17 List of examples

List of examples shipped in the distribution of Optimizer API for .NET:

Table 17.1 List of distributed examples




A simple problem with one affine conic constraint (ACC)


A simple problem with two affine conic constraints (ACC)


Demonstrates the MOSEK interface to BLAS/LAPACK linear algebra routines


An example of data/progress callback


A simple conic exponential problem


Implementation of a concurrent optimizer for linear and mixed-integer problems


A simple conic quadratic problem


A simple problem with disjunctive constraints (DJC)


A simple example of how to repair an infeasible problem


A simple geometric program (GP) in conic form


A Hello World example


A simple linear problem


A simple linear problem


A simple linear problem


Implements logistic regression and simple log-sum-exp (CEO)


A simple mixed-integer conic problem


A simple mixed-integer linear problem


A simple mixed-integer linear problem with an initial guess


Uses MOSEK OptServer to solve an optimization problem asynchronously


Uses MOSEK OptServer to solve an optimization problem synchronously


Demonstrates parallel optimization using a batch method in MOSEK


Shows how to set optimizer parameters and read information items


Shows how to obtain and analyze a primal infeasibility certificate


Portfolio optimization - basic Markowitz model


Portfolio optimization - efficient frontier


Portfolio optimization - market impact costs


Portfolio optimization - transaction costs


Portfolio optimization - cardinality constraints


Portfolio optimization - factor model


A simple power cone problem


A simple quadratically constrained quadratic problem


A simple quadratic problem


Demonstrate how to modify and re-optimize a linear problem


Demonstrates proper response handling


A simple semidefinite problem with one matrix variable and a quadratic cone


A simple semidefinite problem with two matrix variables


A simple semidefinite problem with an LMI using the SVEC domain.


Sensitivity analysis performed on a small linear problem


A simple I/O example: read problem from a file, solve and write solutions


Demonstrates how to examine the quality of a solution


Demonstrates solving a linear system with the basis matrix


Demonstrates solving a general linear system


Shows how to find a Cholesky factorization of a sparse matrix

Additional examples can be found on the MOSEK website and in other MOSEK publications.


Listing 17.1 acc1.cs Click here to download.
  Copyright: Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.

  File:      acc1.cs

  Purpose :   Tutorial example for affine conic constraints.
              Models the problem:
              maximize c^T x
              subject to  sum(x) = 1
                          gamma >= |Gx+h|_2
using System;

namespace mosek.example
  class msgclass : mosek.Stream
    string prefix;
    public msgclass (string prfx)
      prefix = prfx;

    public override void streamCB (string msg)
      Console.Write ("{0}{1}", prefix, msg);

  public class acc1
    public static void Main ()
      /* Problem dimensions */
      const int n = 3;
      const int k = 2;

      int i,j;
      long quadDom;

      // Since the value infinity is never used, we define
      // 'infinity' symbolic purposes only
      double infinity = 0;

      // Create a task object.
      using (mosek.Task task = new mosek.Task()) {
        // Directs the log task stream to the user specified
        // method msgclass.streamCB
        task.set_Stream (mosek.streamtype.log, new msgclass (""));

        // Create n free variables
        task.putvarboundsliceconst(0, n, mosek.boundkey.fr, -infinity, infinity);

        // Set up the objective
        double[] c = {2, 3, -1};
        int[] cind = {0, 1, 2};  
        task.putclist(cind, c);

        // One linear constraint - sum(x) = 1
        task.putconbound(0, mosek.boundkey.fx, 1.0, 1.0);
        for(i = 0; i < n; i++) task.putaij(0, i, 1.0);

        // Append empty AFE rows for affine expression storage
        task.appendafes(k + 1);

        // F matix in sparse form
        long[]   Fsubi = {1, 1, 2, 2};   // The G matrix starts in F from row 1
        int[]    Fsubj = {0, 1, 0, 2};
        double[] Fval  = {1.5, 0.1, 0.3, 2.1};
        // Other data
        double[] h     = {0, 0.1};
        double   gamma = 0.03;

        // Fill in F storage
        task.putafefentrylist(Fsubi, Fsubj, Fval);

        // Fill in g storage;
        task.putafeg(0, gamma);
        task.putafegslice(1, k+1, h);

        // Define a conic quadratic domain
        quadDom = task.appendquadraticconedomain(k + 1);

        // Create the ACC
        long[] afeidx = {0, 1, 2};
        task.appendacc(quadDom,    // Domain index
                       afeidx,     // Indices of AFE rows [0,...,k]
                       null);      // Ignored

        // Solve the problem

        // Print a summary containing information
        // about the solution for debugging purposes

        /* Get status information about the solution */
        mosek.solsta solsta = task.getsolsta(mosek.soltype.itr);

        switch (solsta)
          case mosek.solsta.optimal:
            // Fetch solution
            double[] xx  =  task.getxx(mosek.soltype.itr); // Interior-point solution.
            Console.WriteLine ("Optimal primal solution");
            for (j = 0; j < n; ++j)
              Console.WriteLine ("x[{0}]: {1}", j, xx[j]);

            // Fetch doty dual of the ACC
            double[] doty  = task.getaccdoty(mosek.soltype.itr, // Interior-point solution.
                                             0);                // ACC index
            Console.WriteLine ("Dual doty of ACC");
            for (j = 0; j < k+1; ++j)
              Console.WriteLine ("doty[{0}]: {1}", j, doty[j]);

            // Fetch activity of the ACC
            double[] activity  = task.evaluateacc(mosek.soltype.itr, // Interior-point solution.
                                                  0);                // ACC index
            Console.WriteLine ("Activity of ACC");
            for (j = 0; j < n; ++j)
              Console.WriteLine ("activity[{0}]: {1}", j, activity[j]);

          case mosek.solsta.dual_infeas_cer:
          case mosek.solsta.prim_infeas_cer:
            Console.WriteLine("Primal or dual infeasibility.\n");
          case mosek.solsta.unknown:
            Console.WriteLine("Unknown solution status.\n");
            Console.WriteLine("Other solution status");


Listing 17.2 acc2.cs Click here to download.
  Copyright: Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.

  File:      acc2.cs

  Purpose :   Tutorial example for affine conic constraints.
              Models the problem:
              maximize c^T x
              subject to  sum(x) = 1
                          gamma >= |Gx+h|_2

              This version inputs the linear constraint as an affine conic constraint.
using System;

namespace mosek.example
  class msgclass : mosek.Stream
    string prefix;
    public msgclass (string prfx)
      prefix = prfx;

    public override void streamCB (string msg)
      Console.Write ("{0}{1}", prefix, msg);

  public class acc1
    public static void Main ()
      /* Problem dimensions */
      const int n = 3;
      const int k = 2;

      int i,j;
      long quadDom, zeroDom;

      // Since the value infinity is never used, we define
      // 'infinity' symbolic purposes only
      double infinity = 0;

      // Create a task object.
      using (mosek.Task task = new mosek.Task()) {
        // Directs the log task stream to the user specified
        // method msgclass.streamCB
        task.set_Stream (mosek.streamtype.log, new msgclass (""));

        // Create n free variables
        task.putvarboundsliceconst(0, n, mosek.boundkey.fr, -infinity, infinity);

        // Set up the objective
        double[] c = {2, 3, -1};
        int[] cind = {0, 1, 2};  
        task.putclist(cind, c);

        // Set AFE rows representing the linear constraint
        task.putafeg(0, -1.0);
        for(i = 0; i < n; i++) task.putafefentry(0, i, 1.0);

        // F matix in sparse form
        long[]   Fsubi = {2, 2, 3, 3};   // The G matrix starts in F from row 2
        int[]    Fsubj = {0, 1, 0, 2};
        double[] Fval  = {1.5, 0.1, 0.3, 2.1};
        // Other data
        double[] h     = {0, 0.1};
        double   gamma = 0.03;

        task.appendafes(k + 1);
        task.putafefentrylist(Fsubi, Fsubj, Fval);
        task.putafeg(1, gamma);
        task.putafegslice(2, k+2, h);

        // Define domains
        zeroDom = task.appendrzerodomain(1);
        quadDom = task.appendquadraticconedomain(k + 1);

        // Create the linear ACC
        long[] afeidxZero = {0};
        task.appendacc(zeroDom,    // Domain index
                       afeidxZero,// Indices of AFE rows
                       null);      // Ignored

        // Create the quadratic ACC
        long[] afeidxQuad = {1, 2, 3};
        task.appendacc(quadDom,    // Domain index
                       afeidxQuad, // Indices of AFE rows
                       null);      // Ignored

        // Solve the problem

        // Print a summary containing information
        // about the solution for debugging purposes

        /* Get status information about the solution */
        mosek.solsta solsta = task.getsolsta(mosek.soltype.itr);

        switch (solsta)
          case mosek.solsta.optimal:
            // Fetch solution
            double[] xx = task.getxx(mosek.soltype.itr); // Interior-point solution.
            Console.WriteLine ("Optimal primal solution");
            for (j = 0; j < n; ++j)
              Console.WriteLine ("x[{0}]: {1}", j, xx[j]);

            // Fetch doty dual of the ACC
            double[] doty  = task.getaccdoty(mosek.soltype.itr, // Interior-point solution.
                                             1);                // ACC index
            Console.WriteLine ("Dual doty of ACC");
            for (j = 0; j < k+1; ++j)
              Console.WriteLine ("doty[{0}]: {1}", j, doty[j]);

            // Fetch activity of the ACC
            double[] activity  = task.evaluateacc(mosek.soltype.itr, // Interior-point solution.
                                                  1);                // ACC index
            Console.WriteLine ("Activity of ACC");
            for (j = 0; j < n; ++j)
              Console.WriteLine ("activity[{0}]: {1}", j, activity[j]);

          case mosek.solsta.dual_infeas_cer:
          case mosek.solsta.prim_infeas_cer:
            Console.WriteLine("Primal or dual infeasibility.\n");
          case mosek.solsta.unknown:
            Console.WriteLine("Unknown solution status.\n");
            Console.WriteLine("Other solution status");


Listing 17.3 blas_lapack.cs Click here to download.
   Copyright: Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.

   File:      blas_lapack.cs

   Purpose: To demonstrate how to call BLAS/LAPACK routines for whose MOSEK provides simplified interfaces.
using System;

namespace mosek.example
  public class blas_lapack
    public static void Main ()
      const int n = 3, m = 2, k = 3;

      double alpha = 2.0, beta = 0.5;
      double[] x = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
      double[] y = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0};
      double[] z = {1.0, 1.0};

      /*A has m=2 rows and k=3 cols*/
      double[] A = {1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0};
      /*B has k=3 rows and n=3 cols*/
      double[] B = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
                    1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
                    1.0, 1.0, 1.0
      double[] C = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0,
                    4.0, 5.0, 6.0

      double[] D = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
      double[] Q = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0};
      double[] v = new double[2];

      double xy;

      using (mosek.Env env = new mosek.Env())
        /* BLAS routines */


          env.dot(n, x, y, out xy);

          env.axpy(n, alpha, x, y);

          env.gemv(mosek.transpose.no, m, n, alpha, A, x, beta, z);

          Console.WriteLine("m = {0}, n = {1}, k = {2}, len A = {3}",m,n,k,A.Length);
          env.gemm(mosek.transpose.no, mosek.transpose.no, m, n, k, alpha, A, B, beta, C);

          env.syrk(mosek.uplo.lo, mosek.transpose.no, m, k, alpha, A, beta, D);

          /* LAPACK routines*/

          env.potrf(mosek.uplo.lo, m, Q);

          env.syeig(mosek.uplo.lo, m, Q, v);

          env.syevd(mosek.uplo.lo, m, Q, v);
        catch (mosek.Exception e)
          Console.WriteLine (e.Code);
          Console.WriteLine (e);
          if (env != null)  env.Dispose ();


Listing 17.4 callback.cs Click here to download.
   Copyright: Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.

   File:      callback.cs

   Purpose:   To demonstrate how to use the progress 

              Use this script as follows:
              callback psim  25fv47.mps
              callback dsim  25fv47.mps
              callback intpnt 25fv47.mps

              The first argument tells which optimizer to use
              i.e. psim is primal simplex, dsim is dual simplex
              and intpnt is interior-point. 
using mosek;
using System;

namespace mosek.example
  class myCallback : mosek.DataCallback
    double maxtime;
    public myCallback(double maxtime_)
      maxtime = maxtime_;
    public override int callback( callbackcode caller, 
                                  double[]     douinf,
                                  int[]        intinf,
                                  long[]       lintinf )
      double opttime = 0.0;
      int itrn;
      double pobj, dobj, stime;

      switch (caller)
        case callbackcode.begin_intpnt:
          Console.WriteLine("Starting interior-point optimizer");
        case callbackcode.intpnt:
          itrn    = intinf[(int) iinfitem.intpnt_iter      ];
          pobj    = douinf[(int) dinfitem.intpnt_primal_obj];
          dobj    = douinf[(int) dinfitem.intpnt_dual_obj  ];
          stime   = douinf[(int) dinfitem.intpnt_time      ];
          opttime = douinf[(int) dinfitem.optimizer_time   ];
          Console.WriteLine("Iterations: {0,-3}",itrn);
          Console.WriteLine("  Elapsed: Time: {0,6:F2}({1:F2})",opttime,stime);
          Console.WriteLine("  Primal obj.: {0,-18:E6}  Dual obj.: {1,018:E6}e",pobj,dobj);
        case callbackcode.end_intpnt:
          Console.WriteLine("Interior-point optimizer finished.");
        case callbackcode.begin_primal_simplex:
          Console.WriteLine("Primal simplex optimizer started.");
        case callbackcode.update_primal_simplex:
          itrn    = intinf[(int) iinfitem.sim_primal_iter  ];
          pobj    = douinf[(int) dinfitem.sim_obj          ];
          stime   = douinf[(int) dinfitem.sim_time         ];
          opttime = douinf[(int) dinfitem.optimizer_time   ];
          Console.WriteLine("Iterations: {0,-3}}", itrn);
          Console.WriteLine("  Elapsed time: {0,6:F2}({1:F2})",opttime,stime);
          Console.WriteLine("  Obj.: {0,-18:E6}", pobj );
        case callbackcode.end_primal_simplex:
          Console.WriteLine("Primal simplex optimizer finished.");
        case callbackcode.begin_dual_simplex:
          Console.WriteLine("Dual simplex optimizer started.");
        case callbackcode.update_dual_simplex:
          itrn    = intinf[(int) iinfitem.sim_dual_iter    ];
          pobj    = douinf[(int) dinfitem.sim_obj          ];
          stime   = douinf[(int) dinfitem.sim_time         ];
          opttime = douinf[(int) dinfitem.optimizer_time   ];
          Console.WriteLine("Iterations: {0,-3}}", itrn);
          Console.WriteLine("  Elapsed time: {0,6:F2}({1:F2})",opttime,stime);
          Console.WriteLine("  Obj.: {0,-18:E6}", pobj );
        case callbackcode.end_dual_simplex:
          Console.WriteLine("Dual simplex optimizer finished.");
        case callbackcode.begin_bi:
          Console.WriteLine("Basis identification started.");
        case  callbackcode.end_bi:
          Console.WriteLine("Basis identification finished.");

      if (opttime >= maxtime)
        // mosek is spending too much time. Terminate it.
        return 1;
      return 0;

  class myStream : Stream
    public myStream () : base() { }
    public override void streamCB (string msg)
      Console.Write ("{0}",msg);

  public class callback
    public static void Main(string[] args)
      string filename = "../data/25fv47.mps";
      string slvr     = "intpnt";

      if (args.Length < 2)
          Console.WriteLine("Usage: callback ( psim | dsim | intpnt ) filename");

      if (args.Length >= 1) slvr = args[0];
      if (args.Length >= 2) filename = args[1];

      using (Task task = new Task())

        if (slvr == "psim")
          task.putintparam(iparam.optimizer, optimizertype.primal_simplex);
        else if (slvr == "dsim")
          task.putintparam(iparam.optimizer, optimizertype.dual_simplex);
        else if (slvr == "intpnt")
          task.putintparam(iparam.optimizer, optimizertype.intpnt);

        double maxtime = 0.06;
        task.set_InfoCallback(new myCallback(maxtime));



Listing 17.5 ceo1.cs Click here to download.
  Copyright: Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.

  File:      ceo1.cs

  Purpose:   Demonstrates how to solve a small conic exponential
  optimization problem using the MOSEK API.
using System;

namespace mosek.example
  class msgclass : mosek.Stream
    string prefix;
    public msgclass (string prfx)
      prefix = prfx;

    public override void streamCB (string msg)
      Console.Write ("{0}{1}", prefix, msg);

  public class ceo1
    public static void Main ()
      const int numcon = 1;
      const int numvar = 3;

      // Since the value infinity is never used, we define
      // 'infinity' symbolic purposes only
      double infinity = 0;

      mosek.boundkey bkc = mosek.boundkey.fx;
      double blc = 1.0 ;
      double buc = 1.0 ;

      mosek.boundkey[] bkx = {mosek.boundkey.fr,
      double[] blx = { -infinity,
      double[] bux = { +infinity,

      double[] c   = { 1.0,

      double[] a = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
      int[] asub = { 0, 1, 2 };
      int[] csub = new int[3];

      // Create a task object.
      using (mosek.Task task = new mosek.Task()) {
        // Directs the log task stream to the user specified
        // method msgclass.streamCB
        task.set_Stream (mosek.streamtype.log, new msgclass (""));

        /* Append 'numcon' empty constraints.
           The constraints will initially have no bounds. */

        /* Append 'numvar' variables.
           The variables will initially be fixed at zero (x=0). */

        /* Set up the linear part of the problem */
        task.putcslice(0, numvar, c);
        task.putarow(0, asub, a);
        task.putconbound(0, bkc, blc, buc);
        task.putvarboundslice(0, numvar, bkx, blx, bux);

        /* Add a conic constraint */
        /* Create a 3x3 identity matrix F */
        task.putafefentrylist(new long[]{0, 1, 2},         /* Rows */
                              new int[]{0, 1, 2},          /* Columns */
                              new double[]{1.0, 1.0, 1.0});

        /* Exponential cone (x(0),x(1),x(2)) \in EXP  */
        long expdomain  = task.appendprimalexpconedomain();
        task.appendacc(expdomain,               /* Domain */
                       new long[]{0, 1, 2},     /* Rows from F */
                       null);                   /* Unused */

        // Print a summary containing information
        // about the solution for debugging purposes

        mosek.solsta solsta;
        /* Get status information about the solution */
        task.getsolsta(mosek.soltype.itr, out solsta);

        double[] xx  = task.getxx(mosek.soltype.itr);  // Interior solution

        switch (solsta)
          case mosek.solsta.optimal:
            Console.WriteLine ("Optimal primal solution\n");
            for (int j = 0; j < numvar; ++j)
              Console.WriteLine ("x[{0}]: {1}", j, xx[j]);
          case mosek.solsta.dual_infeas_cer:
          case mosek.solsta.prim_infeas_cer:
            Console.WriteLine("Primal or dual infeasibility.\n");
          case mosek.solsta.unknown:
            Console.WriteLine("Unknown solution status.\n");
            Console.WriteLine("Other solution status");


Listing 17.6 concurrent1.cs Click here to download.
   Copyright: Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.

   File:      concurrent1.cs

   Purpose: Demonstrates a simple implementation of a concurrent optimizer.
            The concurrent optimizer starts a few parallel optimizations
            of the same problem using different algorithms, and reports
            a solution when the first optimizer is ready.

            This example also demonstrates how to define a simple callback handler
            that stops the optimizer when requested.
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System;

namespace mosek.example
  public class concurrent1
    /** Takes a list of tasks and optimizes then in parallel. The
        response code and termination code from each optimization is
        stored in ``res`` and ``trm``.

        When one task completes with rescode == ok, others are terminated.

        Returns true if some optimizer returned without error. In this case
        ``firstOK`` is the index of the first task that returned
        with rescode == ok. Whether or not this is the task firstOK contains the
        most valuable answer, is for the caller to decide.
    public static bool optimize(mosek.Task[]    tasks,
                                mosek.rescode[] res,
                                mosek.rescode[] trm,
                                out int         firstOK)
      var n = tasks.Length;
      var jobs = new System.Threading.Tasks.Task[n];
      int firstStop = -1;

      // Set a callback function 
      var cb = new CallbackProxy();
      for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i)
      // Initialize
      for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) 
        res[i] = mosek.rescode.err_unknown;
        trm[i] = mosek.rescode.err_unknown;

      // Start parallel optimizations, one per task
      for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        int num = i;
        jobs[i] = System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Factory.StartNew( () => {
            trm[num] = tasks[num].optimize();
            res[num] = mosek.rescode.ok;
          catch (mosek.Exception e)
            trm[num] = mosek.rescode.err_unknown;
            res[num] = e.Code;
            // If this finished with success, inform other tasks to interrupt
            if (res[num] == mosek.rescode.ok)
              if (!cb.Stop) firstStop = num;
              cb.Stop = true;
        } );

      // Join all threads
      foreach (var j in jobs)

      // For debugging, print res and trm codes for all optimizers
      for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        Console.WriteLine("Optimizer  {0}  res {1}   trm {2}", i, res[i], trm[i]);

      firstOK = firstStop;
      return cb.Stop;

        Given a continuous task, set up jobs to optimize it 
        with a list of different solvers.

        Returns an index, corresponding to the optimization
        task that is returned as winTask. This is the task
        with the best possible status of those that finished.
        If none task is considered successful returns -1.
    public static int  optimizeconcurrent(mosek.Task            task, 
                                          int[]                 optimizers,
                                          out mosek.Task        winTask,
                                          out mosek.rescode     winTrm,
                                          out mosek.rescode     winRes)
      var n = optimizers.Length;
      var tasks = new mosek.Task[n];
      var res   = new mosek.rescode[n];
      var trm   = new mosek.rescode[n];

      // Clone tasks and choose various optimizers
      for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        tasks[i] = new mosek.Task(task);
        tasks[i].putintparam(mosek.iparam.optimizer, optimizers[i]);

      // Solve tasks in parallel
      bool success;
      int firstOK;
      success = optimize(tasks, res, trm, out firstOK);

      if (success) 
        winTask  = tasks[firstOK]; 
        winTrm   = trm[firstOK]; 
        winRes   = res[firstOK];
        return firstOK;
        winTask  = null; 
        winTrm   = 0; 
        winRes   = 0;        
        return -1;

        Given a mixed-integer task, set up jobs to optimize it 
        with different values of seed. That will lead to
        different execution paths of the optimizer.

        Returns an index, corresponding to the optimization
        task that is returned as winTask. This is the task
        with the best value of the objective function.
        If none task is considered successful returns -1.

        Typically, the input task would contain a time limit. The two
        major scenarios are:
        1. Some clone ends before time limit - then it has optimum.
        2. All clones reach time limit - pick the one with best objective.
    public static int  optimizeconcurrentMIO(mosek.Task            task, 
                                             int[]                 seeds,
                                             out mosek.Task        winTask,
                                             out mosek.rescode     winTrm,
                                             out mosek.rescode     winRes)
      var n = seeds.Length;
      var tasks = new mosek.Task[n];
      var res   = new mosek.rescode[n];
      var trm   = new mosek.rescode[n];

      // Clone tasks and choose various seeds for the optimizer
      for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        tasks[i] = new mosek.Task(task);
        tasks[i].putintparam(mosek.iparam.mio_seed, seeds[i]);

      // Solve tasks in parallel
      bool success;
      int firstOK;
      success = optimize(tasks, res, trm, out firstOK);

      if (success) 
        // Pick the task that ended with res = ok
        // and contains an integer solution with best objective value
        mosek.objsense sense = task.getobjsense();
        double bestObj = (sense == mosek.objsense.minimize) ? 1.0e+10 : -1.0e+10;
        int bestPos = -1;

        for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i)
          Console.WriteLine("{0}   {1}   ", i, tasks[i].getprimalobj(mosek.soltype.itg));

        for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i)
          if ((res[i] == mosek.rescode.ok) &&
              (tasks[i].getsolsta(mosek.soltype.itg) == mosek.solsta.prim_feas ||
               tasks[i].getsolsta(mosek.soltype.itg) == mosek.solsta.integer_optimal) &&
              ((sense == mosek.objsense.minimize) ? 
                  (tasks[i].getprimalobj(mosek.soltype.itg) < bestObj) :
                  (tasks[i].getprimalobj(mosek.soltype.itg) > bestObj)   )   )
            bestObj = tasks[i].getprimalobj(mosek.soltype.itg);
            bestPos = i;

        if (bestPos != -1)
          winTask  = tasks[bestPos]; 
          winTrm   = trm[bestPos]; 
          winRes   = res[bestPos];
          return bestPos;

      winTask  = null; 
      winTrm   = 0; 
      winRes   = 0;        
      return -1;

       This is an example of how one can use the methods

       argv[0] : name of file with input problem
       argv[1]: (optional) time limit
    public static void Main(string[] argv)
      using (var env = new mosek.Env())
        using (var task = new mosek.Task(env))
          if (argv.Length >= 1) 

          mosek.rescode res, trm;
          mosek.Task    t;
          int           idx;

          // Optional time limit
          if (argv.Length >= 2) 
            double timeLimit = double.Parse(argv[1]);
            task.putdouparam(mosek.dparam.optimizer_max_time, timeLimit);

          if (task.getnumintvar() == 0) 
            /* If the problem is continuous
               optimize it with three continuous optimizers.
              (Simplex will fail for non-linear problems)
            int[] optimizers = { 

            idx = optimizeconcurrent(task, optimizers, out t, out trm, out res);
            /* Mixed-integer problem.
               Try various seeds.
            int[] seeds = { 42, 13, 71749373 };

            idx = optimizeconcurrentMIO(task, seeds, out t, out trm, out res);

          // Check results and print the best answer
          if (idx >= 0) 
            Console.WriteLine("Result from optimizer with index {0}: res {1}  trm {2}", idx, res, trm);
            t.set_Stream(mosek.streamtype.log, new msgclass(""));
            Console.WriteLine("All optimizers failed.");

       Defines a Mosek callback function whose only function
       is to indicate if the optimizer should be stopped.
    private class CallbackProxy : mosek.Progress
      private bool stop;
      public CallbackProxy()
        stop = false;

      public override int progressCB(mosek.callbackcode caller)
        // Return non-zero implies terminate the optimizer
        return stop ? 1 : 0;

      public bool Stop
        get { return stop; }
        set { stop = value; }

       A simple stream handler.
    class msgclass : mosek.Stream
      public msgclass (string prfx) { }
      public override void streamCB (string msg)
        Console.Write("{0}", msg);


Listing 17.7 cqo1.cs Click here to download.
  Copyright: Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.

  File:      cqo1.cs

  Purpose:   Demonstrates how to solve a small conic quadratic
             optimization problem using the MOSEK API.
using System;

namespace mosek.example
  class msgclass : mosek.Stream
    string prefix;
    public msgclass (string prfx)
      prefix = prfx;

    public override void streamCB (string msg)
      Console.Write ("{0}{1}", prefix, msg);

  public class cqo1
    public static void Main ()
      const int numcon = 1;
      const int numvar = 6;

      // Since the value infinity is never used, we define
      // 'infinity' symbolic purposes only
      double infinity = 0;

      mosek.boundkey[] bkc    = { mosek.boundkey.fx };
      double[] blc = { 1.0 };
      double[] buc = { 1.0 };

      mosek.boundkey[] bkx = {mosek.boundkey.lo,
      double[] blx = { 0.0,
      double[] bux = { +infinity,

      double[] c   = { 0.0,

      double[][] aval = {
              new double[] {1.0},
              new double[] {1.0},
              new double[] {2.0}

      int[][] asub = {
            new int[] {0},
            new int[] {0},
            new int[] {0}

      int[] csub = new int[3];

      // Create a task object.
      using (mosek.Task task = new mosek.Task()) {
        // Directs the log task stream to the user specified
        // method msgclass.streamCB
        task.set_Stream (mosek.streamtype.log, new msgclass (""));

        /* Append 'numcon' empty constraints.
           The constraints will initially have no bounds. */

        /* Append 'numvar' variables.
           The variables will initially be fixed at zero (x=0). */

        for (int j = 0; j < numvar; ++j)
          /* Set the linear term c_j in the objective.*/
          task.putcj(j, c[j]);
          /* Set the bounds on variable j.
                 blx[j] <= x_j <= bux[j] */
          task.putvarbound(j, bkx[j], blx[j], bux[j]);

        for (int j = 0; j < aval.Length; ++j)
          /* Input column j of A */
          task.putacol(j,          /* Variable (column) index.*/
                       asub[j],     /* Row index of non-zeros in column j.*/
                       aval[j]);    /* Non-zero Values of column j. */

        /* Set the bounds on constraints.
             for i=1, ...,numcon : blc[i] <= constraint i <= buc[i] */
        for (int i = 0; i < numcon; ++i)
          task.putconbound(i, bkc[i], blc[i], buc[i]);

        /* Create a matrix F such that F * x = [x(3),x(0),x(1),x(4),x(5),x(2)] */
        task.putafefentrylist(new long[]{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5},         /* Rows */
                              new int[]{3, 0, 1, 4, 5, 2},          /* Columns */
                              new double[]{1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0});

        /* Quadratic cone (x(3),x(0),x(1)) \in QUAD_3  */
        long quadcone  = task.appendquadraticconedomain(3);
        task.appendacc(quadcone,                /* Domain */
                       new long[]{0, 1, 2},     /* Rows from F */
                       null);                   /* Unused */

        /* Rotated quadratic cone (x(4),x(5),x(2)) \in RQUAD_3  */
        long rquadcone = task.appendrquadraticconedomain(3);
        task.appendacc(rquadcone,               /* Domain */
                       new long[]{3, 4, 5},     /* Rows from F */
                       null);                   /* Unused */

        // Print a summary containing information
        //   about the solution for debugging purposes
        /* Get status information about the solution */
        mosek.solsta solsta = task.getsolsta(mosek.soltype.itr);

        double[] xx = task.getxx(mosek.soltype.itr); // Interior point solution

        switch (solsta)
          case mosek.solsta.optimal:
            Console.WriteLine ("Optimal primal solution\n");
            for (int j = 0; j < numvar; ++j)
              Console.WriteLine ("x[{0}]: {1}", j, xx[j]);
          case mosek.solsta.dual_infeas_cer:
          case mosek.solsta.prim_infeas_cer:
            Console.WriteLine("Primal or dual infeasibility.\n");
          case mosek.solsta.unknown:
            Console.WriteLine("Unknown solution status.\n");
            Console.WriteLine("Other solution status");


Listing 17.8 djc1.cs Click here to download.
//   Copyright: Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//   File:      djc1.cs
//   Purpose: Demonstrates how to solve the problem with two disjunctions:
//      minimize    2x0 + x1 + 3x2 + x3
//      subject to   x0 + x1 + x2 + x3 >= -10
//                  (x0-2x1<=-1 and x2=x3=0) or (x2-3x3<=-2 and x1=x2=0)
//                  x0=2.5 or x1=2.5 or x2=2.5 or x3=2.5
using System;

namespace mosek.example
  class msgclass : mosek.Stream
    string prefix;
    public msgclass (string prfx)
      prefix = prfx;

    public override void streamCB (string msg)
      Console.Write ("{0}{1}", prefix, msg);

  public class djc1
    public static void Main ()
      // Since the value of infinity is ignored, we define it solely
      // for symbolic purposes
      const double inf = 0;

        // Create a task object.
        using (mosek.Task task = new mosek.Task())
          // Append free variables
          int numvar = 4;
          task.putvarboundsliceconst(0, numvar, mosek.boundkey.fr, -inf, inf);

          // The linear part: the linear constraint
          task.putarow(0, new int[]{0, 1, 2, 3}, new double[]{1, 1, 1, 1});
          task.putconbound(0, mosek.boundkey.lo, -10.0, -10.0);

          // The linear part: objective
          task.putclist(new int[]{0, 1, 2, 3}, new double[]{2, 1, 3, 1});

          // Fill in the affine expression storage F, g
          long numafe = 10;

          long[]   fafeidx = new long[]{0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
          int[]    fvaridx = new int[]{0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3};
          double[] fval    = new double[]{1.0, -2.0, 1.0, -3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
          double[] g       = new double[]{1.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -2.5, -2.5, -2.5, -2.5};

          task.putafefentrylist(fafeidx, fvaridx, fval);
          task.putafegslice(0, numafe, g);

          // Create domains
          long zero1   = task.appendrzerodomain(1);
          long zero2   = task.appendrzerodomain(2);
          long rminus1 = task.appendrminusdomain(1);

          // Append disjunctive constraints
          long numdjc = 2;

          // First disjunctive constraint
          task.putdjc(0,                                           // DJC index
                      new long[]{rminus1, zero2, rminus1, zero2},  // Domains     (domidxlist)
                      new long[]{0, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3},                // AFE indices (afeidxlist)
                      null,                                        // Unused
                      new long[]{2, 2} );                          // Term sizes  (termsizelist)

          // Second disjunctive constraint
          task.putdjc(1,                                        // DJC index
                      new long[]{zero1, zero1, zero1, zero1},   // Domains     (domidxlist)
                      new long[]{6, 7, 8, 9},                   // AFE indices (afeidxlist)
                      null,                                     // Unused
                      new long[]{1, 1, 1, 1} );                 // Term sizes  (termidxlist)

          // Useful for debugging
          // Directs the log task stream to the user specified
          // method msgclass.streamCB
          task.set_Stream (mosek.streamtype.log, new msgclass (""));

          // Solve the problem

          // Print a summary containing information
          // about the solution for debugging purposes

          // Get status information about the solution
          mosek.solsta solsta = task.getsolsta(mosek.soltype.itg);

          switch (solsta)
            case mosek.solsta.integer_optimal:
              double[] xx  =  task.getxx(mosek.soltype.itg);

              Console.WriteLine ("Optimal primal solution\n");
              for (int j = 0; j < numvar; ++j)
                Console.WriteLine ("x[{0}]: {1}", j, xx[j]);
              Console.WriteLine("Another solution status");
      catch (mosek.Exception e) {
        mosek.rescode res = e.Code;
        Console.WriteLine("Response code {0}\nMessage       {1}", res, e.Message);


Listing 17.9 feasrepairex1.cs Click here to download.
  Copyright: Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.

  File:      feasrepairex1.cs

  Purpose:    To demonstrate how to use the MSK_relaxprimal function to
              locate the cause of an infeasibility.

  Syntax: On command line
          feasrepairex1 feasrepair.lp
          feasrepair.lp is located in mosek\<version>\tools\examples.
using System;

namespace mosek.example
  class msgclass : mosek.Stream
    public msgclass () {}

    public override void streamCB (string msg)
      Console.Write ("{1}", msg);

  public class feasrepairex1
    public static void Main (String[] args)
      string filename = "../data/feasrepair.lp";
      if (args.Length >= 1) filename = args[0];

      using (mosek.Task task = new mosek.Task())
        task.set_Stream (mosek.streamtype.log, new msgclass());


        task.putintparam(mosek.iparam.log_feas_repair, 3);

        task.primalrepair(null, null, null, null);

        double sum_viol = task.getdouinf(mosek.dinfitem.primal_repair_penalty_obj);

        Console.WriteLine("Minimized sum of violations = %{0}", sum_viol);



Listing 17.10 gp1.cs Click here to download.
//   Copyright: Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//   File:      gp1.cs
//   Purpose:   Demonstrates how to solve a simple Geometric Program (GP)
//              cast into conic form with exponential cones and log-sum-exp.
//              Example from
//                https://gpkit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/examples.html//maximizing-the-volume-of-a-box
using System;
using mosek;

namespace mosek.example
  class msgclass : mosek.Stream
    string prefix;
    public msgclass (string prfx)
      prefix = prfx;

    public override void streamCB (string msg)
      Console.Write ("{0}{1}", prefix, msg);

  public class gp1
    // Since the value of infinity is ignored, we define it solely
    // for symbolic purposes
    static double inf = 0.0;

    // maximize     h*w*d
    // subjecto to  2*(h*w + h*d) <= Awall
    //              w*d <= Afloor
    //              alpha <= h/w <= beta
    //              gamma <= d/w <= delta
    // Variable substitutions:  h = exp(x), w = exp(y), d = exp(z).
    // maximize     x+y+z
    // subject      log( exp(x+y+log(2/Awall)) + exp(x+z+log(2/Awall)) ) <= 0
    //                              y+z <= log(Afloor)
    //              log( alpha ) <= x-y <= log( beta )
    //              log( gamma ) <= z-y <= log( delta )
    public static double[] max_volume_box(double Aw, double Af, 
                                          double alpha, double beta, double gamma, double delta)
      // Basic dimensions of our problem
      int numvar    = 3;  // Variables in original problem
      int x=0, y=1, z=2;  // Indices of variables
      int numcon    = 3;  // Linear constraints in original problem

      // Linear part of the problem
      double[] cval  = {1, 1, 1};
      int[]    asubi = {0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2};
      int[]    asubj = {y, z, x, y, z, y};
      double[] aval  = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0};
      boundkey[] bkc = {boundkey.up, boundkey.ra, boundkey.ra};
      double[] blc   = {-inf, Math.Log(alpha), Math.Log(gamma)};
      double[] buc   = {Math.Log(Af), Math.Log(beta), Math.Log(delta)};

      using (Task task = new Task())
        // Directs the log task stream to the user specified
        // method task_msg_obj.stream
        task.set_Stream (mosek.streamtype.log, new msgclass (""));

        // Add variables and constraints

        // Objective is the sum of three first variables
        task.putcslice(0, numvar, cval);
        task.putvarboundsliceconst(0, numvar, boundkey.fr, -inf, inf);

        // Add the three linear constraints
        task.putaijlist(asubi, asubj, aval);
        task.putconboundslice(0, numvar, bkc, blc, buc);

        // Affine expressions appearing in affine conic constraints
        // in this order:
        // u1, u2, x+y+log(2/Awall), x+z+log(2/Awall), 1.0, u1+u2-1.0
        long numafe    = 6;
        int u1 = 3, u2 = 4;     // Indices of slack variables
        long[]   afeidx = {0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 5};
        int[]    varidx = {u1, u2, x, y, x, z, u1, u2};
        double[] fval   = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
        double[] gfull  = {0, 0, Math.Log(2/Aw), Math.Log(2/Aw), 1.0, -1.0};

        // New variables u1, u2
        task.putvarboundsliceconst(u1, u2+1, boundkey.fr, -inf, inf);

        // Append affine expressions
        task.putafefentrylist(afeidx, varidx, fval);
        task.putafegslice(0, numafe, gfull);

        // Two affine conic constraints
        long expdom = task.appendprimalexpconedomain();

        // (u1, 1, x+y+log(2/Awall)) \in EXP
        task.appendacc(expdom, new long[]{0, 4, 2}, null);

        // (u2, 1, x+z+log(2/Awall)) \in EXP
        task.appendacc(expdom, new long[]{1, 4, 3}, null);     

        // The constraint u1+u2-1 \in \ZERO is added also as an ACC
        task.appendacc(task.appendrzerodomain(1), new long[]{5}, null);

        // Solve and map to original h, w, d

        double[] xyz = task.getxxslice(soltype.itr, 0, numvar);
        double[] hwd = new double[numvar];
        for(int i = 0; i < numvar; i++) hwd[i] = Math.Exp(xyz[i]);
        return hwd;
    public static void Main(String[] args)
      double Aw    = 200.0;
      double Af    = 50.0;
      double alpha = 2.0;
      double beta  = 10.0;
      double gamma = 2.0;
      double delta = 10.0;
      double[] hwd = max_volume_box(Aw, Af, alpha, beta, gamma, delta);

      Console.WriteLine("h={0:f4} w={1:f4} d={2:f4}", hwd[0], hwd[1], hwd[2]);


Listing 17.11 helloworld.cs Click here to download.
//  Copyright: Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//  File:      helloworld.cs
//  The most basic example of how to get started with MOSEK.

using mosek;
using System;

public class helloworld {
  public static void Main() {

    using (Task task = new Task()) {        // Create Task

      task.appendvars(1);                          // 1 variable x
      task.putcj(0, 1.0);                          // c_0 = 1.0
      task.putvarbound(0, boundkey.ra, 2.0, 3.0);  // 2.0 <= x <= 3.0
      task.putobjsense(objsense.minimize);         // minimize

      task.optimize();                      // Optimize

      double[] x = task.getxx(soltype.itr);        // Get solution
      Console.WriteLine("Solution x = " + x[0]);   // Print solution


Listing 17.12 lo1.cs Click here to download.
   Copyright: Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.

   File:      lo1.cs

   Purpose:   Demonstrates how to solve small linear
              optimization problem using the MOSEK C# API.

using System;

namespace mosek.example
  class msgclass : mosek.Stream
    string prefix;
    public msgclass (string prfx)
      prefix = prfx;

    public override void streamCB (string msg)
      Console.Write ("{0}{1}", prefix, msg);

  public class lo1
    public static void Main ()
      const int numcon = 3;
      const int numvar = 4;

      // Since the value of infinity is ignored, we define it solely
      // for symbolic purposes
      double infinity = 0;

      double[] c    = {3.0, 1.0, 5.0, 1.0};
      int[][]  asub = { 
            new int[] {0, 1},
            new int[] {0, 1, 2},
            new int[] {0, 1},
            new int[] {1, 2}
      double[][] aval = { 
               new double[] {3.0, 2.0},
               new double[] {1.0, 1.0, 2.0},
               new double[] {2.0, 3.0},
               new double[] {1.0, 3.0}

      mosek.boundkey[] bkc  = {mosek.boundkey.fx,

      double[] blc  = {30.0,
      double[] buc  = {30.0,
      mosek.boundkey[]  bkx  = {mosek.boundkey.lo,
      double[]  blx  = {0.0,
      double[]  bux  = { +infinity,

      try {
        // Create a task object.
        using (mosek.Task task = new mosek.Task())
          // Directs the log task stream to the user specified
          // method msgclass.streamCB
          task.set_Stream (mosek.streamtype.log, new msgclass (""));

          // Append 'numcon' empty constraints.
          // The constraints will initially have no bounds.

          // Append 'numvar' variables.
          // The variables will initially be fixed at zero (x=0).

          for (int j = 0; j < numvar; ++j)
            // Set the linear term c_j in the objective.
            task.putcj(j, c[j]);

            // Set the bounds on variable j.
            // blx[j] <= x_j <= bux[j]
            task.putvarbound(j, bkx[j], blx[j], bux[j]);

            // Input column j of A
            task.putacol(j,                     /* Variable (column) index.*/
                         asub[j],               /* Row index of non-zeros in column j.*/
                         aval[j]);              /* Non-zero Values of column j. */

          // Set the bounds on constraints.
          // blc[i] <= constraint_i <= buc[i]
          for (int i = 0; i < numcon; ++i)
            task.putconbound(i, bkc[i], blc[i], buc[i]);

          // Input the objective sense (minimize/maximize)

          // Solve the problem

          // Print a summary containing information
          // about the solution for debugging purposes

          // Get status information about the solution
          mosek.solsta solsta = task.getsolsta(mosek.soltype.bas);

          switch (solsta)
            case mosek.solsta.optimal:
              double[] xx  = task.getxx(mosek.soltype.bas); // Request the basic solution.

              Console.WriteLine ("Optimal primal solution\n");
              for (int j = 0; j < numvar; ++j)
                Console.WriteLine ("x[{0}]: {1}", j, xx[j]);
            case mosek.solsta.dual_infeas_cer:
            case mosek.solsta.prim_infeas_cer:
              Console.WriteLine("Primal or dual infeasibility certificate found.\n");
            case mosek.solsta.unknown:
              Console.WriteLine("Unknown solution status.\n");
              Console.WriteLine("Other solution status");
      catch (mosek.Exception e) {
        mosek.rescode res = e.Code;
        Console.WriteLine("Response code {0}\nMessage       {1}", res, e.Message);


Listing 17.13 lo1.vb Click here to download.
'   Copyright: Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
'   File:    lo1.vb
'   Purpose: Demonstrates how to solve small linear
'            optimization problem using the MOSEK .net API.
Imports System, mosek

Public Class MsgTest
    Inherits mosek.Stream
    Dim name As String

    Public Sub New(ByVal e As mosek.Env, ByVal n As String)
        '        MyBase.New ()
        name = n
    End Sub

    Public Overrides Sub streamCB(ByVal msg As String)
        Console.Write("{0}: {1}", name, msg)
    End Sub
End Class

Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        Dim infinity As Double = 0.0
        Dim numcon As Integer = 3
        Dim numvar As Integer = 4

        Dim bkc As boundkey() = {boundkey.fx, boundkey.lo, boundkey.up}
        Dim bkx As boundkey() = {boundkey.lo, boundkey.ra, boundkey.lo, boundkey.lo}
        Dim asub(numvar)() As Integer
        asub(0) = New Integer() {0, 1}
        asub(1) = New Integer() {0, 1, 2}
        asub(2) = New Integer() {0, 1}
        asub(3) = New Integer() {1, 2}

        Dim blc As Double() = {30.0, 15.0, -infinity}
        Dim buc As Double() = {30.0, infinity, 25.0}
        Dim cj As Double() = {3.0, 1.0, 5.0, 1.0}
        Dim blx As Double() = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0}
        Dim bux As Double() = {infinity, 10, infinity, infinity}

        Dim aval(numvar)() As Double
        aval(0) = New Double() {3.0, 2.0}
        aval(1) = New Double() {1.0, 1.0, 2.0}
        aval(2) = New Double() {2.0, 3.0}
        aval(3) = New Double() {1.0, 3.0}

        Dim xx As Double() = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

        Dim msg As MsgTest
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim j As Integer

            Using env As New mosek.Env()
                Using task As New mosek.task(env, 0, 0)
                    msg = New MsgTest(env, "msg")
                    task.set_Stream(streamtype.log, msg)

                    'Append 'numcon' empty constraints.
                    'The constraints will initially have no bounds. 
                    Call task.appendcons(numcon)

                    'Append 'numvar' variables.
                    ' The variables will initially be fixed at zero (x=0). 

                    Call task.appendvars(numvar)

                    For j = 0 To numvar - 1
                        'Set the linear term c_j in the objective.
                        Call task.putcj(j, cj(j))

                        ' Set the bounds on variable j.
                        'blx[j] <= x_j <= bux[j] 
                        Call task.putvarbound(j, bkx(j), blx(j), bux(j))
                        'Input column j of A 
                        Call task.putacol(j, asub(j), aval(j))
                    Next j

                    ' for i=1, ...,numcon : blc[i] <= constraint i <= buc[i] 
                    For i = 0 To numcon - 1
                        Call task.putconbound(i, bkc(i), blc(i), buc(i))
                    Next i

                    Call task.putobjsense(mosek.objsense.maximize)

                    Call task.optimize()
                    ' Print a summary containing information
                    '   about the solution for debugging purposes
                    Call task.solutionsummary(mosek.streamtype.msg)

                    Dim solsta As mosek.solsta
                    ' Get status information about the solution 

                    Call task.getsolsta(mosek.soltype.bas, solsta)

                    task.getxx(soltype.bas, xx)

                    For j = 0 To numvar - 1
                        Console.WriteLine("x[{0}]:{1}", j, xx(j))

                    Console.WriteLine("Finished optimization")
                End Using
            End Using
        Catch e As mosek.Exception
            Console.WriteLine("MosekException caught, {0}", e)
            Throw (e)
        End Try
    End Sub
End Module


Listing 17.14 lo2.cs Click here to download.
   Copyright: Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.

   File:    lo2.cs

   Purpose: Demonstrates how to solve small linear
            optimization problem using the MOSEK C# API.

using System;

namespace mosek.example
  class msgclass : mosek.Stream
    string prefix;
    public msgclass (string prfx)
      prefix = prfx;

    public override void streamCB (string msg)
      Console.Write ("{0}{1}", prefix, msg);

  public class lo2
    public static void Main ()
      const int numcon = 3;
      const int numvar = 4;

      // Since the value infinity is never used, we define
      // 'infinity' symbolic purposes only
      infinity = 0;

      double[] c    = {3.0, 1.0, 5.0, 1.0};
      int[][]  asub = {
            new int[] {0, 1, 2},
            new int[] {0, 1, 2, 3},
            new int[] {1, 3}
      double[][] aval = {
            new double[] {3.0, 1.0, 2.0},
            new double[] {2.0, 1.0, 3.0, 1.0},
            new double[] {2.0, 3.0}

      mosek.boundkey[] bkc  = {mosek.boundkey.fx,

      double[] blc  = {30.0,
      double[] buc  = {30.0,
      mosek.boundkey[]  bkx  = {mosek.boundkey.lo,
      double[]  blx  = {0.0,
      double[]  bux  = { +infinity,

        // Create a task object 
        using (mosek.Task task = new mosek.Task())
          // Directs the log task stream to the user specified
          // method task_msg_obj.streamCB
          task.set_Stream (mosek.streamtype.log, new msgclass (""));

          /* Give MOSEK an estimate of the size of the input data.
                This is done to increase the speed of inputting data.
                However, it is optional. */
          /* Append 'numcon' empty constraints.
                The constraints will initially have no bounds. */

          /* Append 'numvar' variables.
                The variables will initially be fixed at zero (x=0). */

          /* Optionally add a constant term to the objective. */

          for (int j = 0; j < numvar; ++j)
            /* Set the linear term c_j in the objective.*/
            task.putcj(j, c[j]);
            /* Set the bounds on variable j.
                      blx[j] <= x_j <= bux[j] */
            task.putvarbound(j, bkx[j], blx[j], bux[j]);
          /* Set the bounds on constraints.
                  for i=1, ...,numcon : blc[i] <= constraint i <= buc[i] */
          for (int i = 0; i < numcon; ++i)
            task.putconbound(i, bkc[i], blc[i], buc[i]);

            /* Input row i of A */
            task.putarow(i,                     /* Row index.*/
                         asub[i],               /* Column indexes of non-zeros in row i.*/
                         aval[i]);              /* Non-zero Values of row i. */


          // Print a summary containing information
          //   about the solution for debugging purposes

          /* Get status information about the solution */
          mosek.solsta solsta = task.getsolsta(mosek.soltype.bas);
          double[] xx = task.getxx(mosek.soltype.bas); // Basic solution.

          switch (solsta)
            case mosek.solsta.optimal:
              Console.WriteLine ("Optimal primal solution\n");
              for (int j = 0; j < numvar; ++j)
                Console.WriteLine ("x[{0}]: {1}", j, xx[j]);
            case mosek.solsta.dual_infeas_cer:
            case mosek.solsta.prim_infeas_cer:
              Console.WriteLine("Primal or dual infeasibility.\n");
            case mosek.solsta.unknown:
              Console.WriteLine("Unknown solution status.\n");
              Console.WriteLine("Other solution status");
      catch (mosek.Exception e)
        Console.WriteLine (e.Code);
        Console.WriteLine (e);


Listing 17.15 logistic.cs Click here to download.
//  Copyright: Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//  File:      logistic.cs
// Purpose: Implements logistic regression with regulatization.
//          Demonstrates using the exponential cone and log-sum-exp in Optimizer API.

using System;
using mosek;

namespace mosek.example
  public class logistic {
    public static double inf = 0.0;

    // Adds ACCs for t_i >= log ( 1 + exp((1-2*y[i]) * theta' * X[i]) )
    // Adds auxiliary variables, AFE rows and constraints
    public static void softplus(Task task, int d, int n, int theta, int t, double[,] X, bool[] y)
      int nvar = task.getnumvar();
      int ncon = task.getnumcon();
      long nafe = task.getnumafe();
      task.appendvars(2*n);   // z1, z2
      task.appendcons(n);     // z1 + z2 = 1
      task.appendafes(4*n);   //theta * X[i] - t[i], -t[i], z1[i], z2[i]
      int z1 = nvar, z2 = nvar+n;
      int zcon = ncon;
      long thetaafe = nafe, tafe = nafe+n, z1afe = nafe+2*n, z2afe = nafe+3*n;
      int k = 0;

      // Linear constraints
      int[]    subi = new int[2*n];
      int[]    subj = new int[2*n];
      double[] aval = new double[2*n];

      for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        // z1 + z2 = 1
        subi[k] = zcon+i;  subj[k] = z1+i;  aval[k] = 1;  k++;
        subi[k] = zcon+i;  subj[k] = z2+i;  aval[k] = 1;  k++;
      task.putaijlist(subi, subj, aval);
      task.putconboundsliceconst(zcon, zcon+n, boundkey.fx, 1, 1);
      task.putvarboundsliceconst(nvar, nvar+2*n, boundkey.fr, -inf, inf);

      // Affine conic expressions
      long[]   afeidx = new long[d*n+4*n];
      int[]    varidx = new int[d*n+4*n];
      double[] fval   = new double[d*n+4*n];
      k = 0;

      // Thetas
      for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        for(int j = 0; j < d; j++) {
          afeidx[k] = thetaafe + i; varidx[k] = theta + j; 
          fval[k] = ((y[i]) ? -1 : 1) * X[i,j];

      // -t[i]
      for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        afeidx[k] = thetaafe + i; varidx[k] = t + i; fval[k] = -1; k++;
        afeidx[k] = tafe + i;     varidx[k] = t + i; fval[k] = -1; k++;

      // z1, z2
      for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        afeidx[k] = z1afe + i; varidx[k] = z1 + i; fval[k] = 1; k++;
        afeidx[k] = z2afe + i; varidx[k] = z2 + i; fval[k] = 1; k++;

      // Add the expressions
      task.putafefentrylist(afeidx, varidx, fval);

      // Add a single row with the constant expression "1.0"
      long oneafe = task.getnumafe();
      task.putafeg(oneafe, 1.0);

      // Add an exponential cone domain
      long expdomain = task.appendprimalexpconedomain();
      // Conic constraints
      for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        task.appendacc(expdomain, new long[]{z1afe+i, oneafe, thetaafe+i}, null);
        task.appendacc(expdomain, new long[]{z2afe+i, oneafe, tafe+i}, null);

    // Model logistic regression (regularized with full 2-norm of theta)
    // X - n x d matrix of data points
    // y - length n vector classifying training points
    // lamb - regularization parameter
    public static double[] logisticRegression(double[,]  X, 
                                              bool[]     y,
                                              double     lamb)
      int n = X.GetLength(0);
      int d = X.GetLength(1);       // num samples, dimension

      using (Task task = new Task())
        // Variables [r; theta; t]
        int nvar = 1+d+n;
        task.putvarboundsliceconst(0, nvar, boundkey.fr, -inf, inf);
        int r = 0, theta = 1, t = 1+d;

        // Objective lambda*r + sum(t)
        task.putcj(r, lamb);
        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) 
          task.putcj(t+i, 1.0);

        // Softplus function constraints
        softplus(task, d, n, theta, t, X, y);

        // Regularization
        // Append a sequence of linear expressions (r, theta) to F
        long numafe = task.getnumafe();
        task.putafefentry(numafe, r, 1.0);
        for(int i = 0; i < d; i++)
          task.putafefentry(numafe + i + 1, theta + i, 1.0);

        // Add the constraint
        task.appendaccseq(task.appendquadraticconedomain(1+d), numafe, null);

        // Solution
        return task.getxxslice(soltype.itr, theta, theta+d);

    public static void Main(String[] args)
      // Test: detect and approximate a circle using degree 2 polynomials
      int n = 30;
      double[,] X = new double[n*n, 6];
      bool[] Y     = new bool[n*n];

      for(int i=0; i<n; i++) 
      for(int j=0; j<n; j++)
        int k = i*n+j;
        double x = -1 + 2.0*i/(n-1);
        double y = -1 + 2.0*j/(n-1);
        X[k,0] = 1.0; X[k,1] = x; X[k,2] = y; X[k,3] = x*y;
        X[k,4] = x*x; X[k,5] = y*y;
        Y[k] = (x*x+y*y>=0.69);

      double[] theta = logisticRegression(X, Y, 0.1);

      for(int i=0;i<6;i++)


Listing 17.16 mico1.cs Click here to download.
   Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.

   File :      mico1.cs

   Purpose :   Demonstrates how to solve a small mixed
               integer conic optimization problem.

               minimize    x^2 + y^2
               subject to  x >= e^y + 3.8
                           x, y - integer
using System;

namespace mosek.example
  public class MsgClass : mosek.Stream
    public MsgClass () {}
    public override void streamCB (string msg)
      Console.Write ("{0}", msg);

  public class mico1
    public static void Main ()
      using (Task task = new Task())
        // Directs the log task stream to the user specified
        // method task_msg_obj.streamCB
        MsgClass task_msg_obj = new MsgClass ();
        task.set_Stream (mosek.streamtype.log, task_msg_obj);

        task.appendvars(3);   // x, y, t
        int x=0, y=1, t=2;
        task.putvarboundsliceconst(0, 3, mosek.boundkey.fr, -0.0, 0.0);

        // Integrality constraints for x, y
        task.putvartypelist(new int[]{x,y}, 
                            new mosek.variabletype[]{mosek.variabletype.type_int, mosek.variabletype.type_int});

        // Set up the affine expressions
        // x, x-3.8, y, t, 1.0
        task.putafefentrylist(new long[]{0,1,2,3},
                              new int[]{x,x,y,t},
                              new double[]{1,1,1,1});
        task.putafegslice(0, 5, new double[]{0, -3.8, 0, 0, 1.0});

        // Add constraint (x-3.8, 1, y) \in \EXP
        task.appendacc(task.appendprimalexpconedomain(), new long[]{1, 4, 2}, null);

        // Add constraint (t, x, y) \in \QUAD
        task.appendacc(task.appendquadraticconedomain(3), new long[]{3, 0, 2}, null);      
        // Objective
        task.putcj(t, 1);

        // Optimize the task

        double[] xx = task.getxxslice(mosek.soltype.itg, 0, 2);

        Console.WriteLine ("x = {0}, y = {1}", xx[0], xx[1]);


Listing 17.17 milo1.cs Click here to download.
   Copyright: Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.

   File:    milo1.cs

   Purpose:  Demonstrates how to solve a small mixed
             integer linear optimization problem using the MOSEK C# API.

using System;

namespace mosek.example
  public class MsgClass : mosek.Stream
    public MsgClass ()
      /* Construct the object */

    public override void streamCB (string msg)
      Console.Write ("{0}", msg);

  public class milo1
    public static void Main ()
      const int numcon = 2;
      const int numvar = 2;

      // Since the value infinity is never used, we define
      // 'infinity' symbolic purposes only
      double infinity = 0;

      mosek.boundkey[] bkc = { mosek.boundkey.up,
      double[] blc = { -infinity,
      double[] buc = { 250.0,

      mosek.boundkey[] bkx = { mosek.boundkey.lo,
      double[] blx = { 0.0,
      double[] bux = { infinity,

      double[] c   = {1.0, 0.64 };
      int[][] asub    = { new int[]  {0,   1},  new int[] {0,    1}   };
      double[][] aval = { new double[] {50.0, 3.0}, new double[] {31.0, -2.0} };

      try {
        // Create a task object linked with the environment env.
        using (var task = new mosek.Task ()) {
          // Directs the log task stream to the user specified
          // method task_msg_obj.streamCB
          MsgClass task_msg_obj = new MsgClass ();
          task.set_Stream (mosek.streamtype.log, task_msg_obj);

          /* Give MOSEK an estimate of the size of the input data.
             This is done to increase the speed of inputting data.
             However, it is optional. */
          /* Append 'numcon' empty constraints.
             The constraints will initially have no bounds. */

          /* Append 'numvar' variables.
             The variables will initially be fixed at zero (x=0). */

          /* Optionally add a constant term to the objective. */

          for (int j = 0; j < numvar; ++j)
              /* Set the linear term c_j in the objective.*/
              task.putcj(j, c[j]);
              /* Set the bounds on variable j.
                 blx[j] <= x_j <= bux[j] */
              task.putvarbound(j, bkx[j], blx[j], bux[j]);
              /* Input column j of A */
              task.putacol(j,                     /* Variable (column) index.*/
                           asub[j],               /* Row index of non-zeros in column j.*/
                           aval[j]);              /* Non-zero Values of column j. */
          /* Set the bounds on constraints.
             for i=1, ...,numcon : blc[i] <= constraint i <= buc[i] */
          for (int i = 0; i < numcon; ++i)
              task.putconbound(i, bkc[i], blc[i], buc[i]);

          /* Specify integer variables. */
          for (int j = 0; j < numvar; ++j)
              task.putvartype(j, mosek.variabletype.type_int);

          /* Set max solution time */
          task.putdouparam(mosek.dparam.mio_max_time, 60.0);


          // Print a summary containing information
          //   about the solution for debugging purposes

          /* Get status information about the solution */
          mosek.solsta solsta = task.getsolsta(mosek.soltype.itg);
          double[] xx = task.getxx(mosek.soltype.itg); // Integer solution.

          switch (solsta)
              case mosek.solsta.optimal:
                  Console.WriteLine ("Optimal primal solution\n");
                  for (int j = 0; j < numvar; ++j)
                      Console.WriteLine ("x[{0}]:", xx[j]);
              case mosek.solsta.prim_feas:
                  Console.WriteLine ("Feasible primal solution\n");
                  for (int j = 0; j < numvar; ++j)
                      Console.WriteLine ("x[{0}]:", xx[j]);
              case mosek.solsta.unknown:
                  mosek.prosta prosta;
                  task.getprosta(mosek.soltype.itg, out prosta);
                  switch (prosta)
                      case mosek.prosta.prim_infeas_or_unbounded:
                          Console.WriteLine("Problem status Infeasible or unbounded");
                      case mosek.prosta.prim_infeas:
                          Console.WriteLine("Problem status Infeasible.");
                      case mosek.prosta.unknown:
                          Console.WriteLine("Problem status unknown.");
                          Console.WriteLine("Other problem status.");
                  Console.WriteLine("Other solution status");
      catch (mosek.Exception e)
        Console.WriteLine (e.Code);
        Console.WriteLine (e);


Listing 17.18 mioinitsol.cs Click here to download.
   Copyright: Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.

   File:      mioinitsol.cs

   Purpose:   Demonstrates how to solve a MIP with a start guess.

using System;

namespace mosek.example
  class msgclass : mosek.Stream
    string prefix;
    public msgclass (string prfx)
      prefix = prfx;

    public override void streamCB (string msg)
      Console.Write ("{0}{1}", prefix, msg);

  public class mioinitsol
    public static void Main ()
      // Since the value infinity is never used, we define
      // 'infinity' symbolic purposes only
      double infinity = 0;

      int numvar = 4;
      int numcon = 1;
      int NUMINTVAR = 3;

      double[] c = { 7.0, 10.0, 1.0, 5.0 };

      mosek.boundkey[] bkc = {mosek.boundkey.up};
      double[] blc = { -infinity};
      double[] buc = {2.5};
      mosek.boundkey[] bkx = {mosek.boundkey.lo,
      double[] blx = {0.0,
      double[] bux = {infinity,

      int[] ptrb = {0, 1, 2, 3};
      int[] ptre = {1, 2, 3, 4};
      double[] aval = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
      int[] asub = {0, 0, 0, 0};
      int[] intsub = {0, 1, 2};

        // Create a task object
        using (var task = new mosek.Task()) 
          // Directs the log task stream to the user specified
          // method task_msg_obj.streamCB
          task.set_Stream (mosek.streamtype.log, new msgclass (""));
          task.inputdata(numcon, numvar,

          for (int j = 0 ; j < NUMINTVAR ; ++j)
            task.putvartype(intsub[j], mosek.variabletype.type_int);

          // Assign values to integer variables.
          // We only set a slice of xx
          double[] values = {1.0, 1.0, 0.0};
          task.putxxslice(mosek.soltype.itg, 0, 3, values);

          // Request constructing the solution from integer variable values
          task.putintparam(mosek.iparam.mio_construct_sol, mosek.onoffkey.on);

          catch (mosek.Warning w)
            Console.WriteLine("Mosek warning:");
            Console.WriteLine (w.Code);
            Console.WriteLine (w);
          double[] xx = task.getxx(mosek.soltype.itg);

          for (int j = 0; j < numvar; ++j)
            Console.WriteLine ("x[{0}]:{1}", j, xx[j]);

          // Was the initial solution used?
          int constr = task.getintinf(mosek.iinfitem.mio_construct_solution);
          double constrVal = task.getdouinf(mosek.dinfitem.mio_construct_solution_obj);
          Console.WriteLine("Construct solution utilization: " + constr);
          Console.WriteLine("Construct solution objective: " +  constrVal);
      catch (mosek.Exception e)
        Console.WriteLine (e.Code);
        Console.WriteLine (e);


Listing 17.19 opt_server_async.cs Click here to download.
   Copyright: Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.

   File:       opt_server_async.cs

   Purpose :   Demonstrates how to use MOSEK OptServer
               to solve optimization problem asynchronously

using System;
using System.Threading;

namespace mosek.example
  class msgclass : mosek.Stream
    public override void streamCB (string msg)
      Console.Write ("{0}", msg);

  public class opt_server_async
    public static void Main (string[] args)
      if (args.Length == 0) {
        Console.WriteLine ("Missing argument, syntax is:");
        Console.WriteLine ("  opt_server inputfile host:port numpolls [cert]");
      else {

        string inputfile = args[0];
        string addr      = args[1];
        int    numpolls  = Convert.ToInt32(args[2]);
        String cert      = args.Length < 4 ? null : args[3];

        string token;

        using (mosek.Task task = new mosek.Task())
          task.readdata (inputfile);
          if (cert != null)
          token = task.asyncoptimize (addr,"");

        using (mosek.Task task = new mosek.Task())
          task.readdata (inputfile);
          if (cert != null)
          task.set_Stream (mosek.streamtype.log, new msgclass ());
          Console.WriteLine("Starting polling loop...");

          int i = 0;

          while ( true )
            Console.WriteLine("poll {0}...\n", i);

            mosek.rescode resp, trm;
            bool respavailable;

            respavailable = task.asyncpoll(addr, "", token, out resp, out trm);

            Console.WriteLine("polling done");

            if (respavailable)
              Console.WriteLine("solution available!");

              respavailable = task.asyncgetresult(addr, "", token, out resp, out trm);

              task.solutionsummary (mosek.streamtype.log);

            if (i == numpolls)
              Console.WriteLine("max num polls reached, stopping host.");
              task.asyncstop (addr,"", token);



Listing 17.20 opt_server_sync.cs Click here to download.
  Copyright: Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.

  File:    opt_server_sync.cs

  Purpose :   Demonstrates how to use MOSEK OptServer
              to solve optimization problem synchronously
using System;

namespace mosek.example
  class msgclass : mosek.Stream
    public override void streamCB (string msg)
      Console.Write ("{0}", msg);

  public class simple
    public static void Main (string[] args)
      if (args.Length == 0)
        Console.WriteLine ("Missing arguments, syntax is:");
        Console.WriteLine ("  opt_server_sync inputfile addr [certpath]");
        String inputfile = args[0];
        String addr      = args[1];
        String cert      = args.Length < 3 ? null : args[2];

        using (mosek.Task task = new mosek.Task())
          task.set_Stream (mosek.streamtype.log, new msgclass ());

          // Load some data into the task
          task.readdata (inputfile);

          // Set OptServer URL

          // Path to certificate, if any
          if (cert != null)
            task.putstrparam(sparam.remote_tls_cert_path, cert);

          // Optimize remotely, no access token
          mosek.rescode trm = task.optimize ();

          task.solutionsummary (mosek.streamtype.log);


Listing 17.21 parallel.cs Click here to download.
  File : parallel.cs

  Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.

  Description :  Demonstrates parallel optimization
                 using optimizebatch()
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System;

namespace mosek.example
  public class Parallel
   /** Example of how to use env.optimizebatch(). 
       Optimizes tasks whose names were read from command line.
    public static void Main(string[] argv)
      int n = argv.Length;
      mosek.Task[] tasks      = new mosek.Task[n];
      mosek.rescode[] res     = new mosek.rescode[n];
      mosek.rescode[] trm     = new mosek.rescode[n];
      /* Size of thread pool available for all tasks */
      int threadpoolsize = 6; 

      using (var env = new mosek.Env())
        /* Create an example list of tasks to optimize */
        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) 
          tasks[i] = new mosek.Task(env);
          // We can set the number of threads for each task
          tasks[i].putintparam(mosek.iparam.num_threads, 2);

        // Optimize all the given tasks in parallel
        env.optimizebatch(false,          // No race
                          -1.0,           // No time limit
                          tasks,          // Array of tasks to optimize
        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) 
          Console.WriteLine("Task  {0}  res {1}   trm {2}   obj_val  {3}  time {4}", 


Listing 17.22 parameters.cs Click here to download.
  Copyright: Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.

  File:      parameters.cs

 Purpose: Demonstrates a very simple example about how to get/set
 parameters with MOSEK .NET API


using System;

namespace mosek.example
  public class parameters
    public static void Main()
      using (mosek.Task task = new mosek.Task())
        Console.WriteLine("Test MOSEK parameter get/set functions");

        // Set log level (integer parameter)
        task.putintparam(mosek.iparam.log, 1);
        // Select interior-point optimizer... (integer parameter)
        task.putintparam(mosek.iparam.optimizer, mosek.optimizertype.intpnt);
        // ... without basis identification (integer parameter)
        task.putintparam(mosek.iparam.intpnt_basis, mosek.basindtype.never);
        // Set relative gap tolerance (double parameter)
        task.putdouparam(mosek.dparam.intpnt_co_tol_rel_gap, 1.0e-7);

        // The same using explicit string names 
        task.putparam     ("MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_CO_TOL_REL_GAP", "1.0e-7");      
        task.putnadouparam("MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_CO_TOL_REL_GAP",  1.0e-7 );      

        // Incorrect value
          task.putdouparam(mosek.dparam.intpnt_co_tol_rel_gap, -1.0);
        catch (mosek.Error) 
          Console.WriteLine("Wrong parameter value"); 

        double param = task.getdouparam(mosek.dparam.intpnt_co_tol_rel_gap);
        Console.WriteLine("Current value for parameter intpnt_co_tol_rel_gap = " + param);

        /* Define and solve an optimization problem here */
        /* task.optimize() */
        /* After optimization: */

        Console.WriteLine("Get MOSEK information items");

        double tm = task.getdouinf(mosek.dinfitem.optimizer_time);
        int  iter = task.getintinf(mosek.iinfitem.intpnt_iter);     
        Console.WriteLine("Time: " + tm);
        Console.WriteLine("Iterations: " + iter);         


Listing 17.23 pinfeas.cs Click here to download.
//  File : pinfeas.cs
//  Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
//  Purpose: Demonstrates how to fetch a primal infeasibility certificate
//           for a linear problem
using System;

namespace mosek.example {
  class msgclass : mosek.Stream {
    public msgclass () {}
    public override void streamCB (string msg) {
      Console.Write (msg);

  public class pinfeas {
    static double inf = 0.0; // Infinity for symbolic purposes

    // Set up a simple linear problem from the manual for test purposes
    public static mosek.Task testProblem() {
      mosek.Task task = new mosek.Task();
      task.putclist(new int[]{0,1,2,3,4,5,6}, new double[]{1,2,5,2,1,2,1});
      task.putaijlist(new int[]{0,0,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4,5,5,6,6},
                      new int[]{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,0,4,1,2,5,3,6},
                      new double[]{1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1});
      mosek.boundkey up = mosek.boundkey.up,
                     fx = mosek.boundkey.fx,
                     lo = mosek.boundkey.lo;
      task.putconboundslice(0, 7, new mosek.boundkey[]{up,up,up,fx,fx,fx,fx},
                                  new double[]{-inf, -inf, -inf, 1100, 200, 500, 500},
                                  new double[]{200, 1000, 1000, 1100, 200, 500, 500});
      task.putvarboundsliceconst(0, 7, lo, 0, +inf);
      return task;

    // Analyzes and prints infeasibility contributing elements
    // sl - dual values for lower bounds
    // su - dual values for upper bounds
    // eps - tolerance for when a nunzero dual value is significant
    public static void analyzeCertificate(double[] sl, double[] su, double eps) {
      for(int i = 0; i < sl.Length; i++) {
        if (Math.Abs(sl[i]) > eps)
          Console.WriteLine("#{0}, lower,  dual = {1}", i, sl[i]);
        if (Math.Abs(su[i]) > eps)
          Console.WriteLine("#{0}, upper,  dual = {1}", i, su[i]);

    public static void Main () {
      // In this example we set up a simple problem
      // One could use any task or a task read from a file
      mosek.Task task = testProblem();

      // Useful for debugging
      task.writedata("pinfeas.ptf");                          // Write file in human-readable format
      // Attach a log stream printer to the task
      task.set_Stream (mosek.streamtype.log, new msgclass ());      
      // Perform the optimization.

      // Check problem status, we use the interior point solution
      if (task.getprosta(soltype.itr) == prosta.prim_infeas) {
        // Set the tolerance at which we consider a dual value as essential
        double eps = 1e-7;

        Console.WriteLine("Variable bounds important for infeasibility: ");
        analyzeCertificate(task.getslx(soltype.itr), task.getsux(soltype.itr), eps);
        Console.WriteLine("Constraint bounds important for infeasibility: ");
        analyzeCertificate(task.getslc(soltype.itr), task.getsuc(soltype.itr), eps);
      else {
        Console.WriteLine("The problem is not primal infeasible, no certificate to show");



Listing 17.24 portfolio_1_basic.cs Click here to download.
  File : portfolio_1_basic.cs

  Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.

  Description :  Implements a basic portfolio optimization model.
using System;
using mosek;

namespace mosek.example
  /* Log handler class */
  class msgclass : mosek.Stream
    string prefix;
    public msgclass (string prfx) { prefix = prfx; }

    public override void streamCB (string msg)
      Console.Write ("{0}{1}", prefix, msg);

  public class portfolio_1_basic
    public static void Main (String[] args)
      // Since the value infinity is never used, we define
      // 'infinity' for symbolic purposes only
      double infinity = 0.0;
      int n = 8;
      double gamma = 36.0;
      double[]  mu = {0.07197349, 0.15518171, 0.17535435, 0.0898094 , 0.42895777, 0.39291844, 0.32170722, 0.18378628};
      double[,] GT = {
          {0.30758, 0.12146, 0.11341, 0.11327, 0.17625, 0.11973, 0.10435, 0.10638},
          {0.0,     0.25042, 0.09946, 0.09164, 0.06692, 0.08706, 0.09173, 0.08506},
          {0.0,     0.0,     0.19914, 0.05867, 0.06453, 0.07367, 0.06468, 0.01914},
          {0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.20876, 0.04933, 0.03651, 0.09381, 0.07742},
          {0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.36096, 0.12574, 0.10157, 0.0571 },
          {0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.21552, 0.05663, 0.06187},
          {0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.22514, 0.03327},
          {0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.2202 }
      int   k = GT.GetLength(0);
      double[] x0 = {8.0, 5.0, 3.0, 5.0, 2.0, 9.0, 3.0, 6.0};
      double   w = 59;
      double   totalBudget;

      //Offset of variables into the API variable.
      int numvar = n;
      int voff_x = 0;

      // Constraints offsets
      int numcon = 1;
      int coff_bud = 0;

      // Create a task object.
      using (mosek.Task task = new mosek.Task())
        // Directs the log task stream
        task.set_Stream(mosek.streamtype.log, new msgclass (""));

        // Holding variable x of length n
        // No other auxiliary variables are needed in this formulation
        // Setting up variable x 
        for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
          /* Optionally we can give the variables names */
          task.putvarname(voff_x + j, "x[" + (j + 1) + "]");
          /* No short-selling - x^l = 0, x^u = inf */
          task.putvarbound(voff_x + j, mosek.boundkey.lo, 0.0, infinity);

        // One linear constraint: total budget
        task.putconname(coff_bud, "budget");
        for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
          /* Coefficients in the first row of A */
          task.putaij(coff_bud, voff_x + j, 1.0);
        totalBudget = w;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
          totalBudget += x0[i];
        task.putconbound(coff_bud, mosek.boundkey.fx, totalBudget, totalBudget);

        // Input (gamma, GTx) in the AFE (affine expression) storage
        // We need k+1 rows
        task.appendafes(k + 1);
        // The first affine expression = gamma
        task.putafeg(0, gamma);
        // The remaining k expressions comprise GT*x, we add them row by row
        // In more realisic scenarios it would be better to extract nonzeros and input in sparse form
        int[] vslice_x = new int[n];
        double[] GT_row = new double[n];
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
          vslice_x[i] = voff_x + i;
        for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i)
          for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) GT_row[j] = GT[i, j];
          task.putafefrow(i + 1, vslice_x, GT_row);

        // Input the affine conic constraint (gamma, GT*x) \in QCone
        // Add the quadratic domain of dimension k+1
        long qdom = task.appendquadraticconedomain(k + 1);
        // Add the constraint
        task.appendaccseq(qdom, 0, null);
        task.putaccname(0, "risk");

        // Objective: maximize expected return mu^T x
        for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
          task.putcj(voff_x + j, mu[j]);


        /* Display solution summary for quick inspection of results */

        // Check if the interior point solution is an optimal point
        solsta solsta = task.getsolsta(mosek.soltype.itr);
        if (solsta != mosek.solsta.optimal)
          // See https://docs.mosek.com/latest/dotnetapi/accessing-solution.html about handling solution statuses.
          throw new Exception(rescode.err_unhandled_solution_status, String.Format("Unexpected solution status: {0}", solsta));


        /* Read the results */
        double expret = 0.0;
        double[] xx = task.getxxslice(mosek.soltype.itr, voff_x, voff_x + n);

        for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
          expret += mu[j] * xx[j + voff_x];

        Console.WriteLine("\nExpected return {0:E} for gamma {1:E}", expret, gamma);


Listing 17.25 portfolio_2_frontier.cs Click here to download.
  File : portfolio_2_frontier.cs

  Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.

  Description :  Implements a basic portfolio optimization model.
                 Computes points on the efficient frontier.
using System;

namespace mosek.example 
  class msgclass : mosek.Stream
    string prefix;
    public msgclass (string prfx)
      prefix = prfx;

    public override void streamCB (string msg)
      Console.Write ("{0}{1}", prefix, msg);

  public class portfolio_2_frontier
    public static void Main (String[] args)
      double infinity = 0;
      int n = 8;
      double[]   mu = {0.07197, 0.15518, 0.17535, 0.08981, 0.42896, 0.39292, 0.32171, 0.18379};
      double[,]  GT = {
          {0.30758, 0.12146, 0.11341, 0.11327, 0.17625, 0.11973, 0.10435, 0.10638},
          {0.0,     0.25042, 0.09946, 0.09164, 0.06692, 0.08706, 0.09173, 0.08506},
          {0.0,     0.0,     0.19914, 0.05867, 0.06453, 0.07367, 0.06468, 0.01914},
          {0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.20876, 0.04933, 0.03651, 0.09381, 0.07742},
          {0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.36096, 0.12574, 0.10157, 0.0571 },
          {0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.21552, 0.05663, 0.06187},
          {0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.22514, 0.03327},
          {0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.2202 }
      int   k = GT.GetLength(0);
      double[] x0 = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
      double   w = 1.0;
      double[] alphas = {0.0, 0.01, 0.1, 0.25, 0.30, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 10.0};
      int numalphas = 15; 
      double   totalBudget;

      // Offset of variables into the API variable.
      int numvar = n + 1;
      int voff_x = 0;
      int voff_s = n;

      // Offset of constraints
      int coff_bud = 0;

      // Create a task object.
      using (mosek.Task task = new mosek.Task())
        // Directs the log task stream to the user specified
        // method msgclass.streamCB
        task.set_Stream (mosek.streamtype.log, new msgclass (""));


        // Setting up variable x 
        for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
          /* Optionally we can give the variables names */
          task.putvarname(voff_x + j, "x[" + (j + 1) + "]");
          /* No short-selling - x^l = 0, x^u = inf */
          task.putvarbound(voff_x + j, mosek.boundkey.lo, 0.0, infinity);
        task.putvarname(voff_s, "s");
        task.putvarbound(voff_s, mosek.boundkey.fr, -infinity, infinity);

        // One linear constraint: total budget
        task.putconname(coff_bud, "budget");
        for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
          /* Coefficients in the first row of A */
          task.putaij(coff_bud, voff_x + j, 1.0);
        totalBudget = w;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
          totalBudget += x0[i];
        task.putconbound(coff_bud, mosek.boundkey.fx, totalBudget, totalBudget);

        // Input (gamma, GTx) in the AFE (affine expression) storage
        // We build the following F and g for variables [x, s]:
        //     [0, 1]      [0  ]
        // F = [0, 0], g = [0.5]
        //     [GT,0]      [0  ]
        // We need k+2 rows
        task.appendafes(k + 2);
        // The first affine expression is variable s (last variable, index n)
        task.putafefentry(0, n, 1.0);        
        // The second affine expression is constant 0.5
        task.putafeg(1, 0.5);
        // The remaining k expressions comprise GT*x, we add them row by row
        // In more realisic scenarios it would be better to extract nonzeros and input in sparse form
        int[] vslice_x = new int[n];
        double[] GT_row = new double[n];
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
          vslice_x[i] = voff_x + i;
        for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i)
          for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) GT_row[j] = GT[i, j];
          task.putafefrow(i + 2, vslice_x, GT_row);

        // Input the affine conic constraint (gamma, GT*x) \in QCone
        // Add the quadratic domain of dimension k+1
        long rqdom = task.appendrquadraticconedomain(k + 2);
        // Add the constraint
        task.appendaccseq(rqdom, 0, null);            
        task.putaccname(0, "risk");

        // Objective: maximize expected return mu^T x
        for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
          task.putcj(voff_x + j, mu[j]);


        //Turn all log output off.
        task.putintparam(mosek.iparam.log, 0);

        Console.WriteLine("{0,-15}{1,-15}{2,-15}", "alpha", "exp ret", "std. dev.");

        for (int i = 0; i < numalphas; ++i)
          task.putcj(voff_s, -alphas[i]);



          // Check if the interior point solution is an optimal point
          solsta solsta = task.getsolsta(mosek.soltype.itr);
          if (solsta != mosek.solsta.optimal)
            // See https://docs.mosek.com/latest/dotnetapi/accessing-solution.html about handling solution statuses.
            throw new Exception(rescode.err_unhandled_solution_status, String.Format("Unexpected solution status: {0}", solsta));

          double expret = 0.0;
          double[] xx = task.getxx(mosek.soltype.itr);

          for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
            expret += mu[j] * xx[j + voff_x];

          Console.WriteLine("{0:E6}  {1:E}  {2:E}", alphas[i], expret, Math.Sqrt(xx[voff_s]));



Listing 17.26 portfolio_3_impact.cs Click here to download.
  File : portfolio_3_impact.cs

  Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.

  Description :  Implements a basic portfolio optimization model
                 with transaction costs of type x^(3/2)
using System;

namespace mosek.example {
  class msgclass : mosek.Stream
    string prefix;
    public msgclass (string prfx)
      prefix = prfx;

    public override void streamCB (string msg)
      Console.Write ("{0}{1}", prefix, msg);
  public class portfolio_3_impact
    public static void Main (String[] args)
      // Since the value infinity is never used, we define
      // 'infinity' symbolic purposes only
      double infinity = 0;
      int n = 8;
      double[]   mu = {0.07197, 0.15518, 0.17535, 0.08981, 0.42896, 0.39292, 0.32171, 0.18379};
      double[,] GT = {
        {0.30758, 0.12146, 0.11341, 0.11327, 0.17625, 0.11973, 0.10435, 0.10638},
        {0.0,     0.25042, 0.09946, 0.09164, 0.06692, 0.08706, 0.09173, 0.08506},
        {0.0,     0.0,     0.19914, 0.05867, 0.06453, 0.07367, 0.06468, 0.01914},
        {0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.20876, 0.04933, 0.03651, 0.09381, 0.07742},
        {0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.36096, 0.12574, 0.10157, 0.0571 },
        {0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.21552, 0.05663, 0.06187},
        {0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.22514, 0.03327},
        {0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.2202 }
      int   k = GT.GetLength(0);
      double[] x0 = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
      double   w = 1.0;
      double gamma = 0.36;
      double   totalBudget;

      double[] m = new double[n];
      for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        m[i] = 0.01;

      // Offset of variables into the API variable.
      int numvar = 3 * n;
      int voff_x = 0;
      int voff_c = n;
      int voff_z = 2 * n;

      // Offset of constraints.
      int numcon = 2 * n + 1;
      int coff_bud = 0;
      int coff_abs1 = 1; 
      int coff_abs2 = 1 + n;

      // Create a task object.
      using (mosek.Task task = new mosek.Task())
        // Directs the log task stream to the user specified
        // method msgclass.streamCB
        task.set_Stream(mosek.streamtype.log, new msgclass(""));

        // Variables (vector of x, c, z)
        for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
          /* Optionally we can give the variables names */
          task.putvarname(voff_x + j, "x[" + (j + 1) + "]");
          task.putvarname(voff_c + j, "c[" + (j + 1) + "]");
          task.putvarname(voff_z + j, "z[" + (j + 1) + "]");
          /* Apply variable bounds (x >= 0, c and z free) */
          task.putvarbound(voff_x + j, mosek.boundkey.lo, 0.0, infinity);
          task.putvarbound(voff_c + j, mosek.boundkey.fr, -infinity, infinity);
          task.putvarbound(voff_z + j, mosek.boundkey.fr, -infinity, infinity);

        // Linear constraints
        // - Total budget
        task.putconname(coff_bud, "budget");
        for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
          /* Coefficients in the first row of A */
          task.putaij(coff_bud, voff_x + j, 1.0);
          task.putaij(coff_bud, voff_c + j, m[j]);
        totalBudget = w;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
          totalBudget += x0[i];
        task.putconbound(coff_bud, mosek.boundkey.fx, totalBudget, totalBudget);

        // - Absolute value
        task.appendcons(2 * n);
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
          task.putconname(coff_abs1 + i, "zabs1[" + (1 + i) + "]");
          task.putaij(coff_abs1 + i, voff_x + i, -1.0);
          task.putaij(coff_abs1 + i, voff_z + i, 1.0);
          task.putconbound(coff_abs1 + i, mosek.boundkey.lo, -x0[i], infinity);
          task.putconname(coff_abs2 + i, "zabs2[" + (1 + i) + "]");
          task.putaij(coff_abs2 + i, voff_x + i, 1.0);
          task.putaij(coff_abs2 + i, voff_z + i, 1.0);
          task.putconbound(coff_abs2 + i, mosek.boundkey.lo, x0[i], infinity);          

        // ACCs
        int aoff_q = 0;
        int aoff_pow = k + 1;
        // - (gamma, GTx) in Q(k+1)
        // The part of F and g for variable x:
        //     [0,  0, 0]      [gamma]
        // F = [GT, 0, 0], g = [0    ]    
        task.appendafes(k + 1);
        task.putafeg(aoff_q, gamma);
        int[] vslice_x = new int[n];
        double[] GT_row = new double[n];
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
          vslice_x[i] = voff_x + i;
        for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i)
          for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) GT_row[j] = GT[i, j];
          task.putafefrow(aoff_q + i + 1, vslice_x, GT_row);
        long qdom = task.appendquadraticconedomain(k + 1);
        task.appendaccseq(qdom, aoff_q, null);
        task.putaccname(aoff_q, "risk");

        // - (c_j, 1, z_j) in P3(2/3, 1/3)
        // The part of F and g for variables [c, z]:
        //     [0, I, 0]      [0]
        // F = [0, 0, I], g = [0]
        //     [0, 0, 0]      [1]
        task.appendafes(2 * n + 1);
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
          task.putafefentry(aoff_pow + i, voff_c + i, 1.0);
          task.putafefentry(aoff_pow + n + i, voff_z + i, 1.0);
        task.putafeg(aoff_pow + 2 * n, 1.0);
        // We use one row from F and g for both c_j and z_j, and the last row of F and g for the constant 1.
        // NOTE: Here we reuse the last AFE and the power cone n times, but we store them only once.
        double[] exponents = {2, 1};
        long powdom = task.appendprimalpowerconedomain(3, exponents);
        long[] flat_afe_list = new long[3 * n];
        long[] dom_list = new long[n];
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
          flat_afe_list[3 * i + 0] = aoff_pow + i;
          flat_afe_list[3 * i + 1] = aoff_pow + 2 * n;
          flat_afe_list[3 * i + 2] = aoff_pow + n + i;
          dom_list[i] = powdom;
        task.appendaccs(dom_list, flat_afe_list, null);
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
          task.putaccname(i + 1, "market_impact[" + i + "]");
        // Objective: maximize expected return mu^T x
        for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
          task.putcj(voff_x + j, mu[j]);

        //Turn all log output off.

        /* Solve the problem */


        // Check if the interior point solution is an optimal point
        solsta solsta = task.getsolsta(mosek.soltype.itr);
        if (solsta != mosek.solsta.optimal)
          // See https://docs.mosek.com/latest/dotnetapi/accessing-solution.html about handling solution statuses.
          throw new Exception(rescode.err_unhandled_solution_status, String.Format("Unexpected solution status: {0}", solsta));

        double expret = 0.0;
        double[] xx = task.getxx(mosek.soltype.itr);

        for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
          expret += mu[j] * xx[j + voff_x];

        Console.WriteLine("Expected return {0:E6} for gamma {1:E6}\n\n", expret, gamma);


Listing 17.27 portfolio_4_transcost.cs Click here to download.
  File : portfolio_4_transcost.cs

  Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.

  Description :  Implements a basic portfolio optimization model
                 with fixed setup costs and transaction costs
                 as a mixed-integer problem.
using System;

namespace mosek.example {
  class msgclass : mosek.Stream
    string prefix;
    public msgclass (string prfx)
      prefix = prfx;

    public override void streamCB (string msg)
      Console.Write ("{0}{1}", prefix, msg);
  public class portfolio_4_transcost
    public static void Main (String[] args)
      // Since the value infinity is never used, we define
      // 'infinity' symbolic purposes only
      double infinity = 0;
      int n = 8;
      double[]   mu = {0.07197, 0.15518, 0.17535, 0.08981, 0.42896, 0.39292, 0.32171, 0.18379};
      double[,] GT = {
        {0.30758, 0.12146, 0.11341, 0.11327, 0.17625, 0.11973, 0.10435, 0.10638},
        {0.0,     0.25042, 0.09946, 0.09164, 0.06692, 0.08706, 0.09173, 0.08506},
        {0.0,     0.0,     0.19914, 0.05867, 0.06453, 0.07367, 0.06468, 0.01914},
        {0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.20876, 0.04933, 0.03651, 0.09381, 0.07742},
        {0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.36096, 0.12574, 0.10157, 0.0571 },
        {0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.21552, 0.05663, 0.06187},
        {0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.22514, 0.03327},
        {0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.2202 }
      int   k = GT.GetLength(0);
      double[] x0 = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
      double   w = 1.0;
      double gamma = 0.36;
      double   totalBudget;     

      double[] f = new double[n];
      double[] g = new double[n];
      for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        f[i] = 0.01;
        g[i] = 0.001;

      // Offset of variables.
      int numvar = 3 * n;
      int voff_x = 0;
      int voff_z = n;
      int voff_y = 2 * n;

      // Offset of constraints.
      int numcon = 3 * n + 1;
      int coff_bud = 0;
      int coff_abs1 = 1;
      int coff_abs2 = 1 + n;
      int coff_swi = 1 + 2 * n; 

      // Create a task object.
      using (mosek.Task task = new mosek.Task())
        // Directs the log task stream to the user specified
        // method msgclass.streamCB
        task.set_Stream(mosek.streamtype.log, new msgclass(""));

        // Variables (vector of x, z, y)
        for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
          /* Optionally we can give the variables names */
          task.putvarname(voff_x + j, "x[" + (j + 1) + "]");
          task.putvarname(voff_z + j, "z[" + (j + 1) + "]");
          task.putvarname(voff_y + j, "y[" + (j + 1) + "]");
          /* Apply variable bounds (x >= 0, z free, y binary) */
          task.putvarbound(voff_x + j, mosek.boundkey.lo, 0.0, infinity);
          task.putvarbound(voff_z + j, mosek.boundkey.fr, -infinity, infinity);
          task.putvarbound(voff_y + j, mosek.boundkey.ra, 0.0, 1.0);
          task.putvartype(voff_y + j, mosek.variabletype.type_int);
        // Linear constraints
        // - Total budget
        task.putconname(coff_bud, "budget");
        for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
          /* Coefficients in the first row of A */
          task.putaij(coff_bud, voff_x + j, 1.0);
          task.putaij(coff_bud, voff_z + j, g[j]);
          task.putaij(coff_bud, voff_y + j, f[j]);
        double U = w;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
          U += x0[i];
        task.putconbound(coff_bud, mosek.boundkey.fx, U, U);

        // - Absolute value
        task.appendcons(2 * n);
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
          task.putconname(coff_abs1 + i, "zabs1[" + (1 + i) + "]");
          task.putaij(coff_abs1 + i, voff_x + i, -1.0);
          task.putaij(coff_abs1 + i, voff_z + i, 1.0);
          task.putconbound(coff_abs1 + i, mosek.boundkey.lo, -x0[i], infinity);
          task.putconname(coff_abs2 + i, "zabs2[" + (1 + i) + "]");
          task.putaij(coff_abs2 + i, voff_x + i, 1.0);
          task.putaij(coff_abs2 + i, voff_z + i, 1.0);
          task.putconbound(coff_abs2 + i, mosek.boundkey.lo, x0[i], infinity);          

        // - Switch 
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
          task.putconname(coff_swi + i, "switch[" + (1 + i) + "]");
          task.putaij(coff_swi + i, voff_z + i, 1.0);         
          task.putaij(coff_swi + i, voff_y + i, -U);
          task.putconbound(coff_swi + i, mosek.boundkey.up, -infinity, 0.0);

        // ACCs
        int aoff_q = 0;
        // - (gamma, GTx) in Q(k+1)
        // The part of F and g for variable x:
        //     [0,  0, 0]      [gamma]
        // F = [GT, 0, 0], g = [0    ]
        task.appendafes(k + 1);
        task.putafeg(aoff_q, gamma);
        int[] vslice_x = new int[n];
        double[] GT_row = new double[n];
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
          vslice_x[i] = voff_x + i;
        for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i)
          for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) GT_row[j] = GT[i, j];
          task.putafefrow(aoff_q + i + 1, vslice_x, GT_row);
        long qdom = task.appendquadraticconedomain(k + 1);
        task.appendaccseq(qdom, aoff_q, null);
        task.putaccname(aoff_q, "risk");

        // Objective: maximize expected return mu^T x
        for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
          task.putcj(voff_x + j, mu[j]);
        //Turn all log output off.

        /* Solve the problem */


        // Check if the interior point solution is an optimal point
        solsta solsta = task.getsolsta(mosek.soltype.itg);
        if (solsta != mosek.solsta.integer_optimal)
          // See https://docs.mosek.com/latest/dotnetapi/accessing-solution.html about handling solution statuses.
          throw new Exception(rescode.err_unhandled_solution_status, String.Format("Unexpected solution status: {0}", solsta));

        double expret = 0.0;
        double[] xx = task.getxx(mosek.soltype.itg);

        for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
          expret += mu[j] * xx[j + voff_x];

        Console.WriteLine("Expected return {0:E6} for gamma {1:E6}\n\n", expret, gamma);


Listing 17.28 portfolio_5_card.cs Click here to download.
  File : portfolio_5_card.cs

  Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.

  Description :  Implements a basic portfolio optimization model
                 with cardinality constraints on number of assets traded.
using System;

namespace mosek.example {
  class msgclass : mosek.Stream
    string prefix;
    public msgclass (string prfx)
      prefix = prfx;

    public override void streamCB (string msg)
      Console.Write ("{0}{1}", prefix, msg);
  public class portfolio_5_card
    public static double[] markowitz_with_card(int        n,
                                               int        k,
                                               double[]   x0,
                                               double     w,
                                               double     gamma,
                                               double[]   mu,
                                               double[,]  GT,
                                               int        K) 
      // Since the value infinity is never used, we define
      // 'infinity' symbolic purposes only
      double infinity = 0;

      // Offset of variables.
      int numvar = 3 * n;
      int voff_x = 0; 
      int voff_z = n;
      int voff_y = 2 * n;

      // Offset of constraints.
      int numcon = 3 * n + 2;
      int coff_bud = 0;
      int coff_abs1 = 1;
      int coff_abs2 = 1 + n;
      int coff_swi = 1 + 2 * n;
      int coff_card = 1 + 3 * n;  

      // Create a task object.
      using (mosek.Task task = new mosek.Task())
        // Directs the log task stream to the user specified
        // method msgclass.streamCB
        task.set_Stream(mosek.streamtype.log, new msgclass(""));

        // Variables (vector of x, z, y)
        for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
          /* Optionally we can give the variables names */
          task.putvarname(voff_x + j, "x[" + (j + 1) + "]");
          task.putvarname(voff_z + j, "z[" + (j + 1) + "]");
          task.putvarname(voff_y + j, "y[" + (j + 1) + "]");
          /* Apply variable bounds (x >= 0, z free, y binary) */
          task.putvarbound(voff_x + j, mosek.boundkey.lo, 0.0, infinity);
          task.putvarbound(voff_z + j, mosek.boundkey.fr, -infinity, infinity);
          task.putvarbound(voff_y + j, mosek.boundkey.ra, 0.0, 1.0);
          task.putvartype(voff_y + j, mosek.variabletype.type_int);

        // Linear constraints
        // - Total budget
        task.putconname(coff_bud, "budget");
        for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
          /* Coefficients in the first row of A */
          task.putaij(coff_bud, voff_x + j, 1.0);
        double U = w;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
          U += x0[i];
        task.putconbound(coff_bud, mosek.boundkey.fx, U, U);

        // - Absolute value
        task.appendcons(2 * n);
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
          task.putconname(coff_abs1 + i, "zabs1[" + (1 + i) + "]");
          task.putaij(coff_abs1 + i, voff_x + i, -1.0);
          task.putaij(coff_abs1 + i, voff_z + i, 1.0);
          task.putconbound(coff_abs1 + i, mosek.boundkey.lo, -x0[i], infinity);
          task.putconname(coff_abs2 + i, "zabs2[" + (1 + i) + "]");
          task.putaij(coff_abs2 + i, voff_x + i, 1.0);
          task.putaij(coff_abs2 + i, voff_z + i, 1.0);
          task.putconbound(coff_abs2 + i, mosek.boundkey.lo, x0[i], infinity);          

        // - Switch 
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
          task.putconname(coff_swi + i, "switch[" + (1 + i) + "]");
          task.putaij(coff_swi + i, voff_z + i, 1.0);         
          task.putaij(coff_swi + i, voff_y + i, -U);
          task.putconbound(coff_swi + i, mosek.boundkey.up, -infinity, 0.0);
        // - Cardinality
        task.putconname(coff_card, "cardinality");
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
          task.putaij(coff_card, voff_y + i, 1.0);
        task.putconbound(coff_card, mosek.boundkey.up, -infinity, K);

        // ACCs
        int aoff_q = 0;
        // - (gamma, GTx) in Q(k+1)
        // The part of F and g for variable x:
        //     [0,  0, 0]      [gamma]
        // F = [GT, 0, 0], g = [0    ]
        task.appendafes(k + 1);
        task.putafeg(aoff_q, gamma);
        int[] vslice_x = new int[n];
        double[] GT_row = new double[n];
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
          vslice_x[i] = voff_x + i;
        for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i)
            for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) GT_row[j] = GT[i, j];
            task.putafefrow(aoff_q + i + 1, vslice_x, GT_row);
        long qdom = task.appendquadraticconedomain(k + 1);
        task.appendaccseq(qdom, aoff_q, null);
        task.putaccname(aoff_q, "risk");

        // Objective: maximize expected return mu^T x
        for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
          task.putcj(voff_x + j, mu[j]);
        //Turn all log output off.

        /* Solve the problem */

        // Check if the interior point solution is an optimal point
        solsta solsta = task.getsolsta(mosek.soltype.itg);
        if (solsta != mosek.solsta.integer_optimal)
          // See https://docs.mosek.com/latest/dotnetapi/accessing-solution.html about handling solution statuses.
          throw new Exception(rescode.err_unhandled_solution_status, String.Format("Unexpected solution status: {0}", solsta));

        double[] xx = task.getxxslice(mosek.soltype.itg, voff_x, voff_x + n);
        return xx;

    public static void Main (String[] args)
      int n = 8;
      double[]   mu = {0.07197, 0.15518, 0.17535, 0.08981, 0.42896, 0.39292, 0.32171, 0.18379};
      double[,] GT = {
        {0.30758, 0.12146, 0.11341, 0.11327, 0.17625, 0.11973, 0.10435, 0.10638},
        {0.0,     0.25042, 0.09946, 0.09164, 0.06692, 0.08706, 0.09173, 0.08506},
        {0.0,     0.0,     0.19914, 0.05867, 0.06453, 0.07367, 0.06468, 0.01914},
        {0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.20876, 0.04933, 0.03651, 0.09381, 0.07742},
        {0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.36096, 0.12574, 0.10157, 0.0571 },
        {0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.21552, 0.05663, 0.06187},
        {0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.22514, 0.03327},
        {0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.2202 }
      int   k = GT.GetLength(0);
      double[] x0 = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
      double   w = 1.0;
      double gamma = 0.25;  

      for (int K = 1; K <= n; K++)
        double[] xx = markowitz_with_card(n, k, x0, w, gamma, mu, GT, K);
        double expret = 0;
        Console.Write("Bound:  {0:d}  x =  ", K);
        for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
          Console.Write("{0:f5} ", xx[i]);
          expret += xx[i]*mu[i];
        Console.WriteLine("  Return:  {0:f5}", expret);


Listing 17.29 portfolio_6_factor.cs Click here to download.
  File : portfolio_6_factor.cs

  Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.

  Description : Implements a portfolio optimization model using factor model.
using System;

namespace mosek.example
  /* Log handler class */
  class msgclass : mosek.Stream
    string prefix;
    public msgclass (string prfx) { prefix = prfx; }

    public override void streamCB (string msg)
      Console.Write ("{0}{1}", prefix, msg);

  public class portfolio_6_factor
    public static double sum(double[] x)
      double r = 0.0;
      for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; ++i) r += x[i];
      return r;

    public static double dot(double[] x, double[] y)
      double r = 0.0;
      for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; ++i) r += x[i] * y[i];
      return r;

    // Vectorize matrix (column-major order)
    public static double[] mat_to_vec_c(double[,] m) 
      int ni = m.GetLength(0);
      int nj = m.GetLength(1);
      double[] c = new double[nj * ni];  
      for (int j = 0; j < nj; ++j) 
        for (int i = 0; i < ni; ++i) 
          c[j * ni + i] = m[i, j];
      return c;

    // Reshape vector to matrix (column-major order)
    public static double[,] vec_to_mat_c(double[] c, int ni, int nj) 
      double[,] m = new double[ni, nj];
      for (int j = 0; j < nj; ++j) 
        for (int i = 0; i < ni; ++i) 
          m[i, j] = c[j * ni + i];
      return m;

    public static double[,] cholesky(double[,] m) 
      int n = m.GetLength(0);
      double[] vecs = mat_to_vec_c(m);
      LinAlg.potrf(mosek.uplo.lo, n, vecs);
      double[,] s = vec_to_mat_c(vecs, n, n);

      // Zero out upper triangular part (LinAlg.Potrf does not use it, original matrix values remain there)
      for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) 
        for (int j = i+1; j < n; ++j) 
          s[i, j] = 0.0;
      return s;

    public static double[,] matrix_mul(double[,] a, double[,] b) 
      int na = a.GetLength(0);
      int nb = b.GetLength(1);
      int k = b.GetLength(0);

      double[] vecm = new double[na * nb];
      Array.Clear(vecm, 0, vecm.Length);
      LinAlg.gemm(mosek.transpose.no, mosek.transpose.no, na, nb, k, 1.0, mat_to_vec_c(a), mat_to_vec_c(b), 1.0, vecm);
      double[,] m = vec_to_mat_c(vecm, na, nb);     
      return m;
    public static void Main (String[] args)
      // Since the value infinity is never used, we define
      // 'infinity' for symbolic purposes only          
      double infinity = 0;
      int n = 8;
      double   w = 1.0;
      double[]   mu = {0.07197, 0.15518, 0.17535, 0.08981, 0.42896, 0.39292, 0.32171, 0.18379};
      double[] x0 = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
      // Factor exposure matrix
      double[,] B = 
        {0.4256, 0.1869},
        {0.2413, 0.3877},
        {0.2235, 0.3697},
        {0.1503, 0.4612},
        {1.5325, -0.2633},
        {1.2741, -0.2613},
        {0.6939, 0.2372},
        {0.5425, 0.2116}

      // Factor covariance matrix
      double[,] S_F = 
        {0.0620, 0.0577},
        {0.0577, 0.0908}

      // Specific risk components
      double[] theta = {0.0720, 0.0508, 0.0377, 0.0394, 0.0663, 0.0224, 0.0417, 0.0459};

      double[,] P = cholesky(S_F);
      double[,] G_factor = matrix_mul(B, P);  

      int   k = G_factor.GetLength(1);
      double[]   gammas = {0.24, 0.28, 0.32, 0.36, 0.4, 0.44, 0.48};
      double   totalBudget;

      //Offset of variables into the API variable.
      int numvar = n;
      int voff_x = 0;

      // Constraint offset
      int coff_bud = 0;

      // Create a task object.
      using (mosek.Task task = new mosek.Task())
        // Directs the log task stream
        task.set_Stream(mosek.streamtype.log, new msgclass (""));

        // Constraints.
        // Setting up variable x 
        for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
          /* Optionally we can give the variables names */
          task.putvarname(voff_x + j, "x[" + (j + 1) + "]");
          /* No short-selling - x^l = 0, x^u = inf */
          task.putvarbound(voff_x + j, mosek.boundkey.lo, 0.0, infinity);

        // One linear constraint: total budget
        task.putconname(coff_bud, "budget");
        for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
          /* Coefficients in the first row of A */
          task.putaij(coff_bud, voff_x + j, 1.0);
        totalBudget = w;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
          totalBudget += x0[i];
        task.putconbound(coff_bud, mosek.boundkey.fx, totalBudget, totalBudget);
        // Input (gamma, G_factor_T x, diag(sqrt(theta))*x) in the AFE (affine expression) storage
        // We need k+n+1 rows and we fill them in in three parts
        task.appendafes(k + n + 1);
        // 1. The first affine expression = gamma, will be specified later
        // 2. The next k expressions comprise G_factor_T*x, we add them row by row
        //    transposing the matrix G_factor on the fly 
        int[] vslice_x = new int[n];
        double[] G_factor_T_row = new double[n];
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
          vslice_x[i] = voff_x + i;
        for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i)
            for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) G_factor_T_row[j] = G_factor[j, i];
            task.putafefrow(i + 1, vslice_x, G_factor_T_row);
        // 3. The remaining n rows contain sqrt(theta) on the diagonal
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
          task.putafefentry(k + 1 + i, voff_x + i, Math.Sqrt(theta[i]));

        // Input the affine conic constraint (gamma, G_factor_T x, diag(sqrt(theta))*x) \in QCone
        // Add the quadratic domain of dimension k+n+1
        long qdom = task.appendquadraticconedomain(k + n + 1);
        // Add the constraint
        task.appendaccseq(qdom, 0, null);            
        task.putaccname(0, "risk");
        // Objective: maximize expected return mu^T x
        for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
          task.putcj(voff_x + j, mu[j]);

        for (int i = 0; i < gammas.Length; i++)
          double gamma = gammas[i];

          // Specify gamma in ACC
          task.putafeg(0, gamma);

          /* Display solution summary for quick inspection of results */

          // Check if the interior point solution is an optimal point
          solsta solsta = task.getsolsta(mosek.soltype.itr);
          if (solsta != mosek.solsta.optimal)
            // See https://docs.mosek.com/latest/dotnetapi/accessing-solution.html about handling solution statuses.
           throw new Exception(rescode.err_unhandled_solution_status, String.Format("Unexpected solution status: {0}", solsta));


          /* Read the results */
          double expret = 0.0;
          double[] xx = task.getxxslice(mosek.soltype.itr, voff_x, voff_x + n);
          for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
            expret += mu[j] * xx[j + voff_x];

          Console.WriteLine("\nExpected return {0:E} for gamma {1:E}", expret, gamma);


Listing 17.30 pow1.cs Click here to download.
  Copyright: Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.

  File:      pow1.cs

  Purpose: Demonstrates how to solve the problem

    maximize x^0.2*y^0.8 + z^0.4 - x
          st x + y + 0.5z = 2
             x,y,z >= 0
using System;

namespace mosek.example
  class msgclass : mosek.Stream
    string prefix;
    public msgclass (string prfx)
      prefix = prfx;

    public override void streamCB (string msg)
      Console.Write ("{0}{1}", prefix, msg);

  public class ceo1
    public static void Main ()
      const int numcon = 1;
      const int numvar = 5;   // x,y,z and 2 auxiliary variables for conic constraints

      // Since the value infinity is never used, we define
      // 'infinity' symbolic purposes only
      double infinity = 0;

      double[] val   = { 1.0, 1.0, -1.0 };
      int[]    sub   = { 3, 4, 0 };

      double[] aval  = { 1.0, 1.0, 0.5 };
      int[]    asub  = { 0, 1, 2 };

      int i;

      // Create a task object.
      using (mosek.Task task = new mosek.Task()) {
        // Directs the log task stream to the user specified
        // method msgclass.streamCB
        task.set_Stream (mosek.streamtype.log, new msgclass (""));

        /* Append 'numcon' empty constraints.
           The constraints will initially have no bounds. */

        /* Append 'numvar' variables.
           The variables will initially be fixed at zero (x=0). */

        /* Set up the linear part of the problem */
        task.putclist(sub, val);
        task.putarow(0, asub, aval);
        task.putconbound(0, mosek.boundkey.fx, 2.0, 2.0);

        /* Add conic constraints */
        /* Append two power cone domains */
        long pc1 = task.appendprimalpowerconedomain(3, new double[]{0.2, 0.8});
        long pc2 = task.appendprimalpowerconedomain(3, new double[]{4.0, 6.0});

        /* Create data structures F,g so that

           F * x + g = (x(0), x(1), x(3), x(2), 1.0, x(4)) 
        task.putafefentrylist(new long[]{0, 1, 2, 3, 5},         /* Rows */
                              new int[]{0, 1, 3, 2, 4},          /* Columns */
                              new double[]{1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0});
        task.putafeg(4, 1.0);

        /* Append the two conic constraints */
        task.appendacc(pc1,                     /* Domain */
                       new long[]{0, 1, 2},     /* Rows from F */
                       null);                   /* Unused */
        task.appendacc(pc2,                     /* Domain */
                       new long[]{3, 4, 5},     /* Rows from F */
                       null);                   /* Unused */


        // Print a summary containing information
        // about the solution for debugging purposes

        /* Get status information about the solution */
        mosek.solsta solsta = task.getsolsta(mosek.soltype.itr);

        double[] xx  = task.getxx(mosek.soltype.itr); // Interior point solution.

        switch (solsta)
          case mosek.solsta.optimal:
            Console.WriteLine ("Optimal primal solution\n");
            for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
              Console.WriteLine ("x[{0}]: {1}", j, xx[j]);
          case mosek.solsta.dual_infeas_cer:
          case mosek.solsta.prim_infeas_cer:
            Console.WriteLine("Primal or dual infeasibility.\n");
          case mosek.solsta.unknown:
            Console.WriteLine("Unknown solution status.\n");
            Console.WriteLine("Other solution status");


Listing 17.31 qcqo1.cs Click here to download.
   Copyright: Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.

   File:      qcqo1.cs

   Purpose:   Demonstrate how to solve a quadratic
              optimization problem using the MOSEK API.

              minimize  x0^2 + 0.1 x1^2 +  x2^2 - x0 x2 - x1
              s.t 1 <=  x0 + x1 + x2 - x0^2 - x1^2 - 0.1 x2^2 + 0.2 x0 x2
              x >= 0
using System;

namespace mosek.example
  class msgclass : mosek.Stream
    string prefix;
    public msgclass (string prfx)
      prefix = prfx;

    public override void streamCB (string msg)
      Console.Write ("{0}{1}", prefix, msg);

  public class qcqo1
    public static void Main ()
      const double inf = 0.0; /* We don't actually need any value for infinity */

      const int numcon = 1;   /* Number of constraints.             */
      const int numvar = 3;   /* Number of variables.               */

      bkc = { mosek.boundkey.lo },
      bkx = { mosek.boundkey.lo, mosek.boundkey.lo, mosek.boundkey.lo };
      int[][]  asub  = { new int[] {0}, new int[] {0}, new int[] {0} };
      double[][] aval  = { new double[]{1.0}, new double[]{1.0}, new double[]{1.0} };

      blc  = { 1.0 },
      buc  = { inf },
      c    = { 0.0, -1.0, 0.0 },
      blx  = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 },
      bux  = { inf, inf, inf };

        using (mosek.Task task = new mosek.Task())
          task.set_Stream (mosek.streamtype.log, new msgclass (""));

          /* Give MOSEK an estimate of the size of the input data.
               This is done to increase the speed of inputting data.
               However, it is optional. */

          /* Append 'numcon' empty constraints.
               The constraints will initially have no bounds. */

          /* Append 'numvar' variables.
               The variables will initially be fixed at zero (x=0). */

          for (int j = 0; j < numvar; ++j)
            /* Set the linear term c_j in the objective.*/
            task.putcj(j, c[j]);
            /* Set the bounds on variable j.
                     blx[j] <= x_j <= bux[j] */
            task.putvarbound(j, bkx[j], blx[j], bux[j]);
            /* Input column j of A */
            task.putacol(j,                     /* Variable (column) index.*/
                         asub[j],               /* Row index of non-zeros in column j.*/
                         aval[j]);              /* Non-zero Values of column j. */
          /* Set the bounds on constraints.
                 for i=1, ...,numcon : blc[i] <= constraint i <= buc[i] */
          for (int i = 0; i < numcon; ++i)
            task.putconbound(i, bkc[i], blc[i], buc[i]);
           * The lower triangular part of the Q
           * matrix in the objective is specified.

            qsubi = { 0, 1, 2, 2 },
            qsubj = { 0, 1, 0, 2 };
            qval = { 2.0, 0.2, -1.0, 2.0 };

            /* Input the Q for the objective. */

            task.putqobj(qsubi, qsubj, qval);
           * The lower triangular part of the Q^0
           * matrix in the first constraint is specified.
           * This corresponds to adding the term
           *  - x0^2 - x1^2 - 0.1 x2^2 + 0.2 x0 x2
            qsubi = { 0, 1, 2, 2 },
            qsubj = { 0, 1, 2, 0 };
            qval = { -2.0, -2.0, -0.2, 0.2 };

            /* put Q^0 in constraint with index 0. */

            task.putqconk (0,



          // Print a summary containing information
          //   about the solution for debugging purposes

          /* Get status information about the solution */
          mosek.solsta solsta = task.getsolsta(mosek.soltype.itr);

          double[] xx = task.getxx(mosek.soltype.itr); // Interior-point solution.

          switch (solsta)
            case mosek.solsta.optimal:
              Console.WriteLine ("Optimal primal solution\n");
              for (int j = 0; j < numvar; ++j)
                Console.WriteLine ("x[{0}]:", xx[j]);
            case mosek.solsta.dual_infeas_cer:
            case mosek.solsta.prim_infeas_cer:
              Console.WriteLine("Primal or dual infeasibility.\n");
            case mosek.solsta.unknown:
              Console.WriteLine("Unknown solution status.\n");
              Console.WriteLine("Other solution status");
      catch (mosek.Exception e)
        Console.WriteLine (e);
    } /* Main */


Listing 17.32 qo1.cs Click here to download.
  File : qo1.cs

  Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.

  Purpose: Demonstrate how to solve a quadratic
           optimization problem using the MOSEK .NET API.
using System;

namespace mosek.example
  class msgclass : mosek.Stream
    string prefix;
    public msgclass (string prfx)
      prefix = prfx;

    public override void streamCB (string msg)
      Console.Write ("{0}{1}", prefix, msg);

  public class qo1
    public static void Main ()
      // Since the value infinity is never used, we define
      // 'infinity' symbolic purposes only
      const double infinity = 0;
      const int numcon = 1;   /* Number of constraints.             */
      const int numvar = 3;   /* Number of variables.               */

      double[] c = {0.0, -1.0, 0.0};

      mosek.boundkey[]  bkc   = {mosek.boundkey.lo};
      double[] blc = {1.0};
      double[] buc = {infinity};

      mosek.boundkey[]  bkx   = {mosek.boundkey.lo,
      double[] blx  = {0.0,
      double[] bux  = { +infinity,

      int[][]    asub  = { new int[] {0},   new int[] {0},   new int[] {0}};
      double[][] aval  = { new double[] {1.0}, new double[] {1.0}, new double[] {1.0}};

      try {
        // Create a task object linked with the environment env.
        using (var task = new mosek.Task ()) {
            // Directs the log task stream to the user specified
            // method task_msg_obj.streamCB
            task.set_Stream (mosek.streamtype.log, new msgclass (""));

            /* Give MOSEK an estimate of the size of the input data.
               This is done to increase the speed of inputting data.
               However, it is optional. */
            /* Append 'numcon' empty constraints.
               The constraints will initially have no bounds. */

            /* Append 'numvar' variables.
               The variables will initially be fixed at zero (x=0). */

            for (int j = 0; j < numvar; ++j)
                /* Set the linear term c_j in the objective.*/
                task.putcj(j, c[j]);
                /* Set the bounds on variable j.
                   blx[j] <= x_j <= bux[j] */
                task.putvarbound(j, bkx[j], blx[j], bux[j]);
                /* Input column j of A */
                task.putacol(j,                     /* Variable (column) index.*/
                             asub[j],               /* Row index of non-zeros in column j.*/
                             aval[j]);              /* Non-zero Values of column j. */
            /* Set the bounds on constraints.
               for i=1, ...,numcon : blc[i] <= constraint i <= buc[i] */
            for (int i = 0; i < numcon; ++i)
                task.putconbound(i, bkc[i], blc[i], buc[i]);

             * The lower triangular part of the Q
             * matrix in the objective is specified.

            int[]    qsubi = {0,   1,    2,   2  };
            int[]    qsubj = {0,   1,    0,   2  };
            double[] qval =  {2.0, 0.2, -1.0, 2.0};

            /* Input the Q for the objective. */


            task.putqobj(qsubi, qsubj, qval);


            // Print a summary containing information
            // about the solution for debugging purposes

            /* Get status information about the solution */
            mosek.solsta solsta = task.getsolsta(mosek.soltype.itr);
            switch (solsta)
                case mosek.solsta.optimal:
                    double[] xx = task.getxx(mosek.soltype.itr); // Interior point solution.

                    Console.WriteLine ("Optimal primal solution\n");
                    for (int j = 0; j < numvar; ++j)
                        Console.WriteLine ("x[{0}]:", xx[j]);
                case mosek.solsta.dual_infeas_cer:
                case mosek.solsta.prim_infeas_cer:
                    Console.WriteLine("Primal or dual infeasibility.\n");
                case mosek.solsta.unknown:
                    Console.WriteLine("Unknown solution status.\n");
                    Console.WriteLine("Other solution status");
      catch (mosek.Exception e)
        Console.WriteLine (e);
    } /* Main */


Listing 17.33 reoptimization.cs Click here to download.
   Copyright: Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.

   File:      reoptimization.cs

   Purpose:   Demonstrates how to solve a  linear
              optimization problem using the MOSEK API
              and modify and re-optimize the problem.

using System;

namespace mosek.example
  public class reoptimization
    public static void Main ()
      // Since the value infinity is never used, we define
      // 'infinity' symbolic purposes only
      infinity = 0;

      int numcon = 3;
      int numvar = 3;

      double[] c            = {1.5,
      mosek.boundkey[] bkc  = {mosek.boundkey.up,
      double[] blc          = { -infinity,
      double[] buc          =  {100000,
      mosek.boundkey[] bkx  = {mosek.boundkey.lo,
      double[] blx           = {0.0,
      double[] bux           = { +infinity,

      int[][] asub = new int[numvar][];
      asub[0] = new int[] {0, 1, 2};
      asub[1] = new int[] {0, 1, 2};
      asub[2] = new int[] {0, 1, 2};

      double[][] aval   = new double[numvar][];
      aval[0] = new double[] { 2.0, 3.0, 2.0 };
      aval[1] = new double[] { 4.0, 2.0, 3.0 };
      aval[2] = new double[] { 3.0, 3.0, 2.0 };

      double[] xx;
        using (var task = new mosek.Task())
          /* Append the constraints. */

          /* Append the variables. */

          /* Put C. */
          for (int j = 0; j < numvar; ++j)
            task.putcj(j, c[j]);

          /* Put constraint bounds. */
          for (int i = 0; i < numcon; ++i)
            task.putconbound(i, bkc[i], blc[i], buc[i]);

          /* Put variable bounds. */
          for (int j = 0; j < numvar; ++j)
            task.putvarbound(j, bkx[j], blx[j], bux[j]);

          /* Put A. */
          if ( numcon > 0 )
            for (int j = 0; j < numvar; ++j)


          catch (mosek.Warning w)
            Console.WriteLine("Mosek warning:");
            Console.WriteLine (w.Code);
            Console.WriteLine (w);

          xx = task.getxx(mosek.soltype.bas); // Request the basic solution.
          for (int j = 0; j < numvar; ++j)
            Console.WriteLine ("x[{0}]:{1}", j, xx[j]);

          /********************** Make a change to the A matrix ********************/
          task.putaij(0, 0, 3.0);
          xx = task.getxx(mosek.soltype.bas); // Request the basic solution.

          for (int j = 0; j < numvar; ++j)
            Console.WriteLine ("x[{0}]:{1}", j, xx[j]);

          /********************** Add a new variable ********************/
          /* Get index of new variable. */
          int varidx;
          task.getnumvar(out varidx);

          /* Append a new varaible x_3 to the problem */

          /* Set bounds on new varaible */

          /* Change objective */
          task.putcj(varidx, 1.0);

          /* Put new values in the A matrix */
          int[] acolsub    =  new int[] {0,   2};
          double[] acolval =  new double[] {4.0, 1.0};

          task.putacol(varidx, /* column index */
          /* Change optimizer to simplex free and reoptimize */
          task.putintparam(mosek.iparam.optimizer, mosek.optimizertype.free_simplex);

          xx = task.getxx(mosek.soltype.bas); // Request the basic solution.

          for (int j = 0; j < numvar; ++j)
            Console.WriteLine ("x[{0}]:{1}", j, xx[j]);

          /********************** Add a new constraint ********************/
          /* Get index of new constraint */
          int conidx;
          task.getnumcon(out conidx);

          /* Append a new constraint */

          /* Set bounds on new constraint */

          /* Put new values in the A matrix */
          int[] arowsub = new int[] {0, 1, 2, 3};
          double[] arowval = new double[]  {1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0};

          task.putarow(conidx, /* row index */


          xx = task.getxx(mosek.soltype.bas); // Request the basic solution.

          for (int j = 0; j < numvar; ++j)
            Console.WriteLine ("x[{0}]:{1}", j, xx[j]);

          /********************** Change constraint bounds ********************/
          mosek.boundkey[] newbkc  = {mosek.boundkey.up,
          double[] newblc          = { -infinity,
          double[] newbuc          = { 80000, 40000, 50000, 22000 };

          task.putconboundslice(0, numcon, newbkc, newblc, newbuc);


          xx = task.getxx(mosek.soltype.bas); // Request the basic solution.

          for (int j = 0; j < numvar; ++j)
            Console.WriteLine ("x[{0}]:{1}", j, xx[j]);
      catch (mosek.Exception e)
        Console.WriteLine (e.Code);
        Console.WriteLine (e);


Listing 17.34 response.cs Click here to download.
  Copyright: Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.

  File:      response.cs

  Purpose:   This example demonstrates proper response handling
             for problems solved with the interior-point optimizers.
using System;
using mosek;
using System.Text;

namespace mosek.example
  // A log handler class
  class msgclass : mosek.Stream
    public msgclass () {}
    public override void streamCB (string msg) { Console.Write ("{0}", msg); }

  public class response
    public static void Main(string[] argv)
      string filename;
      if (argv.Length >= 1) filename = argv[0];
      else                  filename = "../data/cqo1.mps";

      using (Task task = new Task())
          // (Optionally) set a log handler
          // task.set_Stream (streamtype.log, new msgclass ());

          // (Optionally) uncomment this to get solution status unknown
          // task.putintparam(iparam.intpnt_max_iterations, 1);

          // In this example we read data from a file

          // Perform optimization
          rescode trm = task.optimize();

          // Handle solution status. We expect Optimal
          solsta solsta = task.getsolsta(soltype.itr);

          switch ( solsta )
            case solsta.optimal:
              // Optimal solution. Print variable values
              Console.WriteLine("An optimal interior-point solution is located.");
              int numvar = task.getnumvar();
              double[] xx = task.getxx(soltype.itr);
              for(int i = 0; i < numvar; i++) 
                Console.WriteLine("x[" + i + "] = " + xx[i]);

            case solsta.dual_infeas_cer:
              Console.WriteLine("Dual infeasibility certificate found.");

            case solsta.prim_infeas_cer:
              Console.WriteLine("Primal infeasibility certificate found.");

            case solsta.unknown:
              /* The solutions status is unknown. The termination code
                 indicates why the optimizer terminated prematurely. */
              Console.WriteLine("The solution status is unknown.");
              StringBuilder symname = new StringBuilder();
              StringBuilder desc = new StringBuilder();
              Env.getcodedesc(trm, symname, desc);
              Console.WriteLine("  Termination code: {0} {1}", symname, desc);

              Console.WriteLine("An unexpected solution status " + solsta);
        catch (mosek.Error e)
          Console.WriteLine("Unexpected optimization error ({0}) {1}", e.Code, e.Message);


Listing 17.35 sdo1.cs Click here to download.
   Copyright: Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.

   File:      sdo1.cs

   Purpose:   Solves the following small semidefinite optimization problem
              using the MOSEK API.

     minimize    Tr [2, 1, 0; 1, 2, 1; 0, 1, 2]*X + x0

     subject to  Tr [1, 0, 0; 0, 1, 0; 0, 0, 1]*X + x0           = 1
                 Tr [1, 1, 1; 1, 1, 1; 1, 1, 1]*X      + x1 + x2 = 0.5
                 (x0,x1,x2) \in Q,  X \in PSD
using System;

namespace mosek.example
  public class sdo1
    public static void Main(string[] args)
      int    numcon    = 2;  /* Number of constraints.              */
      int    numvar    = 3;  /* Number of conic quadratic variables */
      int[]  dimbarvar = { 3 };         /* Dimensions of semidefinite cones */
      int[]  lenbarvar = { 3 * (3 + 1) / 2 }; /* Number of scalar SD variables  */

      mosek.boundkey[] bkc = { mosek.boundkey.fx, mosek.boundkey.fx };
      double[]     blc     = { 1.0, 0.5 };
      double[]     buc     = { 1.0, 0.5 };

      int[]        barc_i  = { 0,   1,   1,   2,   2 },
                   barc_j  = { 0,   0,   1,   1,   2 };
      double[]     barc_v  = { 2.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0 };

      int[][]      asub    = { new int[] {0},   new int[] {1, 2}}; /* column subscripts of A */
      double[][]   aval    = { new double[] {1.0}, new double[] {1.0, 1.0}};

      int[][]      bara_i  = { new int[] {0,   1,   2},   new int[] {0,   1 ,  2,   1,   2,   2 } },
                   bara_j  = { new int[] {0,   1,   2},   new int[] {0,   0 ,  0,   1,   1,   2 } };
      double[][]   bara_v  = { new double[] {1.0, 1.0, 1.0}, new double[] {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}};

      // Create a task object.
      using (mosek.Task task = new mosek.Task())
        // Directs the log task stream to the user specified
        // method msgclass.streamCB
        task.set_Stream (mosek.streamtype.log, new msgclass (""));
        /* Append 'NUMCON' empty constraints.
           The constraints will initially have no bounds. */

        /* Append 'NUMVAR' variables.
           The variables will initially be fixed at zero (x=0). */

        /* Append 'NUMBARVAR' semidefinite variables. */

        /* Optionally add a constant term to the objective. */

        /* Set the linear term c_j in the objective.*/
        task.putcj(0, 1.0);

        for (int j = 0; j < numvar; ++j)
          task.putvarbound(j, mosek.boundkey.fr, -0.0, 0.0);

        /* Set the linear term barc_j in the objective.*/
          long[] idx = new long[1];
          double[] falpha = { 1.0 };
          idx[0] = task.appendsparsesymmat(dimbarvar[0],
          task.putbarcj(0, idx, falpha);

        /* Set the bounds on constraints.
          for i=1, ...,numcon : blc[i] <= constraint i <= buc[i] */

        for (int i = 0; i < numcon; ++i)
          task.putconbound(i,           /* Index of constraint.*/
                           bkc[i],      /* Bound key.*/
                           blc[i],      /* Numerical value of lower bound.*/
                           buc[i]);     /* Numerical value of upper bound.*/

        /* Input A row by row */
        for (int i = 0; i < numcon; ++i)

        /* Append the conic quadratic constraint */
        // Diagonal F matrix
        task.putafefentrylist(new long[]{0,1,2}, new int[]{0,1,2}, new double[]{1.0,1.0,1.0});
        task.appendaccseq(task.appendquadraticconedomain(3), 0, null);

        /* Add the first row of barA */
          long[] idx = new long[1];
          double[] falpha = {1.0};
                                  out idx[0]);

          task.putbaraij(0, 0, idx, falpha);

          long[] idx = new long[1];
          double[] falpha = {1.0};
          /* Add the second row of barA */
                                  out idx[0]);

          task.putbaraij(1, 0, idx, falpha);

        /* Run optimizer */

        /* Print a summary containing information
           about the solution for debugging purposes*/
        task.solutionsummary (mosek.streamtype.msg);

        mosek.solsta solsta = task.getsolsta (mosek.soltype.itr);

        switch (solsta)
          case mosek.solsta.optimal:            
            double[] xx = task.getxx(mosek.soltype.itr);
            double[] barx = task.getbarxj(mosek.soltype.itr, 0);   /* Request the interior solution. */
            Console.WriteLine("Optimal primal solution");
            for (int i = 0; i < numvar; ++i)
              Console.WriteLine("x[{0}]   : {1}", i, xx[i]);

            for (int i = 0; i < lenbarvar[0]; ++i)
              Console.WriteLine("barx[{0}]: {1}", i, barx[i]);
          case mosek.solsta.dual_infeas_cer:
          case mosek.solsta.prim_infeas_cer:
            Console.WriteLine("Primal or dual infeasibility certificate found.");
          case mosek.solsta.unknown:
            Console.WriteLine("The status of the solution could not be determined.");
            Console.WriteLine("Other solution status.");

  class msgclass : mosek.Stream
    string prefix;
    public msgclass (string prfx)
      prefix = prfx;

    public override void streamCB (string msg)
      Console.Write ("{0}{1}", prefix, msg);


Listing 17.36 sdo2.cs Click here to download.
  Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.

  File :      sdo2.cs

  Purpose :   Solves the semidefinite problem with two symmetric variables:

                 min   <C1,X1> + <C2,X2>
                 st.   <A1,X1> + <A2,X2> = b
                             (X2)_{1,2} <= k
                 where X1, X2 are symmetric positive semidefinite,

                 C1, C2, A1, A2 are assumed to be constant symmetric matrices,
                 and b, k are constants.
using System;

namespace mosek.example
  public class sdo1
    public static void Main(string[] args)
      /* Input data */
      int    numcon      = 2;              /* Number of constraints. */
      int    numbarvar   = 2;
      int[]    dimbarvar = {3, 4};         /* Dimension of semidefinite variables */

      /* Objective coefficients concatenated */
      int[]    Cj = { 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 };   /* Which symmetric variable (j) */
      int[]    Ck = { 0, 2, 0, 1, 1, 2 };   /* Which entry (k,l)->v */
      int[]    Cl = { 0, 2, 0, 0, 1, 2 };
      double[] Cv = { 1.0, 6.0, 1.0, -3.0, 2.0, 1.0 };

      /* Equality constraints coefficients concatenated */
      int[]    Ai = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };   /* Which constraint (i = 0) */
      int[]    Aj = { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 };   /* Which symmetric variable (j) */
      int[]    Ak = { 0, 2, 2, 1, 1, 3 };   /* Which entry (k,l)->v */
      int[]    Al = { 0, 0, 2, 0, 1, 3 };
      double[] Av = { 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, -1.0, -3.0 };

      /* The second constraint - one-term inequality */
      int[]    A2i = { 1 };                        /* Which constraint (i = 1) */
      int[]    A2j = { 1 };                        /* Which symmetric variable (j = 1) */
      int[]    A2k = { 1 };                        /* Which entry A(1,0) = A(0,1) = 0.5 */
      int[]    A2l = { 0 };
      double[] A2v = { 0.5 };

      mosek.boundkey[] bkc = { mosek.boundkey.fx,
      double[]     blc     = { 23.0, 0.0 };
      double[]     buc     = { 23.0, -3.0 };

      // Create a task object.
      using (mosek.Task task = new mosek.Task())
        // Directs the log task stream to the user specified
        // method task_msg_obj.stream
        task.set_Stream (mosek.streamtype.log, new msgclass (""));

        /* Append numcon empty constraints.
           The constraints will initially have no bounds. */

        /* Append numbarvar semidefinite variables. */

        /* Set objective (6 nonzeros).*/
        task.putbarcblocktriplet(Cj, Ck, Cl, Cv);

        /* Set the equality constraint (6 nonzeros).*/
        task.putbarablocktriplet(Ai, Aj, Ak, Al, Av);

        /* Set the inequality constraint (1 nonzero).*/
        task.putbarablocktriplet(A2i, A2j, A2k, A2l, A2v);

        /* Set constraint bounds */
        task.putconboundslice(0, 2, bkc, blc, buc);

        /* Run optimizer */

        mosek.solsta solsta = task.getsolsta(mosek.soltype.itr);

        switch (solsta) {
          case mosek.solsta.optimal:

            /* Retrieve the soution for all symmetric variables */
            Console.WriteLine("Solution (lower triangular part vectorized):");
            for(int i = 0; i < numbarvar; i++) {
              int dim = dimbarvar[i] * (dimbarvar[i] + 1) / 2;
              double[] barx = new double[dim];

              task.getbarxj(mosek.soltype.itr, i, barx);

              Console.Write("X" + (i+1) + ": ");
              for (int j = 0; j < dim; ++j)
                Console.Write(barx[j] + " ");

          case mosek.solsta.dual_infeas_cer:
          case mosek.solsta.prim_infeas_cer:
            Console.WriteLine("Primal or dual infeasibility certificate found.");
          case mosek.solsta.unknown:
            Console.WriteLine("The status of the solution could not be determined.");
            Console.WriteLine("Other solution status.");

  class msgclass : mosek.Stream
    string prefix;
    public msgclass (string prfx)
      prefix = prfx;

    public override void streamCB (string msg)
      Console.Write ("{0}{1}", prefix, msg);


Listing 17.37 sdo_lmi.cs Click here to download.
   Copyright : Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark. All rights reserved.
   File :      sdo_lmi.cs
   Purpose :   To solve a problem with an LMI and an affine conic constrained problem with a PSD term
                 minimize    Tr [1, 0; 0, 1]*X + x(1) + x(2) + 1

                 subject to  Tr [0, 1; 1, 0]*X - x(1) - x(2) >= 0
                             x(1) [0, 1; 1, 3] + x(2) [3, 1; 1, 0] - [1, 0; 0, 1] >> 0
                             X >> 0
using System;

namespace mosek.example
  public class sdo_lmi
    public static void Main(string[] args)
      int    numafe    = 4;  /* Number of affine expressions.              */
      int    numvar    = 2;  /* Number of scalar variables */
      int[]  dimbarvar = { 2 };         /* Dimension of the semidefinite variable */
      int[]  lenbarvar = { 2 * (2 + 1) / 2 }; /* Number of scalar SD variables  */

      int[]     barc_j  = { 0, 0 },
                barc_k  = { 0, 1 },
                barc_l  = { 0, 1 };
      double[]  barc_v  = { 1.0, 1.0 };

      long[]    afeidx = {0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3};
      int[]     varidx = {0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0};
      double[]  f_val  = {-1, -1, 3, Math.Sqrt(2), Math.Sqrt(2), 3},
                    g  = {0, -1, 0, -1};

      long[]    barf_i = { 0, 0 };
      int[]     barf_j = { 0, 0 },
                barf_k = { 0, 1 },
                barf_l = { 0, 0 };
      double[]  barf_v = { 0.0, 1.0 };

      // Create a task object.
      using (mosek.Task task = new mosek.Task())
        // Directs the log task stream to the user specified
        // method msgclass.streamCB
        task.set_Stream (mosek.streamtype.log, new msgclass (""));
        /* Append 'NUMAFE' empty affine expressions.*/