Advanced/Practical topics in portfolio optimization

MOSEK Portfolio Optimization Workshop
Theory and Practice of Portfolio Optimization with MOSEK
Copenhagen, 18 November 2021

Michał Adamaszek
Optimization Specialist, MOSEK ApS


Part 1. Our first model.

Simple MVO model

$ \begin{array}{lrcl} \mbox{maximize} & m^T x & &\\ \mbox{subject to} & x^T \Sigma x & \leq & \gamma^2,\\ & 1^Tx & = & 1,\\ & x & \geq & 0.\\ \end{array} $

Recall that we cast the risk constraint in conic form using any $G$ such that

$\Sigma = GG^T$


$x^T\Sigma x=x^TGG^Tx=(G^Tx)^T(G^Tx) = \|G^Tx\|_2^2 $


$x^T\Sigma x\leq \gamma^2 \iff \|G^Tx\|_2\leq \gamma$

The quadratic cone (second-order cone, SOC) $\mathcal{Q}^k$ in dimension $k$ is the convex set defined as:

$\mathcal{Q}^k = \{(y_1,y_2,\ldots,y_k)\in\mathbb{R}^k~:~y_1\geq\left\|(y_2,\ldots,y_k)\right\|_2\}$

Therefore the bound

$\gamma \geq \|G^Tx\|_2$

in conic form becomes


Simple MVO model - conic form

$ \begin{array}{lrcl} \mbox{maximize} & m^T x & &\\ \mbox{subject to} & (\gamma,G^Tx) & \in & \mathcal{Q}^{N+1},\\ & 1^Tx & = & 1,\\ & x & \geq & 0.\\ \end{array} $
$x\geq 0$
$1^Tx = 1$
$(\gamma, G^Tx)\in\mathcal{Q}^{N+1}$
$\mathrm{maximize} \quad m^Tx$

Let us check that the constraints of the original problem before conic reformulation

$ \begin{array}{lrcl} \mbox{maximize} & m^T x & &\\ \mbox{subject to} & x^T \Sigma x & \leq & \gamma^2,\\ & 1^Tx & = & 1,\\ & x & \geq & 0.\\ \end{array} $

are satisfied:

Simple debugging - write the problem to a file

Simple debugging - log output

Simple debugging - log output

A CVXPY example

There are modeling tools that allow writing the quadratic model directly and still use MOSEK.

Part 2. A more complicated factor model.

We consider a real-world portfolio optimization problem.

$ \begin{array}{ll} \mbox{maximize} & \alpha^T x \\ \mbox{subject to} & 1^Tx = 0,\\ & t_\mathrm{min} \leq x \leq t_\mathrm{max}, \\ & l \leq A\tilde{x} \leq u, \end{array} $

with a risk bound

$ (\tilde{x}+h)^T\ \left(\beta\Sigma_F\beta^T+\mathrm{diag}(S_\theta)\right)\ (\tilde{x}+h) \leq \gamma^2$


The linear part

$ \begin{array}{ll} \mbox{maximize} & \alpha^T x \\ \mbox{subject to} & 1^Tx = 0,\\ & t_\mathrm{min} \leq x \leq t_\mathrm{max}, \\ & l \leq A\tilde{x} \leq u, \end{array} $

has a direct model:

We proceed with the risk bound constraint

$ (\tilde{x}+h)^T\ \left(\beta\Sigma_F\beta^T+\mathrm{diag}(S_\theta)\right)\ (\tilde{x}+h) \leq \gamma^2$

The reason is:

a small negative eigenvalue caused by precision issues. Typically one tries to correct for it by boosting the diagonal a bit:

Going back to the original optimization problem, we can now write the risk bound

$ (\tilde{x}+h)^T\ \left(\beta\Sigma_F\beta^T+\mathrm{diag}(S_\theta)\right)\ (\tilde{x}+h) \leq \gamma^2$
since we (approximately) factorized
$ \beta\Sigma_F\beta^T+\mathrm{diag}(S_\theta) = GG^T $

Let us instead exploit the fact that we already (almost) have a factorization of on our hands.

If $ \Sigma_F = P\cdot P^T $ then $\beta\Sigma_F\beta^T = \beta P P^T \beta^T = (\beta P)(\beta P)^T$

and finally

$(\tilde{x}+h)^T\ \left(\beta\Sigma_F\beta^T+\mathrm{diag}(S_\theta)\right)\ (\tilde{x}+h) = \left\|\left[\begin{array}{c}(\beta P)^T\\ \mathrm{diag}(\sqrt{S_\theta})\end{array}\right](\tilde{x}+h)\right\|_2^2$

As always we can analyze the solution and make some checks:

How many trades are actually substantial?

A typical slice of the trades looks like:

Here it is the user's job to interpret and post-process the solution if necessary.

We could for example choose to

Factor model summary

NB. Efficiency depends on sparsity rather than dimensions

Part 3. Working with the mixed-integer optimizer.

Mixed-integer optimization (MIO)

Applications of integer variables

Mixed-integer problems are in general very hard.

Example: cardinality constraint

Let us extend the previous model with a cardinality constraint for the number of traded assets:

$\#\ \{i~:~x_i\neq 0\} \ \leq\ k$.

Mixed-integer model:

  1. We introduce a binary variable $z$ of the same length as $x$.
  2. Want: $z_i$ is $1$ (on) if we trade $i$-th asset ($x_i\neq 0$) and $0$ (off) otherwise.
  3. We know a good common bound $M$ for all trades ($-M\leq x\leq M$) (a.k.a. big-M).

Then we can express 2. with

$-Mz \leq x \leq Mz$

and the number of assets for which trading is on equals $\sum_i z_i$.

Let us inspect the solution.

What to consider with the mixed-integer optimizer:

Part 4. Final remarks.

Advantages of conic form

The conic modeling ecosystem (DCP - Disciplined Convex Programming)

Thank you