.as_mut_slice(), b.as_mut_slice())?;

    println!("Solution to Bx = b:");
    // Print solution and show correspondents to original variables in
    // the problem
    for &bsubi in bsub[..nz as usize].iter() {
        if basis[bsubi as usize] < numcon {
            println!("This should never happen");
        else {
            println!("x{} = {}",basis[bsubi as usize] - numcon,b[bsubi as usize]);

mod tests {
    fn test() {


Listing 17.42 sparsecholesky.rs Click here to download.
   Copyright: Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.

   File:      sparsecholesky.rs

   Purpose:   Demonstrate the sparse Cholesky factorization.

extern crate mosek;
extern crate itertools;
use mosek::Transpose;
use itertools::{iproduct,izip};

fn print_sparse(n     : usize,
                perm  : &[i32],
                diag  : &[f64],
                lnzc  : &[i32],
                lptrc : &[i64],
                lsubc : &[i32],
                lvalc : &[f64]) {
    println!("P = {:?}",perm);
    println!("diag(D) = {:?}",diag);

    let mut l = vec![0.0; n*n];

    for (j,(&ptr,&sz)) in lptrc.iter().zip(lnzc.iter()).enumerate() {
        let pfrom = ptr as usize;
        let pto = ptr as usize + sz as usize;
        for (&subci,&valci) in lsubc[pfrom..pto].iter().zip(lvalc[pfrom..pto].iter()) {
            l[subci as usize * n + j] = valci;
    println!("L = [");
    (0..n*n).step_by(n).for_each(|i| {
        print!("  {:?}",&l[i..i+n]);
    println!("  ]");

fn main() -> Result<(),String> {
    /* Create the mosek environment. */
    //Example from the manual
    //Observe that anzc, aptrc, asubc and avalc only specify the lower triangular part.
    let n     = 4;
    let anzc  = [4, 1, 1, 1];
    let asubc = [0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3];
    let aptrc = [0, 4, 5, 6];
    let avalc = [4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0];
    let b     = [13.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0];

    let mut perm   = Vec::new();
    let mut lnzc   = Vec::new();
    let mut lsubc  = Vec::new();
    let mut diag   = Vec::new();
    let mut lptrc  = Vec::new();
    let mut lvalc  = Vec::new();
    let mut lensubnval = 0;

    mosek::compute_sparse_cholesky(0,        //Mosek chooses number of threads
                                   1,        //Apply reordering heuristic
                                   1.0e-14,  //Singularity tolerance
                                   &anzc, &aptrc, &asubc, &avalc,
                                   & mut perm, & mut diag,
                                   & mut lnzc, & mut lptrc, & mut lensubnval, & mut lsubc, & mut lvalc)?;
    print_sparse(n, perm.as_slice(), diag.as_slice(), lnzc.as_slice(), lptrc.as_slice(), lsubc.as_slice(), lvalc.as_slice());

    /* Permuted b is stored as x. */
    let mut x : Vec<f64> = perm.iter().map(|&i| b[i as usize]).collect();

    /*Compute  inv(L)*x.*/
    mosek::sparse_triangular_solve_dense(Transpose::NO,  lnzc.as_slice(), lptrc.as_slice(), lsubc.as_slice(), lvalc.as_slice(), x.as_mut_slice())?;
    /*Compute  inv(L^T)*x.*/
    mosek::sparse_triangular_solve_dense(Transpose::YES, lnzc.as_slice(), lptrc.as_slice(), lsubc.as_slice(), lvalc.as_slice(), x.as_mut_slice())?;

    print!("\nSolution A x = b, x = [ {:?} ]",
           .filter_map(|(i,(&pj,&xj))|if pj as usize == i { Some(xj) } else { None })
    let n     = 3;
    let anzc  = [3, 2, 1];
    let asubc = [0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2];
    let aptrc = [0, 3, 5, ];
    let avalc = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0];

    let mut perm   = Vec::new();
    let mut lnzc   = Vec::new();
    let mut lsubc  = Vec::new();
    let mut diag   = Vec::new();
    let mut lptrc  = Vec::new();
    let mut lvalc  = Vec::new();
    let mut lensubnval = 0;

    mosek::compute_sparse_cholesky(0,        //Mosek chooses number of threads
                                   1,        //Apply reordering heuristic
                                   1.0e-14,  //Singularity tolerance
                                   &anzc, &aptrc, &asubc, &avalc,
                                   & mut perm, & mut diag,
                                   & mut lnzc, & mut lptrc, & mut lensubnval, & mut lsubc, & mut lvalc)?;

    print_sparse(n, perm.as_slice(), diag.as_slice(), lnzc.as_slice(), lptrc.as_slice(), lsubc.as_slice(), lvalc.as_slice());
