14.2.18 Class LinearPSDConstraint


This class represents a semidefinite conic constraint of the form

\[Ax-b \succeq 0\]

i.e. \(Ax-b\) must be positive semidefinite




Constraint.dual – Get the dual solution values of the constraint.

Constraint.getModel – Return the model that the constraint belongs to.

Constraint.getND – Return the number of dimensions in the constraint shape.

Constraint.getShape – Return the constraint’s shape.

Constraint.getSize – Return the total number of elements in the constraint.

Constraint.index ([]) – Get a single element from a constraint.

Constraint.level – Get the primal solution values of the constraint.

Constraint.slice ([]) – Create a slice constraint.

Constraint.update – Update part of a constraint.

ModelConstraint.remove – Remove the constraint from the model.

ModelConstraint.toString – Create a human readable string representation of the constraint.