15.8 Response codes

Response codes include:

The numerical code (in brackets) identifies the response in error messages and in the log output.


The enumeration type containing all response codes.

15.8.1 Termination

rescode.ok (0)

No error occurred.

rescode.trm_max_iterations (100000)

The optimizer terminated at the maximum number of iterations.

rescode.trm_max_time (100001)

The optimizer terminated at the maximum amount of time.

rescode.trm_objective_range (100002)

The optimizer terminated with an objective value outside the objective range.

rescode.trm_mio_num_relaxs (100008)

The mixed-integer optimizer terminated as the maximum number of relaxations was reached.

rescode.trm_mio_num_branches (100009)

The mixed-integer optimizer terminated as the maximum number of branches was reached.

rescode.trm_num_max_num_int_solutions (100015)

The mixed-integer optimizer terminated as the maximum number of feasible solutions was reached.

rescode.trm_stall (100006)

The optimizer is terminated due to slow progress.

Stalling means that numerical problems prevent the optimizer from making reasonable progress and that it makes no sense to continue. In many cases this happens if the problem is badly scaled or otherwise ill-conditioned. There is no guarantee that the solution will be feasible or optimal. However, often stalling happens near the optimum, and the returned solution may be of good quality. Therefore, it is recommended to check the status of the solution. If the solution status is optimal the solution is most likely good enough for most practical purposes.

Please note that if a linear optimization problem is solved using the interior-point optimizer with basis identification turned on, the returned basic solution likely to have high accuracy, even though the optimizer stalled.

Some common causes of stalling are a) badly scaled models, b) near feasible or near infeasible problems.

rescode.trm_user_callback (100007)

The optimizer terminated due to the return of the user-defined callback function.

rescode.trm_max_num_setbacks (100020)

The optimizer terminated as the maximum number of set-backs was reached. This indicates serious numerical problems and a possibly badly formulated problem.

rescode.trm_numerical_problem (100025)

The optimizer terminated due to numerical problems.

rescode.trm_lost_race (100027)

Lost a race.

rescode.trm_internal (100030)

The optimizer terminated due to some internal reason. Please contact MOSEK support.

rescode.trm_internal_stop (100031)

The optimizer terminated for internal reasons. Please contact MOSEK support.

15.8.2 Warnings

rescode.wrn_open_param_file (50)

The parameter file could not be opened.

rescode.wrn_large_bound (51)

A numerically large bound value is specified.

rescode.wrn_large_lo_bound (52)

A numerically large lower bound value is specified.

rescode.wrn_large_up_bound (53)

A numerically large upper bound value is specified.

rescode.wrn_large_con_fx (54)

An equality constraint is fixed to a numerically large value. This can cause numerical problems.

rescode.wrn_large_cj (57)

A numerically large value is specified for one \(c_{j}\).

rescode.wrn_large_aij (62)

A numerically large value is specified for an \(a_{i,j}\) element in \(A\). The parameter dparam.data_tol_aij_large controls when an \(a_{i,j}\) is considered large.

rescode.wrn_zero_aij (63)

One or more zero elements are specified in A.

rescode.wrn_name_max_len (65)

A name is longer than the buffer that is supposed to hold it.

rescode.wrn_spar_max_len (66)

A value for a string parameter is longer than the buffer that is supposed to hold it.

rescode.wrn_mps_split_rhs_vector (70)

An RHS vector is split into several nonadjacent parts in an MPS file.

rescode.wrn_mps_split_ran_vector (71)

A RANGE vector is split into several nonadjacent parts in an MPS file.

rescode.wrn_mps_split_bou_vector (72)

A BOUNDS vector is split into several nonadjacent parts in an MPS file.

rescode.wrn_lp_old_quad_format (80)

Missing ‘/2’ after quadratic expressions in bound or objective.

rescode.wrn_lp_drop_variable (85)

Ignored a variable because the variable was not previously defined. Usually this implies that a variable appears in the bound section but not in the objective or the constraints.

rescode.wrn_nz_in_upr_tri (200)

Non-zero elements specified in the upper triangle of a matrix were ignored.

rescode.wrn_dropped_nz_qobj (201)

One or more non-zero elements were dropped in the Q matrix in the objective.

rescode.wrn_ignore_integer (250)

Ignored integer constraints.

rescode.wrn_no_global_optimizer (251)

No global optimizer is available.

rescode.wrn_mio_infeasible_final (270)

The final mixed-integer problem with all the integer variables fixed at their optimal values is infeasible.

rescode.wrn_sol_filter (300)

Invalid solution filter is specified.

rescode.wrn_undef_sol_file_name (350)

Undefined name occurred in a solution.

rescode.wrn_sol_file_ignored_con (351)

One or more lines in the constraint section were ignored when reading a solution file.

rescode.wrn_sol_file_ignored_var (352)

One or more lines in the variable section were ignored when reading a solution file.

rescode.wrn_too_few_basis_vars (400)

An incomplete basis has been specified. Too few basis variables are specified.

rescode.wrn_too_many_basis_vars (405)

A basis with too many variables has been specified.

rescode.wrn_license_expire (500)

The license expires.

rescode.wrn_license_server (501)

The license server is not responding.

rescode.wrn_empty_name (502)

A variable or constraint name is empty. The output file may be invalid.

rescode.wrn_using_generic_names (503)

Generic names are used because a name invalid. For instance when writing an LP file the names must not contain blanks or start with a digit. Also remeber to give the objective function a name.

rescode.wrn_invalid_mps_name (504)

A name e.g. a row name is not a valid MPS name.

rescode.wrn_invalid_mps_obj_name (505)

The objective name is not a valid MPS name.

rescode.wrn_license_feature_expire (509)

The license expires.

rescode.wrn_param_name_dou (510)

The parameter name is not recognized as a double parameter.

rescode.wrn_param_name_int (511)

The parameter name is not recognized as a integer parameter.

rescode.wrn_param_name_str (512)

The parameter name is not recognized as a string parameter.

rescode.wrn_param_str_value (515)

The string is not recognized as a symbolic value for the parameter.

rescode.wrn_param_ignored_cmio (516)

A parameter was ignored by the conic mixed integer optimizer.

rescode.wrn_zeros_in_sparse_row (705)

One or more (near) zero elements are specified in a sparse row of a matrix. Since, it is redundant to specify zero elements then it may indicate an error.

rescode.wrn_zeros_in_sparse_col (710)

One or more (near) zero elements are specified in a sparse column of a matrix. It is redundant to specify zero elements. Hence, it may indicate an error.

rescode.wrn_incomplete_linear_dependency_check (800)

The linear dependency check(s) is incomplete. Normally this is not an important warning unless the optimization problem has been formulated with linear dependencies. Linear dependencies may prevent MOSEK from solving the problem.

rescode.wrn_eliminator_space (801)

The eliminator is skipped at least once due to lack of space.

rescode.wrn_presolve_outofspace (802)

The presolve is incomplete due to lack of space.

rescode.wrn_presolve_primal_pertubations (803)

The presolve perturbed the bounds of the primal problem. This is an indication that the problem is nearly infeasible.

rescode.wrn_write_changed_names (830)

Some names were changed because they were invalid for the output file format.

rescode.wrn_write_discarded_cfix (831)

The fixed objective term could not be converted to a variable and was discarded in the output file.

rescode.wrn_duplicate_constraint_names (850)

Two constraint names are identical.

rescode.wrn_duplicate_variable_names (851)

Two variable names are identical.

rescode.wrn_duplicate_barvariable_names (852)

Two barvariable names are identical.

rescode.wrn_duplicate_cone_names (853)

Two cone names are identical.

rescode.wrn_write_lp_invalid_var_names (854)

LP file will be written with generic variable names.

rescode.wrn_write_lp_duplicate_var_names (855)

LP file will be written with generic variable names.

rescode.wrn_write_lp_invalid_con_names (856)

LP file will be written with generic constraint names.

rescode.wrn_write_lp_duplicate_con_names (857)

LP file will be written with generic constraint names.

rescode.wrn_ana_large_bounds (900)

This warning is issued by the problem analyzer, if one or more constraint or variable bounds are very large. One should consider omitting these bounds entirely by setting them to +inf or -inf.

rescode.wrn_ana_c_zero (901)

This warning is issued by the problem analyzer, if the coefficients in the linear part of the objective are all zero.

rescode.wrn_ana_empty_cols (902)

This warning is issued by the problem analyzer, if columns, in which all coefficients are zero, are found.

rescode.wrn_ana_close_bounds (903)

This warning is issued by problem analyzer, if ranged constraints or variables with very close upper and lower bounds are detected. One should consider treating such constraints as equalities and such variables as constants.

rescode.wrn_ana_almost_int_bounds (904)

This warning is issued by the problem analyzer if a constraint is bound nearly integral.

rescode.wrn_no_infeasibility_report_when_matrix_variables (930)

An infeasibility report is not available when the problem contains matrix variables.

rescode.wrn_no_dualizer (950)

No automatic dualizer is available for the specified problem. The primal problem is solved.

rescode.wrn_sym_mat_large (960)

A numerically large value is specified for an \(e_{i,j}\) element in \(E\). The parameter dparam.data_sym_mat_tol_large controls when an \(e_{i,j}\) is considered large.

rescode.wrn_modified_double_parameter (970)

A double parameter related to solver tolerances has a non-default value.

rescode.wrn_large_fij (980)

A numerically large value is specified for an \(f_{i,j}\) element in \(F\). The parameter dparam.data_tol_aij_large controls when an \(f_{i,j}\) is considered large.

15.8.3 Errors

rescode.err_license (1000)

Invalid license.

rescode.err_license_expired (1001)

The license has expired.

rescode.err_license_version (1002)

The license is valid for another version of MOSEK.

rescode.err_license_old_server_version (1003)

The version of the FlexLM license server is too old. You should upgrade the license server to one matching this version of MOSEK. It will support this and all older versions of MOSEK.

This error can appear if the client was updated to a new version which includes an upgrade of the licensing module, making it incompatible with a much older license server.

rescode.err_size_license (1005)

The problem is bigger than the license.

rescode.err_prob_license (1006)

The software is not licensed to solve the problem.

rescode.err_file_license (1007)

Invalid license file.

rescode.err_missing_license_file (1008)

MOSEK cannot find license file or a token server. See the MOSEK licensing manual for details.

rescode.err_size_license_con (1010)

The problem has too many constraints to be solved with the available license.

rescode.err_size_license_var (1011)

The problem has too many variables to be solved with the available license.

rescode.err_size_license_intvar (1012)

The problem contains too many integer variables to be solved with the available license.

rescode.err_optimizer_license (1013)

The optimizer required is not licensed.

rescode.err_flexlm (1014)

The FLEXlm license manager reported an error.

rescode.err_license_server (1015)

The license server is not responding.

rescode.err_license_max (1016)

Maximum number of licenses is reached.

rescode.err_license_moseklm_daemon (1017)

The MOSEKLM license manager daemon is not up and running.

rescode.err_license_feature (1018)

A requested feature is not available in the license file(s). Most likely due to an incorrect license system setup.

rescode.err_platform_not_licensed (1019)

A requested license feature is not available for the required platform.

rescode.err_license_cannot_allocate (1020)

The license system cannot allocate the memory required.

rescode.err_license_cannot_connect (1021)

MOSEK cannot connect to the license server. Most likely the license server is not up and running.

rescode.err_license_invalid_hostid (1025)

The host ID specified in the license file does not match the host ID of the computer.

rescode.err_license_server_version (1026)

The version specified in the checkout request is greater than the highest version number the daemon supports.

rescode.err_license_no_server_support (1027)

The license server does not support the requested feature. Possible reasons for this error include:

  • The feature has expired.

  • The feature’s start date is later than today’s date.

  • The version requested is higher than feature’s the highest supported version.

  • A corrupted license file.

Try restarting the license and inspect the license server debug file, usually called lmgrd.log.

rescode.err_license_no_server_line (1028)

There is no SERVER line in the license file. All non-zero license count features need at least one SERVER line.

rescode.err_older_dll (1035)

The dynamic link library is older than the specified version.

rescode.err_newer_dll (1036)

The dynamic link library is newer than the specified version.

A file cannot be linked to a stream in the DLL version.

rescode.err_thread_mutex_init (1045)

Could not initialize a mutex.

rescode.err_thread_mutex_lock (1046)

Could not lock a mutex.

rescode.err_thread_mutex_unlock (1047)

Could not unlock a mutex.

rescode.err_thread_create (1048)

Could not create a thread. This error may occur if a large number of environments are created and not deleted again. In any case it is a good practice to minimize the number of environments created.

rescode.err_thread_cond_init (1049)

Could not initialize a condition.

rescode.err_unknown (1050)

Unknown error.

rescode.err_space (1051)

Out of space.

rescode.err_file_open (1052)

Error while opening a file.

rescode.err_file_read (1053)

File read error.

rescode.err_file_write (1054)

File write error.

rescode.err_data_file_ext (1055)

The data file format cannot be determined from the file name.

rescode.err_invalid_file_name (1056)

An invalid file name has been specified.

rescode.err_invalid_sol_file_name (1057)

An invalid file name has been specified.

rescode.err_end_of_file (1059)

End of file reached.

rescode.err_null_env (1060)

env is a None pointer.

rescode.err_null_task (1061)

task is a None pointer.

rescode.err_invalid_stream (1062)

An invalid stream is referenced.

rescode.err_no_init_env (1063)

env is not initialized.

rescode.err_invalid_task (1064)

The task is invalid.

rescode.err_null_pointer (1065)

An argument to a function is unexpectedly a None pointer.

rescode.err_living_tasks (1066)

All tasks associated with an enviroment must be deleted before the environment is deleted. There are still some undeleted tasks.

rescode.err_read_gzip (1067)

Error encountered in GZIP stream.

rescode.err_read_zstd (1068)

Error encountered in ZSTD stream.

rescode.err_blank_name (1070)

An all blank name has been specified.

rescode.err_dup_name (1071)

The same name was used multiple times for the same problem item type.

rescode.err_format_string (1072)

The name format string is invalid.

rescode.err_sparsity_specification (1073)

The sparsity included an index that was out of bounds of the shape.

rescode.err_mismatching_dimension (1074)

Mismatching dimensions specified in arguments

rescode.err_invalid_obj_name (1075)

An invalid objective name is specified.

rescode.err_invalid_con_name (1076)

An invalid constraint name is used.

rescode.err_invalid_var_name (1077)

An invalid variable name is used.

rescode.err_invalid_cone_name (1078)

An invalid cone name is used.

rescode.err_invalid_barvar_name (1079)

An invalid symmetric matrix variable name is used.

rescode.err_space_leaking (1080)

MOSEK is leaking memory. This can be due to either an incorrect use of MOSEK or a bug.

rescode.err_space_no_info (1081)

No available information about the space usage.

rescode.err_dimension_specification (1082)

Invalid dimension specification

rescode.err_axis_name_specification (1083)

Invalid axis names specification

rescode.err_read_format (1090)

The specified format cannot be read.

rescode.err_mps_file (1100)

An error occurred while reading an MPS file.

rescode.err_mps_inv_field (1101)

A field in the MPS file is invalid. Probably it is too wide.

rescode.err_mps_inv_marker (1102)

An invalid marker has been specified in the MPS file.

rescode.err_mps_null_con_name (1103)

An empty constraint name is used in an MPS file.

rescode.err_mps_null_var_name (1104)

An empty variable name is used in an MPS file.

rescode.err_mps_undef_con_name (1105)

An undefined constraint name occurred in an MPS file.

rescode.err_mps_undef_var_name (1106)

An undefined variable name occurred in an MPS file.

rescode.err_mps_invalid_con_key (1107)

An invalid constraint key occurred in an MPS file.

rescode.err_mps_invalid_bound_key (1108)

An invalid bound key occurred in an MPS file.

rescode.err_mps_invalid_sec_name (1109)

An invalid section name occurred in an MPS file.

rescode.err_mps_no_objective (1110)

No objective is defined in an MPS file.

rescode.err_mps_splitted_var (1111)

All elements in a column of the \(A\) matrix must be specified consecutively. Hence, it is illegal to specify non-zero elements in \(A\) for variable 1, then for variable 2 and then variable 1 again.

rescode.err_mps_mul_con_name (1112)

A constraint name was specified multiple times in the ROWS section.

rescode.err_mps_mul_qsec (1113)

Multiple QSECTIONs are specified for a constraint in the MPS data file.

rescode.err_mps_mul_qobj (1114)

The Q term in the objective is specified multiple times in the MPS data file.

rescode.err_mps_inv_sec_order (1115)

The sections in the MPS data file are not in the correct order.

rescode.err_mps_mul_csec (1116)

Multiple CSECTIONs are given the same name.

rescode.err_mps_cone_type (1117)

Invalid cone type specified in a CSECTION.

rescode.err_mps_cone_overlap (1118)

A variable is specified to be a member of several cones.

rescode.err_mps_cone_repeat (1119)

A variable is repeated within the CSECTION.

rescode.err_mps_non_symmetric_q (1120)

A non symmetric matrix has been speciefied.

rescode.err_mps_duplicate_q_element (1121)

Duplicate elements is specfied in a \(Q\) matrix.

rescode.err_mps_invalid_objsense (1122)

An invalid objective sense is specified.

rescode.err_mps_tab_in_field2 (1125)

A tab char occurred in field 2.

rescode.err_mps_tab_in_field3 (1126)

A tab char occurred in field 3.

rescode.err_mps_tab_in_field5 (1127)

A tab char occurred in field 5.

rescode.err_mps_invalid_obj_name (1128)

An invalid objective name is specified.

rescode.err_mps_invalid_key (1129)

An invalid indicator key occurred in an MPS file.

rescode.err_mps_invalid_indicator_constraint (1130)

An invalid indicator constraint is used. It must not be a ranged constraint.

rescode.err_mps_invalid_indicator_variable (1131)

An invalid indicator variable is specfied. It must be a binary variable.

rescode.err_mps_invalid_indicator_value (1132)

An invalid indicator value is specfied. It must be either 0 or 1.

rescode.err_mps_invalid_indicator_quadratic_constraint (1133)

A quadratic constraint can be be an indicator constraint.

rescode.err_opf_syntax (1134)

Syntax error in an OPF file

rescode.err_opf_premature_eof (1136)

Premature end of file in an OPF file.

rescode.err_opf_mismatched_tag (1137)

Mismatched end-tag in OPF file

rescode.err_opf_duplicate_bound (1138)

Either upper or lower bound was specified twice in OPF file

rescode.err_opf_duplicate_constraint_name (1139)

Duplicate constraint name in OPF File

rescode.err_opf_invalid_cone_type (1140)

Invalid cone type in OPF File

rescode.err_opf_incorrect_tag_param (1141)

Invalid number of parameters in start-tag in OPF File

rescode.err_opf_invalid_tag (1142)

Invalid start-tag in OPF File

rescode.err_opf_duplicate_cone_entry (1143)

Same variable appears in multiple cones in OPF File

rescode.err_opf_too_large (1144)

The problem is too large to be correctly loaded

rescode.err_opf_dual_integer_solution (1146)

Dual solution values are not allowed in OPF File

rescode.err_lp_empty (1151)

The problem cannot be written to an LP formatted file.

rescode.err_write_mps_invalid_name (1153)

An invalid name is created while writing an MPS file. Usually this will make the MPS file unreadable.

rescode.err_lp_invalid_var_name (1154)

A variable name is invalid when used in an LP formatted file.

rescode.err_write_opf_invalid_var_name (1156)

Empty variable names cannot be written to OPF files.

rescode.err_lp_file_format (1157)

Syntax error in an LP file.

rescode.err_lp_expected_number (1158)

Expected a number in LP file

rescode.err_read_lp_missing_end_tag (1159)

Syntax error in LP file. Possibly missing End tag.

rescode.err_lp_indicator_var (1160)

An indicator variable was not declared binary

rescode.err_lp_expected_objective (1161)

Expected an objective section in LP file

rescode.err_lp_expected_constraint_relation (1162)

Expected constraint relation

rescode.err_lp_ambiguous_constraint_bound (1163)

Constraint has ambiguous or invalid bound

rescode.err_lp_duplicate_section (1164)

Duplicate section

rescode.err_read_lp_delayed_rows_not_supported (1165)

Duplicate section

rescode.err_writing_file (1166)

An error occurred while writing file

rescode.err_invalid_name_in_sol_file (1170)

An invalid name occurred in a solution file.

rescode.err_json_syntax (1175)

Syntax error in an JSON data

rescode.err_json_string (1176)

Error in JSON string.

rescode.err_json_number_overflow (1177)

Invalid number entry - wrong type or value overflow.

rescode.err_json_format (1178)

Error in an JSON Task file

rescode.err_json_data (1179)

Inconsistent data in JSON Task file

rescode.err_json_missing_data (1180)

Missing data section in JSON task file.

rescode.err_ptf_incompatibility (1181)

Incompatible item

rescode.err_ptf_undefined_item (1182)

Undefined symbol referenced

rescode.err_ptf_inconsistency (1183)

Inconsistent size of item

rescode.err_ptf_format (1184)

Syntax error in an PTF file

rescode.err_argument_lenneq (1197)

Incorrect length of arguments.

rescode.err_argument_type (1198)

Incorrect argument type.

rescode.err_num_arguments (1199)

Incorrect number of function arguments.

rescode.err_in_argument (1200)

A function argument is incorrect.

rescode.err_argument_dimension (1201)

A function argument is of incorrect dimension.

rescode.err_shape_is_too_large (1202)

The size of the n-dimensional shape is too large.

rescode.err_index_is_too_small (1203)

An index in an argument is too small.

rescode.err_index_is_too_large (1204)

An index in an argument is too large.

rescode.err_index_is_not_unique (1205)

An index in an argument is is unique.

rescode.err_param_name (1206)

The parameter name is not correct.

rescode.err_param_name_dou (1207)

The parameter name is not correct for a double parameter.

rescode.err_param_name_int (1208)

The parameter name is not correct for an integer parameter.

rescode.err_param_name_str (1209)

The parameter name is not correct for a string parameter.

rescode.err_param_index (1210)

Parameter index is out of range.

rescode.err_param_is_too_large (1215)

The parameter value is too large.

rescode.err_param_is_too_small (1216)

The parameter value is too small.

rescode.err_param_value_str (1217)

The parameter value string is incorrect.

rescode.err_param_type (1218)

The parameter type is invalid.

rescode.err_inf_dou_index (1219)

A double information index is out of range for the specified type.

rescode.err_inf_int_index (1220)

An integer information index is out of range for the specified type.

rescode.err_index_arr_is_too_small (1221)

An index in an array argument is too small.

rescode.err_index_arr_is_too_large (1222)

An index in an array argument is too large.

rescode.err_inf_lint_index (1225)

A long integer information index is out of range for the specified type.

rescode.err_arg_is_too_small (1226)

The value of a argument is too small.

rescode.err_arg_is_too_large (1227)

The value of a argument is too large.

rescode.err_invalid_whichsol (1228)

whichsol is invalid.

rescode.err_inf_dou_name (1230)

A double information name is invalid.

rescode.err_inf_int_name (1231)

An integer information name is invalid.

rescode.err_inf_type (1232)

The information type is invalid.

rescode.err_inf_lint_name (1234)

A long integer information name is invalid.

rescode.err_index (1235)

An index is out of range.

rescode.err_whichsol (1236)

The solution defined by whichsol does not exists.

rescode.err_solitem (1237)

The solution item number solitem is invalid. Please note that solitem.snx is invalid for the basic solution.

rescode.err_whichitem_not_allowed (1238)

whichitem is unacceptable.

rescode.err_maxnumcon (1240)

The maximum number of constraints specified is smaller than the number of constraints in the task.

rescode.err_maxnumvar (1241)

The maximum number of variables specified is smaller than the number of variables in the task.

rescode.err_maxnumbarvar (1242)

The maximum number of semidefinite variables specified is smaller than the number of semidefinite variables in the task.

rescode.err_maxnumqnz (1243)

The maximum number of non-zeros specified for the \(Q\) matrices is smaller than the number of non-zeros in the current \(Q\) matrices.

rescode.err_too_small_max_num_nz (1245)

The maximum number of non-zeros specified is too small.

rescode.err_invalid_idx (1246)

A specified index is invalid.

rescode.err_invalid_max_num (1247)

A specified index is invalid.

rescode.err_unallowed_whichsol (1248)

The value od whichsol is not allowed.

rescode.err_numconlim (1250)

Maximum number of constraints limit is exceeded.

rescode.err_numvarlim (1251)

Maximum number of variables limit is exceeded.

rescode.err_too_small_maxnumanz (1252)

The maximum number of non-zeros specified for \(A\) is smaller than the number of non-zeros in the current \(A\).

rescode.err_inv_aptre (1253)

aptre[j] is strictly smaller than aptrb[j] for some j.

rescode.err_mul_a_element (1254)

An element in \(A\) is defined multiple times.

rescode.err_inv_bk (1255)

Invalid bound key.

rescode.err_inv_bkc (1256)

Invalid bound key is specified for a constraint.

rescode.err_inv_bkx (1257)

An invalid bound key is specified for a variable.

rescode.err_inv_var_type (1258)

An invalid variable type is specified for a variable.

rescode.err_solver_probtype (1259)

Problem type does not match the chosen optimizer.

rescode.err_objective_range (1260)

Empty objective range.

rescode.err_inv_rescode (1261)

Invalid response code.

rescode.err_inv_iinf (1262)

Invalid integer information item.

rescode.err_inv_liinf (1263)

Invalid long integer information item.

rescode.err_inv_dinf (1264)

Invalid double information item.

rescode.err_basis (1266)

An invalid basis is specified. Either too many or too few basis variables are specified.

rescode.err_inv_skc (1267)

Invalid value in skc.

rescode.err_inv_skx (1268)

Invalid value in skx.

rescode.err_inv_skn (1274)

Invalid value in skn.

rescode.err_inv_sk_str (1269)

Invalid status key string encountered.

rescode.err_inv_sk (1270)

Invalid status key code.

rescode.err_inv_cone_type_str (1271)

Invalid cone type string encountered.

rescode.err_inv_cone_type (1272)

Invalid cone type code is encountered.

rescode.err_invalid_surplus (1275)

Invalid surplus.

rescode.err_inv_name_item (1280)

An invalid name item code is used.

rescode.err_pro_item (1281)

An invalid problem is used.

rescode.err_invalid_format_type (1283)

Invalid format type.

rescode.err_firsti (1285)

Invalid firsti.

rescode.err_lasti (1286)

Invalid lasti.

rescode.err_firstj (1287)

Invalid firstj.

rescode.err_lastj (1288)

Invalid lastj.

rescode.err_max_len_is_too_small (1289)

A maximum length that is too small has been specified.

rescode.err_nonlinear_equality (1290)

The model contains a nonlinear equality which defines a nonconvex set.

rescode.err_nonconvex (1291)

The optimization problem is nonconvex.

rescode.err_nonlinear_ranged (1292)

Nonlinear constraints with finite lower and upper bound always define a nonconvex feasible set.

rescode.err_con_q_not_psd (1293)

The quadratic constraint matrix is not positive semidefinite as expected for a constraint with finite upper bound. This results in a nonconvex problem. The parameter dparam.check_convexity_rel_tol can be used to relax the convexity check.

rescode.err_con_q_not_nsd (1294)

The quadratic constraint matrix is not negative semidefinite as expected for a constraint with finite lower bound. This results in a nonconvex problem. The parameter dparam.check_convexity_rel_tol can be used to relax the convexity check.

rescode.err_obj_q_not_psd (1295)

The quadratic coefficient matrix in the objective is not positive semidefinite as expected for a minimization problem. The parameter dparam.check_convexity_rel_tol can be used to relax the convexity check.

rescode.err_obj_q_not_nsd (1296)

The quadratic coefficient matrix in the objective is not negative semidefinite as expected for a maximization problem. The parameter dparam.check_convexity_rel_tol can be used to relax the convexity check.

rescode.err_argument_perm_array (1299)

An invalid permutation array is specified.

rescode.err_cone_index (1300)

An index of a non-existing cone has been specified.

rescode.err_cone_size (1301)

A cone with incorrect number of members is specified.

rescode.err_cone_overlap (1302)

One or more of the variables in the cone to be added is already member of another cone. Now assume the variable is \(x_j\) then add a new variable say \(x_k\) and the constraint

\[x_j = x_k\]

and then let \(x_k\) be member of the cone to be appended.

rescode.err_cone_rep_var (1303)

A variable is included multiple times in the cone.

rescode.err_maxnumcone (1304)

The value specified for maxnumcone is too small.

rescode.err_cone_type (1305)

Invalid cone type specified.

rescode.err_cone_type_str (1306)

Invalid cone type specified.

rescode.err_cone_overlap_append (1307)

The cone to be appended has one variable which is already member of another cone.

rescode.err_remove_cone_variable (1310)

A variable cannot be removed because it will make a cone invalid.

rescode.err_appending_too_big_cone (1311)

Trying to append a too big cone.

rescode.err_cone_parameter (1320)

An invalid cone parameter.

rescode.err_sol_file_invalid_number (1350)

An invalid number is specified in a solution file.

rescode.err_huge_c (1375)

A huge value in absolute size is specified for one \(c_j\).

rescode.err_huge_aij (1380)

A numerically huge value is specified for an \(a_{i,j}\) element in \(A\). The parameter dparam.data_tol_aij_huge controls when an \(a_{i,j}\) is considered huge.

rescode.err_duplicate_aij (1385)

An element in the A matrix is specified twice.

rescode.err_lower_bound_is_a_nan (1390)

The lower bound specified is not a number (nan).

rescode.err_upper_bound_is_a_nan (1391)

The upper bound specified is not a number (nan).

rescode.err_infinite_bound (1400)

A numerically huge bound value is specified.

rescode.err_inv_qobj_subi (1401)

Invalid value in qosubi.

rescode.err_inv_qobj_subj (1402)

Invalid value in qosubj.

rescode.err_inv_qobj_val (1403)

Invalid value in qoval.

rescode.err_inv_qcon_subk (1404)

Invalid value in qcsubk.

rescode.err_inv_qcon_subi (1405)

Invalid value in qcsubi.

rescode.err_inv_qcon_subj (1406)

Invalid value in qcsubj.

rescode.err_inv_qcon_val (1407)

Invalid value in qcval.

rescode.err_qcon_subi_too_small (1408)

Invalid value in qcsubi.

rescode.err_qcon_subi_too_large (1409)

Invalid value in qcsubi.

rescode.err_qobj_upper_triangle (1415)

An element in the upper triangle of \(Q^o\) is specified. Only elements in the lower triangle should be specified.

rescode.err_qcon_upper_triangle (1417)

An element in the upper triangle of a \(Q^k\) is specified. Only elements in the lower triangle should be specified.

rescode.err_fixed_bound_values (1420)

A fixed constraint/variable has been specified using the bound keys but the numerical value of the lower and upper bound is different.

rescode.err_too_small_a_truncation_value (1421)

A too small value for the A trucation value is specified.

rescode.err_invalid_objective_sense (1445)

An invalid objective sense is specified.

rescode.err_undefined_objective_sense (1446)

The objective sense has not been specified before the optimization.

rescode.err_y_is_undefined (1449)

The solution item \(y\) is undefined.

rescode.err_nan_in_double_data (1450)

An invalid floating point value was used in some double data.

rescode.err_inf_in_double_data (1451)

An infinite floating point value was used in some double data.

rescode.err_nan_in_blc (1461)

\(l^c\) contains an invalid floating point value, i.e. a NaN.

rescode.err_nan_in_buc (1462)

\(u^c\) contains an invalid floating point value, i.e. a NaN.

rescode.err_invalid_cfix (1469)

An invalid fixed term in the objective is speficied.

rescode.err_nan_in_c (1470)

\(c\) contains an invalid floating point value, i.e. a NaN.

rescode.err_nan_in_blx (1471)

\(l^x\) contains an invalid floating point value, i.e. a NaN.

rescode.err_nan_in_bux (1472)

\(u^x\) contains an invalid floating point value, i.e. a NaN.

rescode.err_invalid_aij (1473)

\(a_{i,j}\) contains an invalid floating point value, i.e. a NaN or an infinite value.

rescode.err_invalid_cj (1474)

\(c_{j}\) contains an invalid floating point value, i.e. a NaN or an infinite value.

rescode.err_sym_mat_invalid (1480)

A symmetric matrix contains an invalid floating point value, i.e. a NaN or an infinite value.

rescode.err_sym_mat_huge (1482)

A symmetric matrix contains a huge value in absolute size. The parameter dparam.data_sym_mat_tol_huge controls when an \(e_{i,j}\) is considered huge.

rescode.err_inv_problem (1500)

Invalid problem type. Probably a nonconvex problem has been specified.

rescode.err_mixed_conic_and_nl (1501)

The problem contains nonlinear terms conic constraints. The requested operation cannot be applied to this type of problem.

rescode.err_global_inv_conic_problem (1503)

The global optimizer can only be applied to problems without semidefinite variables.

rescode.err_inv_optimizer (1550)

An invalid optimizer has been chosen for the problem.

rescode.err_mio_no_optimizer (1551)

No optimizer is available for the current class of integer optimization problems.

rescode.err_no_optimizer_var_type (1552)

No optimizer is available for this class of optimization problems.

rescode.err_final_solution (1560)

An error occurred during the solution finalization.

rescode.err_first (1570)

Invalid first.

rescode.err_last (1571)

Invalid index last. A given index was out of expected range.

rescode.err_slice_size (1572)

Invalid slice size specified.

rescode.err_negative_surplus (1573)

Negative surplus.

rescode.err_negative_append (1578)

Cannot append a negative number.

rescode.err_postsolve (1580)

An error occurred during the postsolve. Please contact MOSEK support.

rescode.err_overflow (1590)

A computation produced an overflow i.e. a very large number.

rescode.err_no_basis_sol (1600)

No basic solution is defined.

rescode.err_basis_factor (1610)

The factorization of the basis is invalid.

rescode.err_basis_singular (1615)

The basis is singular and hence cannot be factored.

rescode.err_factor (1650)

An error occurred while factorizing a matrix.

rescode.err_feasrepair_cannot_relax (1700)

An optimization problem cannot be relaxed.

rescode.err_feasrepair_solving_relaxed (1701)

The relaxed problem could not be solved to optimality. Please consult the log file for further details.

rescode.err_feasrepair_inconsistent_bound (1702)

The upper bound is less than the lower bound for a variable or a constraint. Please correct this before running the feasibility repair.

rescode.err_repair_invalid_problem (1710)

The feasibility repair does not support the specified problem type.

rescode.err_repair_optimization_failed (1711)

Computation the optimal relaxation failed. The cause may have been numerical problems.

rescode.err_name_max_len (1750)

A name is longer than the buffer that is supposed to hold it.

rescode.err_name_is_null (1760)

The name buffer is a None pointer.

rescode.err_invalid_compression (1800)

Invalid compression type.

rescode.err_invalid_iomode (1801)

Invalid io mode.

rescode.err_no_primal_infeas_cer (2000)

A certificate of primal infeasibility is not available.

rescode.err_no_dual_infeas_cer (2001)

A certificate of infeasibility is not available.

rescode.err_no_solution_in_callback (2500)

The required solution is not available.

rescode.err_inv_marki (2501)

Invalid value in marki.

rescode.err_inv_markj (2502)

Invalid value in markj.

rescode.err_inv_numi (2503)

Invalid numi.

rescode.err_inv_numj (2504)

Invalid numj.

rescode.err_task_incompatible (2560)

The Task file is incompatible with this platform. This results from reading a file on a 32 bit platform generated on a 64 bit platform.

rescode.err_task_invalid (2561)

The Task file is invalid.

rescode.err_task_write (2562)

Failed to write the task file.

rescode.err_lu_max_num_tries (2800)

Could not compute the LU factors of the matrix within the maximum number of allowed tries.

rescode.err_invalid_utf8 (2900)

An invalid UTF8 string is encountered.

rescode.err_invalid_wchar (2901)

An invalid wchar string is encountered.

rescode.err_no_dual_for_itg_sol (2950)

No dual information is available for the integer solution.

rescode.err_no_snx_for_bas_sol (2953)

\(s_n^x\) is not available for the basis solution.

rescode.err_internal (3000)

An internal error occurred. Please report this problem.

rescode.err_api_array_too_small (3001)

An input array was too short.

rescode.err_api_cb_connect (3002)

Failed to connect a callback object.

rescode.err_api_fatal_error (3005)

An internal error occurred in the API. Please report this problem.

rescode.err_api_internal (3999)

An internal fatal error occurred in an interface function.

rescode.err_sen_format (3050)

Syntax error in sensitivity analysis file.

rescode.err_sen_undef_name (3051)

An undefined name was encountered in the sensitivity analysis file.

rescode.err_sen_index_range (3052)

Index out of range in the sensitivity analysis file.

rescode.err_sen_bound_invalid_up (3053)

Analysis of upper bound requested for an index, where no upper bound exists.

rescode.err_sen_bound_invalid_lo (3054)

Analysis of lower bound requested for an index, where no lower bound exists.

rescode.err_sen_index_invalid (3055)

Invalid range given in the sensitivity file.

rescode.err_sen_invalid_regexp (3056)

Syntax error in regexp or regexp longer than 1024.

rescode.err_sen_solution_status (3057)

No optimal solution found to the original problem given for sensitivity analysis.

rescode.err_sen_numerical (3058)

Numerical difficulties encountered performing the sensitivity analysis.

rescode.err_sen_unhandled_problem_type (3080)

Sensitivity analysis cannot be performed for the specified problem. Sensitivity analysis is only possible for linear problems.

rescode.err_unb_step_size (3100)

A step size in an optimizer was unexpectedly unbounded. For instance, if the step-size becomes unbounded in phase 1 of the simplex algorithm then an error occurs. Normally this will happen only if the problem is badly formulated. Please contact MOSEK support if this error occurs.

rescode.err_identical_tasks (3101)

Some tasks related to this function call were identical. Unique tasks were expected.

rescode.err_ad_invalid_codelist (3102)

The code list data was invalid.

rescode.err_internal_test_failed (3500)

An internal unit test function failed.

rescode.err_xml_invalid_problem_type (3600)

The problem type is not supported by the XML format.

rescode.err_invalid_ampl_stub (3700)

Not in use.

rescode.err_int64_to_int32_cast (3800)

A 64 bit integer could not be cast to a 32 bit integer.

rescode.err_size_license_numcores (3900)

The computer contains more cpu cores than the license allows for.

rescode.err_infeas_undefined (3910)

The requested value is not defined for this solution type.

rescode.err_no_barx_for_solution (3915)

There is no \(\barX\) available for the solution specified. In particular note there are no \(\barX\) defined for the basic and integer solutions.

rescode.err_no_bars_for_solution (3916)

There is no \(\bar{s}\) available for the solution specified. In particular note there are no \(\bar{s}\) defined for the basic and integer solutions.

rescode.err_bar_var_dim (3920)

The dimension of a symmetric matrix variable has to be greater than 0.

rescode.err_sym_mat_invalid_row_index (3940)

A row index specified for sparse symmetric matrix is invalid.

rescode.err_sym_mat_invalid_col_index (3941)

A column index specified for sparse symmetric matrix is invalid.

rescode.err_sym_mat_not_lower_tringular (3942)

Only the lower triangular part of sparse symmetric matrix should be specified.

rescode.err_sym_mat_invalid_value (3943)

The numerical value specified in a sparse symmetric matrix is not a floating point value.

rescode.err_sym_mat_duplicate (3944)

A value in a symmetric matric as been specified more than once.

rescode.err_invalid_sym_mat_dim (3950)

A sparse symmetric matrix of invalid dimension is specified.

rescode.err_invalid_file_format_for_sym_mat (4000)

The file format does not support a problem with symmetric matrix variables.

rescode.err_invalid_file_format_for_cfix (4001)

The file format does not support a problem with nonzero fixed term in c.

rescode.err_invalid_file_format_for_ranged_constraints (4002)

The file format does not support a problem with ranged constraints.

rescode.err_invalid_file_format_for_free_constraints (4003)

The file format does not support a problem with free constraints.

rescode.err_invalid_file_format_for_cones (4005)

The file format does not support a problem with the simple cones (deprecated).

rescode.err_invalid_file_format_for_quadratic_terms (4006)

The file format does not support a problem with quadratic terms.

rescode.err_invalid_file_format_for_nonlinear (4010)

The file format does not support a problem with nonlinear terms.

rescode.err_invalid_file_format_for_disjunctive_constraints (4011)

The file format does not support a problem with disjunctive constraints.

rescode.err_invalid_file_format_for_affine_conic_constraints (4012)

The file format does not support a problem with affine conic constraints.

rescode.err_duplicate_constraint_names (4500)

Two constraint names are identical.

rescode.err_duplicate_variable_names (4501)

Two variable names are identical.

rescode.err_duplicate_barvariable_names (4502)

Two barvariable names are identical.

rescode.err_duplicate_cone_names (4503)

Two cone names are identical.

rescode.err_duplicate_domain_names (4504)

Two domain names are identical.

rescode.err_duplicate_djc_names (4505)

Two disjunctive constraint names are identical.

rescode.err_non_unique_array (5000)

An array does not contain unique elements.

rescode.err_argument_is_too_small (5004)

The value of a function argument is too small.

rescode.err_argument_is_too_large (5005)

The value of a function argument is too large.

rescode.err_mio_internal (5010)

A fatal error occurred in the mixed integer optimizer. Please contact MOSEK support.

rescode.err_invalid_problem_type (6000)

An invalid problem type.

rescode.err_unhandled_solution_status (6010)

Unhandled solution status.

rescode.err_upper_triangle (6020)

An element in the upper triangle of a lower triangular matrix is specified.

rescode.err_lau_singular_matrix (7000)

A matrix is singular.

rescode.err_lau_not_positive_definite (7001)

A matrix is not positive definite.

rescode.err_lau_invalid_lower_triangular_matrix (7002)

An invalid lower triangular matrix.

rescode.err_lau_unknown (7005)

An unknown error.

rescode.err_lau_arg_m (7010)

Invalid argument m.

rescode.err_lau_arg_n (7011)

Invalid argument n.

rescode.err_lau_arg_k (7012)

Invalid argument k.

rescode.err_lau_arg_transa (7015)

Invalid argument transa.

rescode.err_lau_arg_transb (7016)

Invalid argument transb.

rescode.err_lau_arg_uplo (7017)

Invalid argument uplo.

rescode.err_lau_arg_trans (7018)

Invalid argument trans.

rescode.err_lau_invalid_sparse_symmetric_matrix (7019)

An invalid sparse symmetric matrix is specfified. Note only the lower triangular part with no duplicates is specifed.

rescode.err_cbf_parse (7100)

An error occurred while parsing an CBF file.

rescode.err_cbf_obj_sense (7101)

An invalid objective sense is specified.

rescode.err_cbf_no_variables (7102)

No variables are specified.

rescode.err_cbf_too_many_constraints (7103)

Too many constraints specified.

rescode.err_cbf_too_many_variables (7104)

Too many variables specified.

rescode.err_cbf_no_version_specified (7105)

No version specified.

rescode.err_cbf_syntax (7106)

Invalid syntax.

rescode.err_cbf_duplicate_obj (7107)

Duplicate OBJ keyword.

rescode.err_cbf_duplicate_con (7108)

Duplicate CON keyword.

rescode.err_cbf_duplicate_var (7110)

Duplicate VAR keyword.

rescode.err_cbf_duplicate_int (7111)

Duplicate INT keyword.

rescode.err_cbf_invalid_var_type (7112)

Invalid variable type.

rescode.err_cbf_invalid_con_type (7113)

Invalid constraint type.

rescode.err_cbf_invalid_domain_dimension (7114)

Invalid domain dimension.

rescode.err_cbf_duplicate_objacoord (7115)

Duplicate index in OBJCOORD.

rescode.err_cbf_duplicate_bcoord (7116)

Duplicate index in BCOORD.

rescode.err_cbf_duplicate_acoord (7117)

Duplicate index in ACOORD.

rescode.err_cbf_too_few_variables (7118)

Too few variables defined.

rescode.err_cbf_too_few_constraints (7119)

Too few constraints defined.

rescode.err_cbf_too_few_ints (7120)

Too few ints are specified.

rescode.err_cbf_too_many_ints (7121)

Too many ints are specified.

rescode.err_cbf_invalid_int_index (7122)

Invalid INT index.

rescode.err_cbf_unsupported (7123)

Unsupported feature is present.

rescode.err_cbf_duplicate_psdvar (7124)

Duplicate PSDVAR keyword.

rescode.err_cbf_invalid_psdvar_dimension (7125)

Invalid PSDVAR dimension.

rescode.err_cbf_too_few_psdvar (7126)

Too few variables defined.

rescode.err_cbf_invalid_exp_dimension (7127)

Invalid dimension of a exponential cone.

rescode.err_cbf_duplicate_pow_cones (7130)

Multiple POWCONES specified.

rescode.err_cbf_duplicate_pow_star_cones (7131)

Multiple POW*CONES specified.

rescode.err_cbf_invalid_power (7132)

Invalid power specified.

rescode.err_cbf_power_cone_is_too_long (7133)

Power cone is too long.

rescode.err_cbf_invalid_power_cone_index (7134)

Invalid power cone index.

rescode.err_cbf_invalid_power_star_cone_index (7135)

Invalid power star cone index.

rescode.err_cbf_unhandled_power_cone_type (7136)

An unhandled power cone type.

rescode.err_cbf_unhandled_power_star_cone_type (7137)

An unhandled power star cone type.

rescode.err_cbf_power_cone_mismatch (7138)

The power cone does not match with it definition.

rescode.err_cbf_power_star_cone_mismatch (7139)

The power star cone does not match with it definition.

rescode.err_cbf_invalid_number_of_cones (7140)

Invalid number of cones.

rescode.err_cbf_invalid_dimension_of_cones (7141)

Invalid number of cones.

rescode.err_cbf_invalid_num_objacoord (7150)

Invalid number of OBJACOORD.

rescode.err_cbf_invalid_num_objfcoord (7151)

Invalid number of OBJFCOORD.

rescode.err_cbf_invalid_num_acoord (7152)

Invalid number of ACOORD.

rescode.err_cbf_invalid_num_bcoord (7153)

Invalid number of BCOORD.

rescode.err_cbf_invalid_num_fcoord (7155)

Invalid number of FCOORD.

rescode.err_cbf_invalid_num_hcoord (7156)

Invalid number of HCOORD.

rescode.err_cbf_invalid_num_dcoord (7157)

Invalid number of DCOORD.

rescode.err_cbf_expected_a_keyword (7158)

Expected a key word.

rescode.err_cbf_invalid_num_psdcon (7200)

Invalid number of PSDCON.

rescode.err_cbf_duplicate_psdcon (7201)

Duplicate CON keyword.

rescode.err_cbf_invalid_dimension_of_psdcon (7202)

Invalid PSDCON dimension.

rescode.err_cbf_invalid_psdcon_index (7203)

Invalid PSDCON index.

rescode.err_cbf_invalid_psdcon_variable_index (7204)

Invalid PSDCON index.

rescode.err_cbf_invalid_psdcon_block_index (7205)

Invalid PSDCON index.

rescode.err_cbf_unsupported_change (7210)

The CHANGE section is not supported.

rescode.err_mio_invalid_root_optimizer (7700)

An invalid root optimizer was selected for the problem type.

rescode.err_mio_invalid_node_optimizer (7701)

An invalid node optimizer was selected for the problem type.

rescode.err_mps_write_cplex_invalid_cone_type (7750)

An invalid cone type occurs when writing a CPLEX formatted MPS file.

rescode.err_toconic_constr_q_not_psd (7800)

The matrix defining the quadratric part of constraint is not positive semidefinite.

rescode.err_toconic_constraint_fx (7801)

The quadratic constraint is an equality, thus not convex.

rescode.err_toconic_constraint_ra (7802)

The quadratic constraint has finite lower and upper bound, and therefore it is not convex.

rescode.err_toconic_constr_not_conic (7803)

The constraint is not conic representable.

rescode.err_toconic_objective_not_psd (7804)

The matrix defining the quadratric part of the objective function is not positive semidefinite.

rescode.err_server_connect (8000)

Failed to connect to remote solver server. The server string or the port string were invalid, or the server did not accept connection.

rescode.err_server_protocol (8001)

Unexpected message or data from solver server.

rescode.err_server_status (8002)

Server returned non-ok HTTP status code

rescode.err_server_token (8003)

The job ID specified is incorrect or invalid

rescode.err_server_address (8004)

Invalid address string

rescode.err_server_certificate (8005)

Invalid TLS certificate format or path

rescode.err_server_tls_client (8006)

Failed to create TLS cleint

rescode.err_server_access_token (8007)

Invalid access token

rescode.err_server_problem_size (8008)

The size of the problem exceeds the dimensions permitted by the instance of the OptServer where it was run.

rescode.err_duplicate_index_in_a_sparse_matrix (20050)

An element in a sparse matrix is specified twice.

rescode.err_duplicate_index_in_afeidx_list (20060)

An index is specified twice in an affine expression list.

rescode.err_duplicate_fij (20100)

An element in the F matrix is specified twice.

rescode.err_invalid_fij (20101)

\(f_{i,j}\) contains an invalid floating point value, i.e. a NaN or an infinite value.

rescode.err_huge_fij (20102)

A numerically huge value is specified for an \(f_{i,j}\) element in \(F\). The parameter dparam.data_tol_aij_huge controls when an \(f_{i,j}\) is considered huge.

rescode.err_invalid_g (20103)

\(g\) contains an invalid floating point value, i.e. a NaN or an infinite value.

rescode.err_invalid_b (20150)

\(b\) contains an invalid floating point value, i.e. a NaN or an infinite value.

rescode.err_domain_invalid_index (20400)

A domain index is invalid.

rescode.err_domain_dimension (20401)

A domain dimension is invalid.

rescode.err_domain_dimension_psd (20402)

A PSD domain dimension is invalid.

rescode.err_not_power_domain (20403)

The function is only applicable to primal and dual power cone domains.

rescode.err_domain_power_invalid_alpha (20404)

Alpha contains an invalid floating point value, i.e. a NaN or an infinite value.

rescode.err_domain_power_negative_alpha (20405)

Alpha contains a negative value or zero.

rescode.err_domain_power_nleft (20406)

The value of \(n_\mathrm{left}\) is not in \([1, n-1]\) where \(n\) is the dimension.

rescode.err_afe_invalid_index (20500)

An affine expression index is invalid.

rescode.err_acc_invalid_index (20600)

A affine conic constraint index is invalid.

rescode.err_acc_invalid_entry_index (20601)

The index of an element in an affine conic constraint is invalid.

rescode.err_acc_afe_domain_mismatch (20602)

There is a mismatch between between the number of affine expressions and total dimension of the domain(s).

rescode.err_djc_invalid_index (20700)

A disjunctive constraint index is invalid.

rescode.err_djc_unsupported_domain_type (20701)

An unsupported domain type has been used in a disjunctive constraint.

rescode.err_djc_afe_domain_mismatch (20702)

There is a mismatch between the number of affine expressions and total dimension of the domain(s).

rescode.err_djc_invalid_term_size (20703)

A termize is invalid.

rescode.err_djc_domain_termsize_mismatch (20704)

There is a mismatch between the number of domains and the term sizes.

rescode.err_djc_total_num_terms_mismatch (20705)

There total number of terms in all domains does not match.

rescode.err_undef_solution (22000)

MOSEK has the following solution types:

  • an interior-point solution,

  • a basic solution,

  • and an integer solution.

Each optimizer may set one or more of these solutions; e.g by default a successful optimization with the interior-point optimizer defines the interior-point solution and, for linear problems, also the basic solution. This error occurs when asking for a solution or for information about a solution that is not defined.

rescode.err_no_doty (22010)

No doty is available