14.2.4 Class BoundInterfaceVariable


Interface to either the upper bound or the lower bound of a ranged variable.

This class is never explicitly instantiated; is is created by a RangedVariable to allow accessing a bound value and the dual variable value corresponding to the relevant bound as a separate object. The variable

\[b_l \leq x \leq b_u\]

has two bounds and two dual variables; these are not immediately available through the RangedVariable object, but can be accessed through a BoundInterfaceVariable.




BaseVariable.asExpr – Create an expression corresponding to the variable object.

BaseVariable.eval – Evaluate the expression and push the result onto the work stack.

BaseVariable.fromTril – Convert from a trilinear representation into a square variable.

BaseVariable.getDim – Return the d’th dimension in the expression.

BaseVariable.getModel – Get the Model object that the variable belongs to.

BaseVariable.getND – Get the number of dimensions in the variable shape.

BaseVariable.getShape – Get the variable shape.

BaseVariable.getSize – Get the total number of elements in the variable.

BaseVariable.index ([]) – Return a variable slice of size 1 corresponding to a single element in the variable object..

BaseVariable.level – Get the primal solution value of the variable.

BaseVariable.makeContinuous – Drop integrality constraints on the variable, if any.

BaseVariable.makeInteger – Apply integrality constraints on the variable. Has no effect on elements of semidefinite matrix variables.

BaseVariable.remove – Remove the variable from the model.

BaseVariable.reshape – Reshape the variable. The new shape must have the same total size as the current.

BaseVariable.setLevel – Input solution values for this variable

BaseVariable.toString – Create a string representation of the variable.

BaseVariable.tril – Convert from a square variable to a trilinear representation.

BoundInterfaceVariable.antidiag – Return the antidiagonal of a square variable matrix.

BoundInterfaceVariable.diag – Return the diagonal of a square variable matrix.

BoundInterfaceVariable.dual – Get the dual solution value of the variable.

BoundInterfaceVariable.pick – Create a one-dimensional variable by picking a list of indexes from this variable.

BoundInterfaceVariable.slice – Create a slice variable by picking a range of indexes for each variable dimension.

BoundInterfaceVariable.transpose – Transpose the variable.

antidiag() -> Variable
antidiag(int index) -> Variable

Return the antidiagonal of a square variable matrix.


index (int) – Index of the anti-diagonal



diag() -> Variable
diag(int index) -> Variable

Return the diagonal of a square variable matrix.


index (int) – Index of the anti-diagonal



dual() -> float[]

Get the dual solution value of the variable as an array. When the selected slice is multi-dimensional, this corresponds to the flattened slice of solution values.



pick(int[] idxs) -> Variable
pick(int[][] midxs) -> Variable
pick(int[] i0, int[] i1) -> Variable
pick(int[] i0, int[] i1, int[] i2) -> Variable

Create a one-dimensional variable by picking a list of indexes from this variable.

  • idxs (int[]) – Indexes of the elements requested.

  • midxs (int[][]) – A sequence of multi-dimensional indexes of the elements requested.

  • i0 (int[]) – Index along the first dimension.

  • i1 (int[]) – Index along the second dimension.

  • i2 (int[]) – Index along the third dimension.



slice(int first, int last) -> Variable
slice(int[] firsta, int[] lasta) -> Variable

Create a slice variable by picking a range of indexes for each variable dimension.

  • first (int) – The index from which the slice begins.

  • last (int) – The index after the last element of the slice.

  • firsta (int[])

  • lasta (int[])



transpose() -> Variable

Return the transpose of the current variable. The variable must have at most two dimensions.

